Friday, February 22, 2008

Light and Experience

We have been focusing on physics.

But light has another level, something ACTUAL that we have never "seen" at all!

In fact no photons of light have directly been "seen" in the brain. And if they were the brain wouldn't really have seen a thing.

Expose the brain itself directly to light, and the possessor of that brain can not see that light, it can not feel, taste, hear, or smell either...

Light enters the eye and is then turned into electrochemical signals. Electrochemical signals ARE NOT light. You read this screen and can understand my words, because your mind has experienced what it thinks light is presenting to it.

I think we all may have experienced intense dreams and dreams that we don't know are actually dreams. Some of us have actually woken up in our dreams, and learned how to control them (to certain degree anyway).

When we are dreaming, do we not think we are actually seeing things?

But how can we see in a dream if light is only physical?

If the light that enters our eyes isn't what we are actually seeing in our minds, when we are awake, then perhaps the light of a dream is no different from the light of the waking world...Perhaps it is even truer, because it is not being interfered with by the signals coming in from the actual eyes.

I have woken-up inside, and been able to navigate around, my dreams. I once looked up at the sun in a lucid dream and its yellow-white light was even brighter than in waking reality. My REAL eyes actually hurt for a second.

Extend this concept to the way the brain feels all of its bodily senses. Taste is not the chemicals on the tongue, cold is not the temperature of the air, sound is not the vibrations through air hitting the eardrum, and the chemicals perceived when they enter your nostrils are not smell. Every one of these senses enter the thinking part of the brain as electrochemical signals. And they are all very similar.

In a lucid dream I push against walls and stamp my foot on the floor, and these things are TRULY solid. Who is to say they aren't?

Now here's something even more whacked out...

If the body is just the latest version of what evolutionary brain has come to grips with, and is able to project to the mind of its mortal coil, able to handle a sometimes dangerous world of objects, by creating hands and fingers, that it has found useful in the past. This information is curled up in the DNA Molecule, which is simply the ultimate storage medium. And, like a slow-release tablet, DNA lets the mind more fully control the body, through the "brain" (even shape its own perception of itself). But this control is dependent upon EXPERIENCE. It is the same with all animals.

Perhaps someday, as we evolve, we will begin to see ourselves the way Alex Grey does...

What I'm trying - not very effectively I might add - to do is show that we do not have an environment that looks anything like the way we see it. We do not have a body that looks or behaves anything like the way we see it. And we have a brain that thinks it is a several pound chunk of slimy grey fat and never material - WHICH IT IS NOT. :)

I have sometimes differed with people who pay no heed to metaphysics and its influence in reality. I believe the metaphysical is ultimately more real, more testable by experience (even if that experience cannot test the theory until well after death), and the key to understanding the behavior of Spirit - as a "substance".

Let's think about the word beauty. If this perception about the mind interpreting nerve signals, then we can see beauty ([i]experience [/i]it actually, not "see" it). A rose is beautiful, for example. But its beauty is not a physical thing. Someone who thinks metaphysics is not appropriate to talk about in the physics-based world, can not understand why the rose causes an actual, physical, chemical reaction in the brain (mind) that interprets it as beautiful.

The physicist weighs the rose; it is 3 grams. The physicist takes a photo of the rose; it is green and red. The physicist smells the rose; it smells sweet. The physicist may then conclude that something that is about 3 grams in weight, is green and red, and smells sweet must be beautiful.

The Metaphysicist tears up the rose into a million pieces, scrunches them in his hand, plops down the whole messy affair in front of the Physicist. They both agree that what they see now is not as beautiful. Why? Still 3 grams; still green and red; still smells sweet... The beauty of the rose is only in the mind. Beauty is only in the mind.

So if beauty is only in the mind, and nothing from the "outside world" ever impacts inside the mind directly, could we conjecture that there is indeed NOTHING but mind - from highest to lowest. it presents a world to itself in proportion to the level it exists at AND (in an evolutionary way) how much experience it has gained.

Even physics is itselfis a metaphysical aspect of Ultimate Reality.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spheres, Fours, Spacey Times and Values


Spheres, Fours, Spacey Times and Values
A Study by Alex Wall,

The study of sphere geometry is a great way to see some of the mysteries of math in motion.

Even spherical surface area is still cubic of course in representation, though the formula to find it uses a square. Spheres (and spheroids) are so cool like that because they can have surface areas that cover their whole form, yet the 2D surface, covering a 3D object, only has one side.

You know I've always found the relationships of the various ways a sphere can be measured as compared to spheres of other sizes to be fascinating. Partially, this is because I have no life. :roll: But whenever you are using incremental units to increase the size of the radius or diameter, the surface area and volume increase exponentially. So when you start off thinking about comparative "sizes" as volume, you have to design them graphically by logorithmic reductions as far as diameters and radii are concerned.

I started with Jerusem having arbitrary units of v = 4188.8 with r = 10 [of course r = (v3/4pi)^0.333]. So, the Culture Spheres each had v = 4188/10 = 418.8 but naturally, r = was not 1 (which would be 10 times smaller in radial "size") but, much larger = 4.64. And a mansion world with v = 41.8 has r = 2.15. So, each sphere's r is more like 46% of the sphere that is 10 times "larger" than it. Why is "4" in the equation above?

[A comparison of the three sphere sizes mentioned are shown in the diagram below.]

A Jerusem with r = 10 has an a = 1257, Culture sphere with a = 270.55 has an r = 4.64, and a Mansion World with a = 58.09 has an r = 2.15. So, r = (a/pi/4)^0.5. So, each sphere's a is more like 21.5% of the sphere that is 10 times "larger" than it. Again, there's that "4"... Why?

Then the ratio of a differences to the ratio of r differences (when sphere volumes are being reduced by tens) is 21.5/46 or ALSO = ~ 46%. I think that is fascinating.

So, why is the radius related to a sphere by using 4, whether calculating v = "4"/3(pi)r^3 or a = "4"(pi)r^2? "4" seems to do the work of "completing" pi (which isn't a ratio) and allowing linear measurements to curve in a circumference, sphere, or area of a sphere. Why is this? Why is 4 so important? :?:

I don't know. But, as I theorized with my little UB numerolgy essay at UBRON a couple months - based on the Havona "Primary Digits" (1,2,3,4,and 7) - 4 DOES seem to have significance in creation. The biggest clues are the Paradise system: (a) Paradise and three circuits - being four levels to the innermost regions of the MU and (b) the four Outer Space levels - being four levels to the outermost regions of the MU. Incidently there are also four concentric, habitable, larger space levels to the MU: (1) the Paradise System (2) Havona (3) the SU's and (4) the Outer Space

It is partially for this reason that I use pi in the equations for *4D* spacetime. Pi is 3.1415... so if you *force* a ratio upon it you get L = 1, H = 1, D = 1, T = 0.1415... Thus, 4 dimensions, but certainly not equal ones, are enough in this way to complete the make up of spacetime, for material mind to be able to function adequately. Time is just the right size to be the key to animating the three space dimensions, by material beings.

Could be that superspace (morontia realms) still has space dimensions equal to 3 (I speculate that even "quiescent", "pervaded" and "non-pervaded" space still has L, H, and D), but needs that fourth quality (time-like process) to make superspace useful.

In superspace, that 4th D would be "supertime". And for argument sake lets call that ST = 0.8584... (being what is left over from 1 when time {T = 0.1415...} is subtracted). Put time and supertime together and you get a unique 7th D that I believe is what allows "Reflectivity" (I signify with capital "lambda").

So, "4" Material Dimensions (with values: L = 1, H = 1, D = 1, and T = 0.1415...) plus "4" Morontial Dimensions (with values: SL = 1, SH = 1, SD = 1, and ST = 0.8584...) have a total VALUE of 7. So the Spirit Dimensions are a simple combination of L, H, D, Reflectivity, SL, SH, SD.

In Havona Reflectivity functions as time would outside of Havona. BUT, when Refelctivity has a value of one it takes on the qualities of Eternity. Standing between T and ST is Reflective, but Reflectivity points, are simply pieces of the "data set" that is Eternity.

It is not my intention to make spaghetti out of nice neat dough. :) I just feel that there is something to these numbers that make up Paradise, Havona and the whole Master Universe. I tend to be one who not only beleives that what is decided below is recognized about, but that what constitues the smallest aspects of reality, can be recognized by studying the largest.

I think you will no-doubt be skeptical of what I'm speaking about above. At least I am relating these wacko theories THROUGH math - the only universal language we know how to speak at this point.

And I know it is only marginally related to spheres, it is definitely about circles... Pi makes a circle. But unlike pi, circles are COMPLETE (endless lines). That is why time is like pi (an incomplete expression), but Eternity is pi
expressed completely, as a circle.

