I know these two sound different, but they are connected, as you will see.
So here goes...
I always did like the torus as a shape, especially frosted, dipped in coffee, and with a handfull of chocolate chips! :)
Ideally a torus only has one side, like a sphere, though neither can be mathematically (easily) transformed into the other. Hmmm...40-20-40. I keep thinking about the Havona numbers... In fact the numbers all through the UB truly fascinate me. They seem to be screaming out a pattern, but we just can't seem to hear (or see) it yet.
Here's a little study of numbers:
Spacing of Circuits
Using the first Havona Circuit, we can describe each other circuit with the following formulae...
n = 37,000,000
I = n
II = I + n
III = II + n/(37/33)
IV = III + n
V = IV + n/(37/33)
VI = V + n
VII = VI + n/(37/33)
[If these proportions are graphed as circle's, one see's the Banner of Michael--three thinner circles, each surrounded by a larger circle. In fact, whenever I make the three-circle symbol now I use the Havona proportions. Of course the Havona Circuits are ellipses, not circles.]
I wonder what is special about 37/33? Mind you, I'm not talking about a calculator number (a repeating decimal), but the actual and complete fraction.
So here are three rudimentary rules.
The Primary Digits Rule
[A little name I made up.]
Let's look at another pattern. The only digits showing, regarding Master Universe Circuits, are made of 1,2,3,4 and 7 (zero is a place holder, not really a number). I call these the primary digits.
This is shown along with their associated geometric shapes below (anything called a world is assumed to be spherical), in the Master Universe Levels or Circuits...
Paradise Circuit = 1
- 1 Ellipsoidal Isle
Sacred Spheres Circuits = 3
- 7 Father Worlds
- 7 Son Worlds
- 7 Spirit Worlds
Havona Circuits = 7
- 37,000,000 Circuit I Worlds
- 74,000,000 Circuit II Worlds
- 107,000,000 Circuit III Worlds
- 144,000,000 Circuit IV Worlds
- 177,000,000 Circuit V Worlds
- 214,000,000 Circuit VI Worlds
- 247,000,000 Circuit VII Worlds
Central Universe Dark Gravity Circuits = 2
- 1 Torus Inner Band - This is a structure consisting of three concentric tubes. Cut through it and you get a cross-section that looks like, you guessed it, the three-circle symbol!
- 1 Wall-like Outer Band
Superuniverse Circuit = 1 This is a large torus of space.
- 7 Disc-like (for now, ideally) Superuniverses
Outer Space Circuits = 4
- 1 Primary Torus
- 1 Secondary Torus
- 1 Tertiary Torus
- 1 Quartan Torus
If we look at the numbers of Havona circuits without the zeros, and adjust them to be decimals, adding up to 100 (as in 100 ultimatons in an electron) we get 7 levels...
- 3.7
- 7.4
- 10.7
- 14.4
- 17.7
- 21.4
- 24.7
Decimals include 4-7's and 3-4's (holding to the pattern of no 5's, 6's, 8's, or 9's being involved). If one just adds up the decimals, one gets 4 (still fitting the rule).
It is then tempting to add an 8th level, taking out the decimals, and calling it "4", so...
- 3
- 4
- 7
- 10
- 14
- 17
- 21
- 24
In this way, the number still follows the digit rule, EXCEPT that there are now 8 numbers, which would be a no-no.
The Secondary Digits Rule
However, we can use a little sophistry and say that of 4 digits NOT in the Primary
Digits Group, all but the number 5, can be made of various Primary digits (I don't count 1, because all whole numbers can be made up from 1). So, let's call the numbers: 6, 8, and 9, Secondary Digits. Now, don't feel bad for number 5, he still has a great place of honor, just keep reading...
This limb is pretty thin, as I climb out on it, and it's beginning to bend, but I don't believe it is breaking yet ;).
In this way, we can have groups of 4 levels. Recall that the Paradise system is made of 4 levels--(1.) Paradise, (2.) Father Worlds, (3.) Son Worlds and (4.) Spirit Worlds. and of course there only 4 levels of outer space--(1.) Primary, (2.) Secondary, (3.) Tertiary, and (4.) Quartan. The intervening levels are two sets of seven, separated by the Dark Gravity circuits of the Central Universe. And although the Superuniverses are not ranked concentrically, they MAY be someday, who knows?
Consider the following:
We are told that Grandfanda was the from the first Superuniverse, which weakly supports an idea of evolution moving its way from SU1 to SU7 (our Superuniverse of Orvonton).
We are also told that the Supreme Being (The Universal Mother), herself may be located on Uversa--the capital sphere of Orvonton. Why would this be? It could be because the Superuniverses could become concentric some day; again, following the pattern of the Havona Circuits.
I realize this is a stretch, but I don't believe there's any information to disallow this possibility in the UB. I, myself, tend to not believe it, but it has entered my mind on many occassions, so I thought I'd mention it.
The Five Master Levels Rule
If this wacko theory is right than the Master universe will have a very real and symmetrical pattern of 5 Master Levels to it:
4--Paradise, 7--Havona, 2--Gravity,
7--Superuniverse, 4--Outer Space
Could these also be levels of certain particles? I have already speculated that they represent the levels of the Ultimaton itself (please review my URT in the UBRON Library, if you'd like).
But, could they also have something to do with the electron?
So my question to Mark, and all who are following along, is:
Can marbles, magnets and axles be used to construct an object that follows the three rules above, or any combination of them?
We have been discussing patterns shared by the macro and micro worlds. First we got a better hold on Havona by discovering the number of worlds in its circuits. That openned the door for discussing universe of the very small Ultimaton and electron. at the end here I want to briefly point out that there is even MORE than just these two things--micro and macro. I call this something-else "Novelty" (perpetually unique newness), a term borrowed from Terence McKenna, but only minimally analogous to his meaning of it.
The following is pretty esoteric so, those who get overwhelmed by hard to swallow concepts might want to skip this next part.
But, it is not MY inspiration that drives me to write about this, but rather Bill Sadler's take on some of the more enigmatic, cosmological and metaphysical concepts that are only lightly touched upon in the UB.
And for fun I will urge anyone who is interested to read the chapter in Bill Salder's A Study of the Master Universe, called "The Cosmos Infinite", for a great deduction of what might occur when these Five Master Levels have become perfected.
It is always good to keep in mind that the Central Universe is existentially perfect. It's a QUALITATIVE REPRESENTATION OF
The Universe outside of the Central Universe will be experientially perfected. It (including the Outer Space Levels someday) will be a QUANTITATIVE REPRESENTATION OF INFINITY. It WILL BE as big, as big CAN BE.
These inner and outer realms are reflective in their perfection. Just like with a mirror the "image" is not exactly the same. A right-handed person's reflection is left-handed. Yet, they ARE (or - in the case of the Master Universe - will become) EQUAL Such is the case with: the perfect and the perfected; the inner and the outer; eternity and time; potentiality and actuality; existentials and experientials; etc... So, yes, there are kinds of dualities.
But, and I'm probably wearing out my welcome with all this by now, Ultimately (and I mean that in the UB sense), all of these dualities will become triune. In the Cosmos Infinite (in the Ages after POST-experientials have been completed), there will likely be a brand new form of reality a third reflection. There will be The Central Universe The Grand Universe and the Novaverse (meaning, "New Universe"--sorry, only name I could think of)...THIS is what Sadler is talking about. The Cosmos Finite is what we live in now. The Cosmos Infinite is what comes...NEXT.