Well, now that I've talked your eyes out! I also invite folks to check out the GALLERY for more pictures of Jerusem.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Living Lucid


I want to say that NORMALLY I would call the garbled and distorted images and feelings of most dreams to be misinterpretations of the mind. But I have been developing a method that is crystal clear; where I am fully in control of a certain aspect of my mind, and am beginning to unlock a direct pathway of communication with the Adjuster. But there are certain laws and rules in this realm of thought (like in any other), and they must be followed in order to achieve this kind of success.

If you are a skeptic, but just can’t help yourself from reading this, please just look at it as fiction. I will not address naysayers and negative comments in this particular instance. So it might not be worth your while. But THAT is up to you.

There have been many non-UB sources that describe lucid dreaming and its benefits. But there has never been--to my knowledge--someone who understands about the TA's influence in dreams and has as greater understanding of the UB than I do, who publicly has begun to explore this realm. Please let me know if I'm wrong and provide a link or reference so that we may all learn from that other person too. But, if not, please stay tuned to what I'm about to describe.


I want to tell you about the recent success I’ve had in training myself to lucid dream and about the key I’ve found to occasional unfettered communication with the Thought Adjuster.

A couple of months ago I had my fourth lucid dream. And what an adventure!

The whole dream leading up to the point where I became lucid was powerfully realistic, full of color and sound... I simply did not, in any way, shape, or form, realize that I was dreaming though, until the lucidity kicked in.

I often have apocalyptic dreams and this was to be no exception. However this was much stronger than most…


We often talk about “time” on UB forums, and the physics and psychological aspects of the 4th dimension. Please understand how dilated this becomes in the dream realms. The entire experience I’m about to relate happened in a 90 minutes time span.


As I look back upon the experience, I remember hanging out in the parking lot of the Maine Mall. This is a small mall by most of your standards and sits in the industrial center of South Portland, Maine.

It seemed to me at the time that this dream was connected to many other adventures I’d had in non-lucid, futuristic, and prophetic dreaming. There have been dreams about watching starships and other “alien” sky events, wars, dimensional shifts, strange creatures, battles, and great earth changes, and other strange and wonderful phenomena.

Always, I am the leader of some group of people in these kinds of dreams. It is the ultimate test of Ego; sometimes it is a large group, sometimes a small group. Often times there are many other people in the dream who I don’t know in the real world but have become very good friends with in these dream realms.

Urantians might be tempted to think that I think I am a member of the Reserve Corps or something. But I don't think so. But even I keep an open mind on this subject.

I’m standing around, after having a dinner with some friends, outside a restaurant in this mall parking lot. I am facing north, nearly all of them are facing south. I suddenly realize that great pillars of dark grey clouds are on the distant horizon, are rising, and I turn my head from left to right. I tell them to turn around… and look...

We all gasp in wonder... Almost immediately we all recognize these clouds are nuclear explosions. This would be an unlikely fate for our world but its images are left over from growing up in the 1980's. There is that classic almost movie-moment when we all turn back and look each other in the eyes.

I tell them to follow me. We all run to our cars and head out North up the highway towards Yarmouth, where my childhood house is. Strangely, there are few cars on the road, and we pass them without any problems.

As we all screech into the driveway of the Yarmouth property, we pour into the house - maybe 6 cars worth of people in all. We run upstairs and all pace back and forth, wondering what to do, in classic style, under a bright yellow candescent bulb, like they had in the 1970's.

People are screaming and crying. There are about an equal number of men and women. Someone brings a bunch of guns inside. We all grab one. Mine has no bullets(?). Doesn’t seem to matter.

There is a child with us. He keeps saying that we don’t have to fight. He says that what is happening is meant to happen. No one listens.

I cannot describe how anxious, yet alive I feel. Through the windows I see a bunch of large machines landing off in the distance, not like planes but like large craft of some sort. I TRULY believed that this was REAL, and still have no idea that it was a dream at this point. Everything was even clearer than in real life. There was a crescendo-feeling like all things were about to occur simeltaneously...

Colors were vibrant and penetrative. People’s faces were clear and expressive. I can still feel what each person was feeling: Fear, excitement, desperate emotion… It was WONDERFUL! I had never felt so alive and in tune!

Two other men, and I, drew up a plan that I still remember now. We would try to make our way up to the highest ground in town (a hill that doesn’t actually exist in Yarmouth).

In the west the last rays of the sun gently touch the clouds that linger there like ghosts waiting to wake up. They were orange and there were little bits of warm light left over from the day reaching our eyes… and our minds expanded. It was like we were saying goodbye to the day, and to the whole world; like we were trying to keep that sun from sinking… and just couldn't. Then it was all gone, the day had set.

Now it still feels like some kind of energy was bristling about on the tree-tops. In my memory all the stars are moving in the sky. Huge deep sounds are rippling through the ground. We all grab the supplies we will need, for a long journey and head out the front door.

As we start up the hill the sky becomes red again. We scramble up and slip on the wet leaves of the incline, falling back and grasping each other, each of us reaches back for people who are losing their footing, while holding on to the trees in front of us.

I am the first to reach the crest of the hill. On the horizon blinding, yellow-white blotches fill my eyes. And I distinctly remember turning around and saying, “Do you think the sun is rising in three different places at once?” The guy behind me said something about more nukes...

Everyone knows, somehow, that he is right. We all continue up to the top of the hill. At the top is a small stone temple. And... as we walk upon the path toward that temple, I suddenly begin to feel the lucidity kicking in, like a drug…


I look down at the ground and remember the instructions from experienced lucid dreamers I that I had read about, to look down at my feet. So I did... My black shoes come into view and I suddenly realized that I was just asleep and that this was just a dream.

At this point I had to be exceedingly careful not to wake up after this after having this shocking realization.

This is a skill that is not that easy to engage with but gets easier with practice. I got those "shivers" up and down my spine that told me I had been here before… Then... I am suddenly able to take full control of the dream…. And all the sound is muted for a moment.

The fear of not knowing about outcomes evaporates like a fog in the sun. I realize that the Adjuster is what is prompting me - but not forcing me - to come into partnership with it, even if it is just for a moment.

It is presenting this elaborate scenario to make a point. I struggled to find a balance between waking up and continuing the intense drama of this dream. For amoment I really see what the Adjuster is seeing.

Then I find myself standing on the summit of this hill with a couple dozen people around me. REAL, like I am fully awake! But, I also discover that it is ALL just me, my mind, shaking hands with the Adjuster. I had been given the torch of leadership - leadership over MYSELF.

The child who urged us not to fight earlier slowly walked up in front of me. His eyes were burning now, blue-white, like a white-hot mid-day sun in an azure sky.

He says, “Now, what is our goal?”

I knelt down in front of him and the wind was whipping his hair in every direction. I held him, my hands grasping each shoulder. [I can still remember this scene as plain as any waking memory.]

I said, “to stop the fighting” and he smiled at me. He smiled at me!!

Next. I turn and gently wave my hands from left to right. All who are standing there, slowly morph into a white marble room, or great hall, of some large mansion filled with stained glass and ancient furniture. We all become active in some new future part of the plot again. Everyone walks off in different directions--as if they know what to do.

I turn and walk down a great marble hall, lined with enormous columns. Then I reach a room with humble couches and large windows, I decide to check my powers of lucidity. Something I had always wanted to try.

I decide to change the color of the furniture from red to green. This works perfectly. Then I decide that I’m going to make the walls disappear so that the furniture is sitting in the forest grounds and garden that surrounds the mansion. And eventually it happens!

However, this takes quite a bit of effort--much more than it did to change the color of the furniture, but finally the walls shrink to about a yard high, the ceiling vanishes, the windows disappear, and the entire room is in the middle of the forest.

Golden morning light shifts down through the trees and mist. A million birds are singing. It is truly beyond beautiful! I come to the realization that when I’m lucid it is NO LONGER A DREAM.

The realm that I slowly turn around and gaze at, is an arc (like an electric arc) running between my mind and the mind of the Adjuster. I cannot express how warm my body felt… like it was immersed in an endorphin bath. I really knew that THAT was where we go when we die… That is to say, INWARD. The Light is an INSIDE Light.

I realized that the first physical law of the morontia world must be pliability.

The sun is still the sun, but more importantly it becomes a symbol, as does its light. In the real world we see a star of hydrogen fusing into, helium and other elements, but that is NOT the sun!

The sun is what the individual and God have made TOGETHER. For me and my Adjuster it is the physical representative of the power and light of God. The more I advance in perceiving reality, the less star-like the sun becomes, and the more God-like.

In this lucid state I begin to perceive that outer space--which looks so dark to us--is actually blindingly brilliant and shining. Space itself outshines the stars. We are, even right this second, floating not in a vacuum of inky blackness but is a blinding sea of Light. The stars are just shadows in this Light.

And I recognize that everything is simply aspects of this Light, I realize that the primitive mind is creating those shadows (interruptions in the vibrations of ultimacy) - and what we perceive as “colors” and “objects”. These shadows are simply ways that a mind like ours can down-step the unspeakable luminosity of Spirit Reality.

Standing there in the bright morning of my lucid world, I see that this experience is why the child suggested a new direction. The CHILD is the Thought Adjuster. And I feel a kind of love for him like an admiring servant feels for his master. What is weak and childlike is the MOST power that there is!

He had patiently waited for me to learn how to break through to him. It is ok to create whatever I want now.

But it is also hard to maintain the control that I have, while accepting the beauty of what I’m creating. David Bush was right when he said, that focusing too hard on the profundity of the aspects of that realm, muddies the experience. Constantly I’m finding that my sleeping self wants to awaken and tell the world of the magnificence of what I’m achieving... It is simply beyond my power to believe! Yet so real.

The biggest problem is the constant realization of how strange and novel what I’ve been doing is to me.

I know that no one will believe how much power I had at that moment. And, in a way, it is true. The power that I obtained is only within myself. But the thought keeps occurring to me: Turn the inside out! …Turn the inside out! …Turn the inside out!

Then I see a wall left standing behind me. It is completely made of mirror. I realize how strange it may be to see myself…

Still I walk toward it…

As I reach the edge of the mirror, I move into view. Looking at myself, while awake, in a dream! Now, bear in mind that I am fully aware of the fact that this is a “dream”. I’m hesitant to move into this view for what I might actually see…

Then I see myself - as I am.

I am first a small naked female, who morphs into a tall naked male, who then morphs into a fully clothed “me”, yet, still different somehow. More real! I creep closer and look intensely into my own eyes, but something is so strange about them…

My irises are fleshy pink! Like an albino’s; I realize that I’m seeing THE INSIDE of my irises.

In other words I’m seeing my image, through the inside of my eyes, even though I‘m on the outside of the mirror… and I turn away, unable to comprehend the paradox that I am actually observing.

It is simply too much…. I start walking back through the marble halls and columns and realize that I have to wake up somehow. I cannot tell whether I’m awake and walking or in a dream and walking… I keep thinking that I must have woken up by now, because it seems so intensely real.

When I finally awake, I realize that I couldn’t have told the difference either way.

And I fully realize that THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.


On this side of the mind (being OUR world) we share the physical perceptions of all other minds the varying degrees; according to each of our individual, no, all of our combined perceptions. This would include all the higher mind influences, from the Infinite Spirit (the God of Mind), all the way down to the Midwayers who might have occasion to be nearby. ALL determine what we see. Only mind can "see"...

In other words everything that we see, touch, make scientific theories about, test, probe, believe in… is a world presented to us by all the minds in our arena of experience, in proportional amounts.

Physical laws describe very keenly theories of “everything.” But they’re not even close! It is all just down-stepped symbol; pure, divine intention. Divine Language.

I used to think it was a wave that is collapsed by our observing it. But now I realize how backwards that is. The wave DOES want to collapse! Instead, the more we focus (the more we observe) the LESS stable that collapse becomes, causing a generalized state that literally blurs reality.

The world has shape and color, sound and smell, taste and touch, because we are accepting it that way. Not because it IS that way.

Or, better to say, it IS that way to some crude extent, but it is also nearly infinitely more.

What we see and live in is the outer, darkened, edge of a much more beautiful reality. We are outside-in! We must turn inside-out...

The mind is the only actor upon ALL stages.

Anything you see or perceive is just a minor manifestation of what all mind is presenting. How could it not be this way?

When I’m in a lucid experience, the floor is dirty and a little colder than the ceiling; the bark on tree has fine detail in it, the countertop is hard; sand is course; pine forests smell like pine and the fresh outdoors is open and spacious.

Water is wet, fog is cool, snow is icy cold. Who is to say that these things are not real?

With each experience I’ve had I am able to lengthen my time in the lucid realm. But every time I wake up into the so called REAL WORLD, and only 90 minutes has ever gone by... How can this be?

The answer is: Time HAS to be a state of mind ONLY. PERIOD. It is NOT a physical dimension.


I feel that I’m right about this. I’ve been gathering UB quotes to back up these assertions, but am not yet ready to integrate them into what I have posted above. No one will ever again be able to make me question whether more ingenious techniques of mind are behind both our scientific and spiritual future discoveries. I've seen them. They are real to me.

The Ultimaton - and its varying manifestations - is a mind particle. That doesn’t mean it’s not a REAL point like, sphere-like, or wave-like thing too. But, its primary purpose is to make what is inside of the mind, a manifestly "outside world event”. So, if there is no mind--there is no-thing...

Anything, even that loneliest Ultimaton in deepest reaches of the fourth outer space level is there for a REASON. I am positive of this now. There is no-thing that some mind doesn’t already know about, let alone, didn’t intend to be there.

All so-called “matter” is nothing more than a series of consciousnesses, allowing the passage to our kind of lesser mind to grasp outwardly, for solidity.

We material, animal-evolved, walking, saltwater bags are debating about General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, uncertainty principles, DNA, gravity, light, time, electromagnetic, weak, strong forces and all the components of these things as they are separate and unified with each other.

But Reality is nothing like any of that.

Those are pigeon holes filled with very well-conceived concepts. They are things that have been focused upon to the extreme. And because of all that focusing, no ONE can EVER represent all things. But there can be beings that represent ALL beings!

Ultra focus destroys reality. Hyper-scrutiny distorts concepts.

If you want to see more of the whole, just accept more of the parts; and then even the parts themselves will become better defined than they ever were before.

None of you have even an inkling about how contrary to my thought process all of these things I’ve been saying are.

I’m sincerely disappointed that it can’t be more tidy--more objective. Even as I write this I despair that I am nearly sure that you won’t believe me. I cannot believe it myself--But it IS true.

The Morontia realms are MIND-BASED, and have nothing at all to do with material concerns, as far as their purposes, their values, should be regarded. They do INCLUDE matter, but are meant to lead away from it.

This does not mean that morontia is fictional. On the contrary the morontia realm is much more real, and nearly boundless.

The only thing that surpasses the morontia levels is the reality of Spirit, itself. It IS boundless. Spirit is FAR beyond what I could ever represent, experience or touch, atleast in this lifetime. And it is utterly beyond the most fantastic of all human imagination. But still I can infer its presence by the direction that the morontia world leads me in whenever I'm able to "see" it.

In my mind (not my “head”) I’m able to have ANY experience and much more varied and intriguing experiences, than I am able to have chained to this so-called “waking” state. And they ARE just as REAL. They have been participated in, if not conducted by, the Thought Adjuster - a spark of the First Source and Center. Anything I want and this spark agrees to, IS.

There can be a lot of skepticism about these kinds of ideas. But our goal is to reach Light and Life by sharing the dream. We can explore the clearer, and inner, personal realms, so that we may then find the secret for turning this inner world into an outward one. And then we may begin to share the morontia realms with those who have attained the more easily, even visually in our “real“ world.

And we need to understand what the morontia realms are made of before we ever presume to enter upon the spirit realms. These answers can be found within the mind. They cannot be found outside of the mind. If we’re looking for the realms of the next world (or the parallel world) we must accept that they are WITHIN us first. Then, we can loose them out upon the material world.

Look within. The secret will be revealed within. Train yourself and you will see within. I know where of I‘ve been. I have seen it. The mind is the key to an infinite amount of experiences. These are things that you can begin to find while still in the flesh. These are realms that are fully available to every human being. It is a matter of self-control.

If you fight against this philosophy (which is not MY philosophy--just THE philosophy), you will never find it! If your mind is open and your heart is pure (of intention) you will DEFINITELY find it. I have… You can wait until death FORCES you to find it. Or you can begin to find it now.

I may be many things. But I am not a liar. Trust that I’ve been to the same place that you yourself can find, tonight, tomorrow night, and every night. Learn the way. And most of you will achieve much greater things than I have. The future is upon us…

Thank you for reading all this stuff. Ask me if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.


Some of us, Carl Marsden comes to mind, seem to have these lucid moments without sleep. I believe that now. As ridiculous as what I’ve said above, and we may think of each other’s para-natural strangeness, truth is shining out from all of it. The important trick is to remember to adjust the description of your lucid wanderings to the person or people you are talking to, or you will look like a freak.

We are stuck on the small facts of matter, when we miss the gobs and gobs of bursting truth that fills every space in between the electron shells of atoms and their nuclei.

We study the small, focused facts of stars and galaxies, with a meter that is arbitrary--to say the least--while their motions, we describe with calculus and analytic geometry. Instead it is the space between these objects that is MOST interesting… -1^0.5 or i

It is the curve, not the motion described by the curve that is important, while it is similarly the derivative, not the function within which it exists, that contains the truth… and the answers. The smallest aspect, but not infinitely small… And not the limits but the reason why those limits are never reached…

For people who have not yet gotten a grasp of calculus, do this thought experiment…Measure out ten feet from a wall. Face the wall and walk half the distance to it. Then pretend that as you walked you steadily shrink to half the size you were before you started walking, by the time you reach the 5 foot mark. Then walk halfway to the wall again and shrink yourself as you go, again. From the outside, the distance you covered the first time was 5 feet. The distance you covered the second time is 2.5 feet.

Yet, in relative terms (since you are proportionally smaller), you never really covered any distance at all.

From the inside, TO YOU, you are just as far from the wall as you were when you began.

From the outside, TO US, you went from 6 feet tall to three feet tall, to 1.5 feet tall, and covered a distance of 7.5 feet as you moved inward to the wall.

This is a rough and problematic description of my point (which was meant to be metaphysical, rather than physical). But it gives some idea about what it’s like to move and yet not cover any distance.

Perspective widens between the observer and the observed, but both parties still get to be themselves, with no loss of identity. And both parties get the same richness of experience. With this difference: The outside observer gets to see you shrink out of sight before you ever reach the wall. And you get to walk with out ever having to worry about running into a wall.

I want people to fully understand some things about what I’ve written above…

  • I am not trying to convince you of anything. But I am trying to tell you what I am convinced about.

  • I don’t believe that people should stop trying to find physical theories for why things happen. I fully intend to go right on discussing physical theories with you all, just as I always have.

  • I am not trying to make some kind of religious proclamation. The experiences I have had were not prophetic or revelatory. They were the conscious and slowly-nurtured, steady accumulation of a couple years worth of hard work and consistent practice.

  • I just want to see you expand your experience.

  • Meditate. Study the proper use of some sort of psychedelic drug (if your are over 18) for a long time before trying it, and then try it. Take a vision quest or time in the wilderness. Explore your “stillness time”. Learn self hypnosis. Get hypnotized. Learn how to achieve WILD’s (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams--which I hope to achieve someday). Fast every now and then. Dance until you reach some kind of ecstasy. Lie in an isolation tank. Practice controlled hyperventilation. Exercise or swim into your second wind. Or…just try to lucid dream.

    The point is, as long as you are safe, why not try to find ways to enter your mind that release you from the normal obligations of wakeful consciousness.

    We spent 1/3 of our lives asleep. There are about 4 REM periods in our sleep ranging from 45 minutes at the beginning of sleep to around 90 minutes as morning arrives. If we can harness one the last of these REM periods we could add about an hour to each day's experience, while being in a realm where time can seem extended. We have to dream in order to live. I live to dream, and when we are able to pull the dream inside out, we will Wake to Dream.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The History of Novelty


For the last couple of years I've been developing a theory in parallel with the Unified Reality Theory (URT). Where the URT was based on material and semi material physical concepts, Lucid Awareness is meant to represent the non-physical counterpart. It can be used interchangeably with my former term, Metaphorics. In many ways this blossoming concept is more real that the URT because it is meant to represent Spirit Reality. And we are told that the spirit is more real than our material world seems to be.

In this essay I will strive to blend the metaphysical ideas of many different non-Urantian theories, so that they might be more consistently adapted to the ideas represented in the Urantia Papers.

We will go through the following sources, taking the best from each, in order to create a tapestry that can begin to explain the unique quality of spirit in reality...






From Richard Lubbock.

Whitehead on Physics...

Whitehead says that the first thing you've got to understand is that science is deluded: the world isn't made of atoms, electrons, gravity, or whatever. There is only one kind of entity; and even that perishes as soon as it comes into being. That entity is an aesthetic moment of choice, of feeling.

There are no fundamental "things," or "objects" in the world of Whitehead. Witehead's ontology, or parts-list of the universe, contains only processes.

Life, the Universe and Everything consists of myriads of little emotions. Only feelings exist; no particles exist; and all the feelings have the same form: that of the human mind. Atoms, electrons, bodies and brick walls arise later. He once remarked to a friend that Immanuel Kant had written his books in the wrong order: he should have started with his aesthetic Critique of Judgment. Whitehead follows his own advice. He founds his world on aesthetics, and treats physics as superstructure.

Whitehead on Novelty...

We seem to be running into an infinite regress of patterns. In order to stop the rot, Whitehead proposes a primordial First Stuff. He sets up a Category of the Ultimate; and he names just three members of the ultimate: The Creativity, the Many and the One. 'Creativity' is his name for the ultimate process. It's the wave of goings-on that turns everything into something else. The Creativity has no properties of its own. His creative ultimate is the bare desire to enjoy something new. Creativity is passion, but as yet without a pattern. Whitehead puts it this way:

"'Creativity' is the principle of novelty. It is the universal of universals characterizing ultimate matter of fact. It is that ultimate principle by which the many, which are the universe disjunctively, become the one actual occasion, which is the universe conjunctively. It lies in the nature of things that the many enter into complex unity. The many become one and are increased by one. This Category of the Ultimate replaces Aristotle's category of 'primary substance'".

Whitehead and Richard Feynman...

As the late Richard Feynman put it, physical science comes down to a question, not of logic, but of taste. Whitehead's cosmology rests on an aesthetic set-up beyond reason, which makes sense of everything else.

Whitehead on objectivity and subjectivity...

Whitehead insists that unless we take account of the absolute, final enjoyments, or values, volunteered by God, we cannot make sense of our objective experience. Every pulse of the mind gobbles up all the fixed, objective facts that have been, along with all the eternal values that might-be, and digests them.

Whitehead pictures the mind as a society of free agents. Each agent, itself a society of lesser agents, specializes in a certain type of decision. In a timeless moment the whole society of mind (as Marvin Minsky calls it) weighs its options, and satisfies its desires by choosing just one target. In so choosing, the subject must sacrifice an infinite number of might-have-beens.

In their own way sub-atomic particles copy the action of the human subject. Quantum theorists describe how the electron consults its table of transition possibilities, chooses one actual value, and makes it real. The electron's decision, like the human being's, is free and unpredictable, although limited by objective fact. Just as non-local effects modify the electron, so do non-sensuous and conceptual prehensions enter our own decisions.

By Truth, he means the conformation of appearance to reality. Objective reality cannot be true: it is simply itself; but appearance can conform to reality to a greater or lesser degree, and in different ways. By Beauty he means the quality that arises when the members of a society of occasions act so as to conform and contrast harmoniously with one another's purposes. To create and enjoy beauty is the final cause and purpose of every society. Art is the unending human effort to produce the appearance of truthful beauty; and a work of art is a finite fragment of that effort. Our chief cause is to aim at and enjoy truthful beauty. He adds Adventure as a prime quality because he believes civilization will fade into tameness and vapidity unless we seek freedom, discord and risk in the search for novel joyments.


Wiki's account of Terence McKenna's Novelty Theory...

The timewave itself is a combination of numerology and mathematics. It is formed out of McKenna's interpretation and analysis of numerical patterns in the King Wen sequence of the I Ching (the ancient Chinese Book of Changes). This concept first took root in his entheogenic experiences shared by him and his brother Dennis McKenna as documented in the book True Hallucinations. The theory is clearly[citation needed] based in numerology and takes shape out of McKenna's belief that the sequence is artificially arranged as such purposefully. Mathematically, the sequence is graphed according to a set of mathematical ratios, and displays a fractal nature as well as resonances[citation needed], although it was not captured in a true formula until criticism from mathematician Matthew Watkins (see below). McKenna interpreted the fractal nature and resonances of the wave, as well as his theory of the I Ching's artificial arrangement, to show that the events of any given time are recursively related to the events of other times.

As the theory was never published in a peer-reviewed journal and McKenna's sources and reasoning were primarily what would be considered numerological rather than mathematical by professional mathematicians and scientists, the theory has failed to gain any (scientific) credibility or much recognition. However, McKenna was highly critical of such fields for adhering to what he saw as a flawed Occidental paradigm, and did not seek to create a theory acceptable to the mathematical community. The theory was, however, revised by nuclear physicist John Sheliak after a flaw was discovered by Matthew Watkins. The new revision is often referred to as Timewave One, but is also included in the set of alternate waves in the Timewave Zero software. It is claimed that this new version is more closely matched to history.[citation needed]

Timewave Zero received a great deal of its public attention through the publications of R. U. Sirius, particularly the cyberculture magazine Mondo 2000.

Novelty theory has a few basic tenets:

  1. That the universe is a living system with a teleological attractor at the end of time that drives the increase and conservation of complexity in material forms.

  2. That novelty and complexity increase over time, despite repeated set-backs.

  3. That the human brain represents the pinnacle of complex organization in the known universe to date.

  4. That fluctuations in novelty over time are self-similar at different scales. Thus the rise and fall of the Roman Empire might be resonant with the life of a family within a single generation, or with an individual's day at work.

  5. That as the complexity and sophistication of human thought and culture increase, universal novelty approaches a Koch curve of infinite exponential growth.

  6. That in the time immediately prior to, and during this omega point of infinite novelty, anything and everything conceivable to the human imagination will occur simultaneously.

  7. That the date of this historical endpoint is December 21, 2012, the end of the long count of the Mayan calendar. (Although many interpretations of the "end" of the Mayan calendar exist, partly due to abbreviations made by the Maya when referring to the date, McKenna used the solstice date in 2012, a common interpretation of the calendar among New Age writers, although this date corresponds to such an abbreviation rather than the full date. See Mayan calendar for more information on this controversy.)

Originally McKenna had chosen the end of the calendar by looking for a very novel event in recent history, and using this as the beginning of the final 67.29 year cycle; the event he chose was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which gave an end-date in mid-November of 2012, but when he discovered the proximity of this date to the end of the current 13-baktun cycle of the Maya calender, he adjusted the end date to match this point in the calendar.

This End of History was to be the final manifestation of The Eschaton, which McKenna characterized as a sort of strange attractor towards which the evolution of the universe developed.

His predictions for this transcendent event were wide ranging and varied, depending on his audience, and different times he conjectured the following: the mass of humanity would, by means of some technology, become mentally conjoined in a great collective; the moment in which time travel became a reality; the birth of self-conscious artificial intelligence; a global UFO visitation; and occasionally he even expressed doubt whether anything at all would happen. However, McKenna claimed that there was no contradiction between these scenarios, as they might all happen simultaneously.


The 20 Day Maya Calendar


Maya History

Maya Collapse - Spanish Conquest of the Yucatán

The Maya calendar is a system of distinct calendars and almanacs used by the Maya civilization of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and by some modern Maya communities in highland Guatemala.

These calendars could be synchronised and interlocked in complex ways, their combinations giving rise to further, more extensive cycles. The essentials of the Maya calendric system are based upon a system which had been in common use throughout the region, dating back to at least the 6th century BCE. It shares many aspects with calendars employed by other earlier Mesoamerican civilizations, such as the Zapotec and Olmec, and contemporary or later ones such as the Mixtec and Aztec calendars. Although the Mesoamerican calendar did not originate with the Maya, their subsequent extensions and refinements of it were the most sophisticated. Along with those of the Aztecs, the Maya calendars are the best-documented and most completely understood.

By the Maya mythological tradition, as documented in Colonial Yucatec accounts and reconstructed from Late Classic and Postclassic inscriptions, the deity Itzamna is frequently credited with bringing the knowledge of the calendar system to the ancestral Maya, along with writing in general and other foundational aspects of Maya culture.

Calendar Types - Original Julian · Runic

The most important of these calendars is one with a period of 260 days. This 260-day calendar was prevalent across all Mesoamerican societies, and is of great antiquity (almost certainly the oldest of the calendars). It is still used in some regions of Oaxaca, and amongst the Maya communities of the Guatemalan highlands. The Maya version is commonly known to scholars as the Tzolkin, or Tzolk'in in the revised orthography of the Academia de las Lenguas Mayas de Guatemala[2]. The Tzolk'in is combined with another 365-day calendar (known as the Haab, or Haab'), to form a synchronized cycle lasting for 52 Haabs, called the Calendar Round. Smaller cycles of 13 days (the trecena) and 20 days (the veintena) were important components of the Tzolk'in and Haab' cycles, respectively.

A different form of calendar was used to track longer periods of time, and for the inscription of calendar dates (i.e., identifying when one event occurred in relation to others). This form, known as the Long Count, is based upon the number of elapsed days since a mythological starting-point.[3] According to the correlation between the Long Count and Western calendars accepted by the great majority of Maya researchers (known as the GMT correlation), this starting-point is equivalent to 11 August 3114 BCE in the proleptic Gregorian calendar or 6 September in the Julian calendar.

The Goodman-Martinez-Thompson correlation was chosen by Thompson in 1935 based on earlier correlations by Joseph Goodman in 1905 (11 August), Juan Martínez Hernández in 1926 (12 August), and John Eric Sydney Thompson in 1927 (13 August).[4][5] By its linear nature, the Long Count was capable of being extended to refer to any date far into the future (or past). This calendar involved the use of a positional notation system, in which each position signified an increasing multiple of the number of days. The Maya numeral system was essentially vigesimal (i.e., base-20), and each unit of a given position represented 20 times the unit of the position which preceded it. An important exception was made for the second place value, which instead represented 18 × 20, or 360 days, more closely approximating the solar year than would 20 × 20 = 400 days. It should be noted however that the cycles of the Long Count are independent of the solar year.

Many Maya Long Count inscriptions are supplemented by what is known as the Lunar Series, another calendar form which provides information on the lunar phase and position of the Moon in a half-yearly cycle of lunations.

A 584-day Venus cycle was also maintained, which tracked the appearance and conjunctions of Venus as the morning and evening stars. Many events in this cycle were seen as being inauspicious and baleful, and occasionally warfare was timed to coincide with stages in this cycle.

Other, less-prevalent or poorly-understood cycles, combinations and calendar progressions were also tracked. An 819-day count is attested in a few inscriptions; repeating sets of 9- and 13-day intervals associated with different groups of deities, animals and other significant concepts are also known.

Maya Concepts of Time

With the development of the place-notational Long Count calendar (believed to have been inherited from other Mesoamerican cultures), the Maya had an elegant system with which events could be recorded in a linear relationship to one another, and also with respect to the calendar ("linear time") itself. In theory, this system could readily be extended to delineate any length of time desired, by simply adding to the number of higher-order place markers used (and thereby generating an ever-increasing sequence of day-multiples, each day in the sequence uniquely identified by its Long Count number). In practice, most Maya Long Count inscriptions confine themselves to noting only the first 5 coefficients in this system (a b'ak'tun-count), since this was more than adequate to express any historical or current date (with an equivalent span of approximately 5125 solar years). Even so, example inscriptions exist which noted or implied lengthier sequences, indicating that the Maya well understood a linear (past-present-future) conception of time.

However, and in common with other Mesoamerican societies, the repetition of the various calendric cycles, the natural cycles of observable phenomena, and the recurrence and renewal of death-rebirth imagery in their mythological traditions were important and pervasive influences upon Maya societies. This conceptual view, in which the "cyclical nature" of time is highlighted, was a pre-eminent one, and many rituals were concerned with the completion and re-occurrences of various cycles. As the particular calendaric configurations were once again repeated, so too were the "supernatural" influences with which they were associated.

Thus it was held that particular calendar configurations had a specific "character" to them, which would influence events on days exhibiting that configuration. Divinations could then be made from the auguries associated with a certain configuration, since events taking place on some future date would be subject to the same influences as its corresponding previous cycle dates. Events and ceremonies would be timed to coincide with auspicious dates, and avoid inauspicious ones.

The completion of significant calendar cycles ("period endings"), such as a k'atun-cycle, were often marked by the erection and dedication of specific monuments such as twin-pyramid complexes such those in Tikal and Yaxha, but (mostly in stela inscriptions) commemorating the completion, accompanied by dedicatory ceremonies.

A cyclical interpretation is also noted in Maya creation accounts, in which the present world and the humans in it were preceded by other worlds (one to five others, depending on the tradition) which were fashioned in various forms by the gods, but subsequently destroyed. The present world also had a tenuous existence, requiring the supplication and offerings of periodic sacrifice to maintain the balance of continuing existence. Similar themes are found in the creation accounts of other Mesoamerican societies.


Some Mayanists employ the name Tzolk'in (in modern Mayan orthography; also and formerly commonly written tzolkin) for the Maya Sacred Round or 260-day calendar. Tzolk'in is a coined in Yukatek Maya, to mean "count of days" (Coe 1992). The actual names of this calendar as used by Precolumbian Maya peoples are still debated by scholars. The Aztec calendar equivalent was called Tonalpohualli, in the Nahuatl language.

How 13 Works Into 20


64 Hexagrams of the I-Ching

Monday, February 11, 2008

Origin of the Absolutes in Infinity


For a more detailed study of the generalizations I'm about to relate, go to APPENDICES TO A STUDY OF THE MASTER UNIVERSE by William S. Sadler, Jr. - APPENDIX I: MASTER UNIVERSE ANTECEDENTS and read through it. My attempts below are a severe simplification. Sadler's (in the links I'm giving) are severely detailed ;). I tend to not use some of his terminology, because I find it awkward.

He uses terms like, "eternal," "eternaler," and "eternalest,"

You may find those Sadler terms easier to comprehend, but I fear to say that they never really caught on as he wanted them to.

Naturally, you must choose what is easier to grasp--or choose both our descriptions, then pick out what you need in order to understand this stuff.

I would like to note that I will include the very hardest and metaphysical aspects of these sections in blockquotes (indented sections). That way those who don't wish to get caught up in hard-to-understand concepts can skip over them...


Unity - Could be called "Unqualified Absolute," but even naming it is not really appropriate at this level. In a strange way--and this IS hard to make sense of--it might be MOST appropriate to call this "The Father Infinite." Please don't be confused by the fact that it isn't really personal yet (when speaking of origins), but because there never was an ACTUAL origin, the Father DOES go back, out, in, on, over to, (and every other preposition) this Unity.

Graphically it could be represented as...


All is within the circle nothing is on the outside. Think of Unity not AS the circle, but as the WHITENESS of the circle.

This can be thought of as "singularity," even in a semi-physical way, though it is pre-physical. If we refer to "primal" or "original" energy, this is the "place" where it comes from. Yet, this place could not be "qualified" strictly AS this kind of energy, only as its container.


I. Unqualified Absolute - Now we have the Unqualified Absolute separate from the Qualified Absolute. The Unqualified is like an echo of Unity, but not quite Unity itself anymore, BECAUSE it is juxtaposed by the Qualified. The Unqualified is impersonal.

II. Qualified Absolute - The other side of this duality "coin" is the Qualified Absolute. What "qualifies" it is the fact that it is (almost) Personal. The Qualified will become the Deity Absolute, but isn't quite there yet. In a way, this is ALSO the I AM, yet at a pre-First-Source-and-Center stage (which I know, sounds very confusing, but I hope to address this paradox further down).

In this "age" duality rules in all aspects. The example of a coin is (I think) a very good description. Just bear in mind that this coin has no edge--only top, Qualified, and bottom, Unqualified.

Heads, you're Qualified...Tails, you're Unqualified ;)

As far as energy is concerned, think of it as Qualified being expansive and complex like Light, and Unqualified being restrictive and simple (like Gravity). And please don't read too much into these adjectives, they refer to static states. The universe is not yet dynamic, in any sense.

However, in a certain sense, energy still has these birthmarks. We might (in a metaphysical way) think of all Reality as being stretched between these two extremes. We feel Gravity, and we should think of Light as being the part of gravity we don't see. We see Light, and we should think of Gravity as the part of Light that we don't see. Yet, even both of these are pre-linear and pre-electromagnetic, even prephysical--at this stage.


There are different ways these three can be ordered, I choose the following, but there are good reasons to experiment with other sequences...

I. Deity Absolute - This was formerly the "Qualified Absolute." Deity is all personal and trans-spiritual aspects of infinity. It always implies that it is part of a three-way relationship, never a two-way (or "dual" as above).

II. Unqualified Absolute - This we've already discussed. It pretty-much stays the same in its description from here on out. It is always the most unfathomable of the Absolutes.

III. Universal Absolute - Think of the Universal as what both the Deity and Unqualified are when they are together. The Unqualified and the Deity Absolutes ARE Universal, hence, the need to be able to speak of them as this one additional Absolute.

Qualified is A, Unqualified is B and the large circle that they are inside is the Universal Absolute."

This is a triune "age" but these three Absolutes are not a trinity. However, in the First Universe Age (the next age after Zero Age), at the "dawn of eternity" (Sadler), they are thought of as a "triodity." We won't get into triodities much yet.

In these most recent 6 pages (7-12) we ARE told about Potentials and Actuals though. And, as I said above, the three Absolutes listed in Zero Age--though static HERE--DO function dynamically as the triodity of Potentiality in the next (First Universe) age. And as we will see later on, the Eternal Son, Isle of Paradise and Infinite Spirit function as the Triodity of Actuality.

All of what is listed above comes about further back in infinity than any other aspects of the Central universe, and long "before" there was a Grand Universe. There was no Paradise, not even an Infinite Spirit, and certainly no Havona.

In a strange and paradoxical way (at these levels) though, the Qualified Absolute was the Eternal other/Son. And the Deity Absolute could also be thought of as being the Eternal Mother/Son. Going this far back, the Unqualified Absolute could be thought of as the Father Infinite, AND as I AM. Similarly, we can think that at the hypothetical completion of the cycle of all Reality in a Cosmos Infinite, this same Father Infinite will again emerge as a true aspect of trans-experiential-existential finality. And to twist your minds even more, we MIGHT even think of the original Unity listed above as the end of all things (Omega), beside being the beginning of all things (Alpha). The UB addresses this this in Paper 106, Section 8--The Trinity of Trinities.

Here is a short video I made. The diagram is hard to see so I will post it in the Gallery at Urantia Unity. The narration is by Merritt Horn.


Or read about it in The Trinity of Trinities.


Above we were discussing pre-eternity aspects of the Absolutes. Finally we move into some areas we are more familiar with.

Sadler makes an important point about the Trinity and asymmetry. He reminds us that the Father and the Son AND the Isle of Paradise are more eternal (or as he says "eternaler") and antecedent to the Infinite Spirit.

All the while we keep in the back our our minds that all these four things (Father, Son, Paradise and Spirit) were actually simultaneous and never really "started." However, it is important to put them into order.

The UB has a section in the Foreword that we just read on page 12 called "XI. The Three Absolutes". And this causes no end to the confusion. People ask, "Aren't there seven Absolutes? What's up?" And, as I just extensively explained there are the prerequisite Absolutes of the Pre-PreZero, PreZero and Zero Ages (as shown above).

Well, the way to unfold the paradox is as follows...

The Trinity is the Center of all things, as well as eternity and infinity.

So now we need to overlay the Actuals (as I will explain below)upon the Potentials that I explained above).

I. First Source and Center - Genetically, this is (1) Unity, then (2) Unqualified, then (3) I AM, then (4) the First Source and Center it is at this level that the Thought Adjusters originate), then (5) the Universal Father. See how there are stages to this member of the Trinity? Still, we don't speak of the "Universal
Father" until there is an Infinite Spirit...

This First Cause is at the same time The Father infinite (on both sides of Infinite Reality--beginning and end). Because the personal is more important that the non-personal, the First Three Sources and Centers--as Absolutes--are above all other things, INCLUDING Unity.

This is their personal power, but not necessarily their sequence of origin in eternity. I know it's convoluted. It is like a great sandwich, you can't eat it all at once. But you will appreciate how delicious it is after it has slowly been consumed. The first bites will be better understood after the last bites.

II. Second Source and Center - Genetically, this is (1) Qualified Absolute, then (2) Deity Absolute, then (3) the Second Source and Center, then (4) the Eternal Mother/Son. See how there are only 4 stages to this member of the Trinity? Still, we don't speak of the "Eternal Son" until there is an Infinite Spirit.

III. The Isle of Paradise - Concomitant with the power and existence of the Eternal Mother/Son--yet still as Deity Absolute--is the Physical compliment of the Second Source and Center: Paradise. Paradise is everything in a non-personal way, that the Second Source and Center is in a personal way. In infinity they are THE SAME
ENERGY. But the moment one departs from the physical-spiritual unity of the static energy after PreZero Age, the second Source and Center AND the Isle of Paradise can be differentiated.

IV. Third Source and Center - Once Paradise and the Second Source and Center are divided The Third Source and Center, and all of Havona, "appears". It is the ACTION of the existence of the Third Source and Center that begins eternity. Until there is a Third Source and Center even eternity is not yet existent--only static infinity. In fact it IS the existence of the Third Source and Center that defines the separation of the Second source and Center from its Paradise compliment. AND it is the "appearance" of the Third Source and Center that "instantly" converts all three personal Sources and Centers into the Paradise Trinity we know and love. This is the moment when we move from statics into dynamics. This is also the point when we can stop calling them "Sources and Centers" and think of them as Father, Son and Spirit.

Now let's briefly look at the Trinity as it has always existed and will always exist on Paradise.

The Trinity might be thought of as the center of eternity, in the same sense that Paradise is thought of as the "center of infinity".

Even though, technically, Paradise is antecedent to the infinite Spirit as such, the Infinite Spirit is more powerful, because power is most significantly displayed by the personal over the non-personal.

As aspects of God, the Trinity counts, but Paradise does NOT. Remember what we talked about yesterday--God is personal. But also recall that God divides Itself (in this case I mean as a person's self, though I say "It"), when acting as the Trinity.

The Father is pure thought. The Son is pure word (the word of the Father). The Spirit is pure action (the action of the Father-Son, CONJOINTLY--hence, sometimes referred to as "the Conjoint Actor").

From a different perspective, the Father is pure personality. The Son is pure spirit. The Spirit (ironically) is pure mind.

So, together, the Trinity is the thought-personality, word-spirit and action-mind of ONE GOD.

Obviously, this creates (apparently) another paradoxical set of relationships. The Father is thought but the Spirit is the mind that thinks that thought. The Son is the word that speaks that thought. Also, the Son is spirit, but that spirit represents the spirit nature of all three persons. Similarly, all three persons are derivatives of the Father (being the member who is pure personality).

Are you beginning to see why the Trinity is an indivisible God?

The Father Infinite could never have shared Reality BY HIMSELF. It would be a lonely existence to be diffused throughout the Unqualified and static realm of Original Unity. That is the very most basic and wonderful truth about the Father. He could have it all to himself, but chooses to share ALL of Reality with all
persons. He even chooses to share the most personal details of himself (thoughts, words, acts, personality, spirit, and mind) with two other EQUAL persons!! These things (that I just listed in the parentheses of the last sentence) are aspects that we hold very dearly as our own identity traits and fight for as personal liberties and human freedoms. How great is a God that has permanently given these things to others?

That is why the Father is the MOST UNSELFISH PERSON IN ALL EXISTENCE. He ONLY gives. And to give is to LOVE. That is why we should love him and try to be as much like him as possible--by giving as much as possible and by loving as many other persons, on as many other levels, as possible. THAT is the God-like thing to
do. And now we can see exactly why--with the description of the Trinity. Even this rudimentary examination of the Trinity REVEALS the purpose of love and unselfishness.

So that is also why the Trinity is separated out as THE "Three Absolutes". They are the most important of all seven.



Now we are brought right up to the Second Universe Age, the age we are living in. At this time--during the incomplete Age of the Supreme--time and space provide the perfect natural environment for experiential growth.

The Absolutes are represented as follows (and listed in order of importance--not necessarily antecedence):

I. The First Source and Center - As Universal Father

II. The Second Source and Center - As Eternal Son

III. The Third Source and Center - As Infinite Spirit

IV. The First Physical Source - As the Isle of Paradise

V. The Deity Absolute

VI. The Universal Absolute

VII. The Unqualified Absolute

And it is THIS order that we are given in the Foreword. Very interestingly it is a different order that is given in Paper 105 - Deity and Reality (pages 1155-6) . The order there is more similar to how I have presented these Absolutes in the first sections of this essay. Normally it would take us more than a thousand pages to understand why they are ordered differently.

Bibliography Of Researched Sources

Current through 2005

Descriptions under each source may cross-referenceother sources within this list by author's last name.

Arguelles, Jose, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, Bear and Company, Rochester, VT, 1996, 224 pages.
This is a great book for anyone who has heard of the accuracy of Mayan mathematics, astronomy, calendars, and prophecy. It has information about what many different sources claim to be the end of the world-- December 21, 2012...coming right up!.
Ball, Philip, Stories of the Invisible: A Guided Tour of Molecules, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 204 pages.
This is an easy-to-follow guide to how atoms make molecules, and how molecules are put together to form compounds that always behave quite differently from the attributes of their elemental building blocks. Barbour, Ian G., When Science Meets Religion: Enemies, Strangers, or Partners?, Harper, San Francisco, 2000, 205 pages. Very good book, with plenty of anecdotal (and logical) "proofs" for how science and religion are actually two sides of the same coin...truth.
Berman, Bob, Astronomy: Strange Universe--Do Black Holes Exist? December, 2001, pages 96-97.
This is an article that cast doubt on the explanation for black holes, specifically because "infinite mass" must be impossible in a finite universe.
Bohm, David, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge Classics, New York, NY, 1980, 284 pages.
For those who can stick with Bohm's arguments enough to weather his rather heavy use of math formulae, he could be seen as perhaps the greatest original source of what is sometimes called, "quantum psychodynamics" (see Wolf). No wonder! Bohm is a Nobel Prize winner who was good friends with Einstein, helped invent quantum mechanics, and was the first and most respected theoretical physicist to attempt to prove that there is a non-material aspect to physical reality. I personally find his writing to be very dry. But the informative and precise nature of his astoundingly unique ideas (backed up by perfected math and logic) can be exciting in its own way! Bohm occupies a bold and unique standpoint in physics (and metaphysics), though sometimes it is one that is very hard for us mere mortals to understand. However, his theory about quantum superposition (the "implicate order") of all reality, as opposed to what we commonly see and accept as reality (what Bohm calls the "explicate order", based on matter fields), is now very well respected by the "new physicists", and anyone can understand its basics. This is important to me because it may allow metaphor to be used in physical ways, not just philosophical ways. I believe the person who comes up with a Final Unified Field (Reality) Theory will base it on a mixture of: (1) a Bohmian Theory of Consciousness (supported by Talbot, Wolf, B. Green and many others), (2) M Theory (supported by Hawking, Wheeler, Whitten, Weinstein, Greene, etc.), and (3) the perfectly consistent, logically deductible, metaphysical, and cosmological framework of the Urantia revelation (see Urantia Book). If this were to become the case, no possible aspect of reality would remain unclassifiable. There would then be a basis to find any explanation. Though, of course, even then there would be only a few immediate answers. But at least a true reality scaffolding can be conceptually built upon. As it stands now there are only comparatively shaky and incomplete theories of reality.
Casati, Roberto, The Shadow Club: The Greatest Mystery in the Universe -- Shadows -- and the Thinkers Who Unlocked Their Secrets, Random House, New York, NY, 2003, 230 pages.
Excellent and entertaining book about shadows--which we have mistakenly been taken for granted. Lots of surprises. Good book.
Collins, Graham P., Scientific American: Physics--Trillions Entwined, December, 2001, p. 26.
Physics article that explains the quantum mechanical reasons for instant communication between certain particles (a concept rejected by Einstein, but proved by many recent experiments).
Davies, Paul, Space, Superspace, and the Quantum Universe, Penguin USA, New York, NY, 1997, 208 pages.
Excellent source for explaining how string theory and quantum gravity can explain higher dimensions and how quantum mechanics has exposed these physical situations.
Davies, Paul, The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About the Ultimate Fate of the Universe, Basic Books, New York, NY, 1994, 162 pages.
This is essentially a book to theorize what physical reactions of the universe if it were to retract upon itself, collapsing back into a new Big Crunch. Essential Substances, (Get Info.) Good, but somewhat limited and broad-spoken, source for the use of psychoactive plants in history and among many world cultures.
Ferguson, Kitty, Stephen Hawking: Quest for a Theory of Everything, the Story of His Life and Work, Bantam Books, New York, NY, 1992, 192 pages.
Flattering, but realistic, portrayal of this great man.
Greene, Brian, The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory, W. W. Norton & Co., New York, NY, 1999, 448 pages.
I read this book and viewed (several times) the excellent Nova (PBS) presentation of Greene's book. This is a rare book being simultaneously of high-quality and easy to understand. If you want to understand the very latest theories about strings and unified field physics, as well as the history leading up to them, this is the book to read.
Greene, Brian, The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality, Random House, New York, NY, 2004, 569 pages.
A continuation and clarification of many concepts from "Elegant Universe".
Guillen, Michael, Five Equations that Changed the World: The Power and Poetry of Mathematics, Hyperion, New York, NY, 1995, 277 pages.
A specific focus on equations such as the Pythagorean Theorem, the discovery of pi and phi, and Einstein's energy to mass equivalency. There are many other discussions in this book about how humans come to such theories and laws.
Gospel According to Thomas, on 4 Audio Tapes, approximately 6 hours, (Get Info.)
Wonderful (and alternate) concepts about Christ, told by Thomas (a gospel rejected by the Catholic church, while assembling the Bible). It is quite revealing about the real (non-institutionally-friendly) person of Jesus.
Haber, Howard E., and Gordon L. Kane, Scientific American: Is Nature Super symmetric? June, 1986, pages 28-34.
This article discusses the newest concepts of "Supersymmetry" (the M- theory, of how every particle in our universe has a twin of differing strength, in other dimensions).
Harris, Timothy, Mysteries of the Universe, A One-Part Video, 1991 (need more info).
Good visualizations of different physical levels. A little dated, but still very informative.
Hawking, Stephen, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays, Bantam Books, New York, NY, 1993, 182 pages.
Just what it says. This is a good intro for those who don't have time to read Hawking's books.
Hawking, Stephen, A Brief History of Time, Bantam Books, New York, NY, 1993, 287 pages.
Great detail on black hole radiation, theories about universal shapes (ie. open or closed), and also interesting comments about Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Big Bang theories.
Hawking, Stephen, The Universe in a Nutshell, 4 Audio CD's, approximately 4 hours, (Get Info).
Terrific source for learning Hawking's theories.
Herbert, Nick, On Eve of Physics Symposium New Particles Found, Internet Document, Site:, 1997, 2 pages.
Fascinating paper about how a group of particle physicists discovered a link between mind and matter.
Kaku, Michio, Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension, Anchor Books, New York, NY, 1995, 359 pages.
A good, well-described source about the newest theories of physics.
Kaku, Michio, Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize The 21st Century, Bantam Books, New York, NY, 1998, 403 pages.
Interesting ideas about how technology will shape our future. Krauss, Lawrence M., with Foreword by Stephen Hawking, The Physics of Star Trek, Harper Perennial, New York, NY, 1995, 188 pages. Interesting and entertaining book about the consistency and imaginative science behind the many versions of the Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek series. Roddenberry was a Urantia Book reader.
LaViolette, Paul A., Beyond the Big Bang: Ancient Myth and the Science of Continuous Creation, Park Street Press, Rochester, VT, 1995, 374 pages.
Very well written and respected academic argument against the Big Bang, routing the discoveries of current physics in the ancient sources of early (and prehistorical) Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Mezzo-and South American cultures. This book also ties in the Indian Vedas, the I-Ching, and even Tarot Cards to physical theory. This is an excellent and unique perspective about how there are "sub-quantum" processes that lead to all visible phenomena. LaViolette is also a Urantia Book reader.
Lorentz, H.A., Einstein, A., Minkowski, H., and Weyl, H., with notes by Sommerfeld, A., the Principle of Relativity: A Collection of Original Papers on the Special and General Theory of Relativity, Mineola, NY, 1952, 216 pages.
These are the classics from 100 years ago that still ring true and revolutionized all understanding about physical theory. They are somewhat difficult to understand in that they are often technical and written to be understood by mathematicians and other physicists. Still, this book is a comprehensive and a necessary read if one is to truly understand Relativity.
Muvrin, Alexander E., Grand Unified Theory MU-27, Internet Document, Site:, University of Toronto, Canada, Updated April 11, 2002, 17 pages.
This is graphic interpretation of one theorist's Unified Field Theory.
Sagan, Carl, Cosmos, A Six-Part Video Series, 1988 (need more info).
This is the classic 1980's PBS television series. There is still a lot to learn from Sagan. He was the first of the great physics communicators.
Seaborn, James B., Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Physics and Astrophysics, Springer, New York, NY, 1998, 304 pages.
This textbook covers it all. Mastering the experiments in this book would allow one to pass both a first and second level college physics class.
Smolin, Lee, Three Roads to Quantum Gravity, Basic Books, New York, NY, 2001, 230 pages.
Great discussion of the most believable new physics theories (from the string theory and M-Theory camps), who's research may be used to finally describe how gravity works at the quantum level. Smolin is a leading theorist of "loop quantum gravity" (see also two Scientific American articles).
Swimme, Brian, Canticle to the Cosmos, A Twelve-Part Video Lecture Series, 1991 (need more info).
Unusual and completely unique perspectives about the new physics and the link between consciousness and matter--especially from tape #3 on... Swimme is a master communicator and lecturer (as is evidenced on these tapes). He is professor of Physics at Toronto University. He uses ideas of ethics from psychology and religion to explain new physics phenomena (and vice versa). He has radical but strangely believable theories about how everything is "alive", because we've made it so. In his line of reasoning, the proverbial tree that fell in the woods out of the range of human experience (sight, sound, touch, etc.), not only doesn't make a noise, but probably never even fell in the first place (as seen with
Talbot and Wolf). Talbot, Michael, The Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial, New York, NY, 1991, 338 pages.
Talbot uses a physics-based argument (holography--which the whole is made up by pieces which are each ((each one)) a perspective of that same whole) to explain paranormal events, and the brain-body connection. Talbot gives convincing arguments supporting the idea that mind creates all reality. In this way he leaves some room for non-material explanations as well. Talbot cites Wolf and Bohm.
Thorne, Kip S., Frederick Seitz, and Stephen Hawking (Introduction), Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy, W. W. Norton & Co., New York, NY, 1995, 619 pages.
More about how concepts found in science fiction may be fact after all.
Urantia Foundation, The Urantia Book, Urantia Foundation, Chicago, IL, 1986, 2097 pages.
This is the most believable of any supposedly "revealed" source of knowledge. It is a brilliant, sweeping, and--for all intents and purposes--perfectly consistent cosmology, including details about the origins of divinity, descending and ascending (other than human) beings, history and geography of every level of administrative construct and physical masses--from Master Universe to the smallest particle, as well as information on nearly all religions. It is also quite conveniently consistent with modern physical theory (though it was written in the very early years of the 20th Century, before quantum mechanics). The Urantia revelation seems the best place to base the more metaphysical aspects of my own theories on. I figure I could use a less complete source, but what sense would that make? Every source listed in this bibliography can be fitted to the Urantia cosmology in some way. Otherwise I wouldn't have chosen them. Still, anyone can see they are very well-known and objective sources, and they are unlike any reference works I would have philosophically chosen based on the revelations of any one of the institutionalized religions, nor from atheism, humanism, or agnosticism. Any one of these bibliographical sources might line up with aspects of the fore-mentioned philosophies of mankind, but they wouldn't ALL line up, and then fit together in any other kind of belief system but that of the Urantia Book.
Von Baeyer, Hans Christian, Taming the Atom: The Emergence of the Invisible Microworld, Random House, New York, NY, 2000, 223 pages.
History and art atomic and quantum physics, along with a little bit of fiction (Asimov and Clark).
Weinberg, Steven, Physical Review Letters: "Observation of the Top Quark," Vol. 74, No. 14, April 3, 1995, pages 2626-2631.
Announcement from the Nobel Prize-winning physicist about the final discovery of particles in what is now called The Standard Model for bosons and matter constituents.
Weinberg, Steven, Scientific American: "A Unified Physics by 2050," December, 1999, page 32-38.
More about the possibility of completeing a Unified Field Theory in our lifetime.
Wilber, Ken, A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science, and Spirituality, Shambhala Publications, New York, NY, 2000, 189 pages.
Interesting and ambitious (though somewhat rambling and unfocused) account that attempts to literally unify all aspects of known reality. This is a good read for most people because it is not heavy on math or science proofs.
Wolf, Fred A., The Spiritual Universe: One Physicist's Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter, and Self, Moment Point Press, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1998, 325 pages.
I started this book but was unable to finish at the time of reading. It is largely a restatement of many of Wolf's concepts; being more philosophical than his other science-oriented work. Wolf is largely Bohmian. He also cites Talbot.
Wolf, Fred A., The Dreaming Universe: A Mind Expanding Journey into the Realm Where Psyche and Physics Meet, Touchstone Books, New York, NY, 1991, 413 pages.
This is a very convincing work by Wolf. If the reader can keep up with his extremely keen intellect and long explanations, one might become utterly convinced that mind (on different levels) creates all reality.
Wolf, Fred A., Parallel Universes: The Search for Other Worlds, Touchstone Books, Boston, MA, 1991, 284 pages.
This is interesting because (unlike some other books by Wolf) it integrates the use of mind alteration (with psychoactive substances and/or other means) to examine reality, without the typical persecution and political correctness associated ignorant views condemning--but not understanding--the potential for inner exploration.
Wolf, Fred A., Star*Wave, Moment Point Press, Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1990, 289 pages.
This is the first book I read by Wolf. It sets up a basis for many of his future concepts involving mind and matter. But more specifically, it starts with the assumption that Schrodinger's quantum wave probability theory extends to all things. Great start for the reader who wants alternative theories that still stand up to physical scrutiny.
Zaehner, R. C., Hindu Scriptures (Including Selections From: The Rig-Veda, The Atharva-Veda, The Upanishads, and The Bhagavad-Gita), Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, 1992, 411 pages.
I have read most of this very colorful, and eloquently written collection of ancient Hindu sources. They give insight into the Indian psyche and complex cosmology of Hinduism. Its myths and symbolism also tends to back up many of the theories of modern science including the kind of "sub-quantum kinetics" described by LaViolette.
[Other literary, audio, and video sources must still be added before this list is complete.]

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Struggle For A Voice

Perhaps it has been too easy for me to speak. I am a writer so the words come out whether I like it or not. I have found myself giving and taking a lot of trouble lately on some forums, because I am blunt. So I've turn to the idea of blogging as kind-of a last resort.

I'm starting this blog to discuss my ideas regarding the nature of Unified Reality based upon the concepts of the greatest book ever written: The Urantia Book.

It is from the constant re-editing of this blog that I will eventually put together a book. I want to develop my theory in a public way.