Monday, March 31, 2008

The Cosmic Numbers

The following kind-of self-morphed into an essay, though I was not planning to write it, it just happened. Same thing happens when a song comes out of me. It was posted on a couple months ago. It will consist of two parts...



I know these two sound different, but they are connected, as you will see.

So here goes...


I always did like the torus as a shape, especially frosted, dipped in coffee, and with a handfull of chocolate chips! :)

Ideally a torus only has one side, like a sphere, though neither can be mathematically (easily) transformed into the other. Hmmm...40-20-40. I keep thinking about the Havona numbers... In fact the numbers all through the UB truly fascinate me. They seem to be screaming out a pattern, but we just can't seem to hear (or see) it yet.

Here's a little study of numbers:

Spacing of Circuits

Using the first Havona Circuit, we can describe each other circuit with the following formulae...


n = 37,000,000


I = n

II = I + n

III = II + n/(37/33)

IV = III + n

V = IV + n/(37/33)

VI = V + n

VII = VI + n/(37/33)

[If these proportions are graphed as circle's, one see's the Banner of Michael--three thinner circles, each surrounded by a larger circle. In fact, whenever I make the three-circle symbol now I use the Havona proportions. Of course the Havona Circuits are ellipses, not circles.]

I wonder what is special about 37/33? Mind you, I'm not talking about a calculator number (a repeating decimal), but the actual and complete fraction.

So here are three rudimentary rules.


The Primary Digits Rule

[A little name I made up.]

Let's look at another pattern. The only digits showing, regarding Master Universe Circuits, are made of 1,2,3,4 and 7 (zero is a place holder, not really a number). I call these the primary digits.


This is shown along with their associated geometric shapes below (anything called a world is assumed to be spherical), in the Master Universe Levels or Circuits...

Numbers of Master Universe Circuits

Paradise Circuit = 1

  • 1 Ellipsoidal Isle

Sacred Spheres Circuits = 3

  • 7 Father Worlds

  • 7 Son Worlds

  • 7 Spirit Worlds

Havona Circuits = 7

  • 37,000,000 Circuit I Worlds

  • 74,000,000 Circuit II Worlds

  • 107,000,000 Circuit III Worlds

  • 144,000,000 Circuit IV Worlds

  • 177,000,000 Circuit V Worlds

  • 214,000,000 Circuit VI Worlds

  • 247,000,000 Circuit VII Worlds

Central Universe Dark Gravity Circuits = 2

  • 1 Torus Inner Band - This is a structure consisting of three concentric tubes. Cut through it and you get a cross-section that looks like, you guessed it, the three-circle symbol!

  • 1 Wall-like Outer Band

Superuniverse Circuit = 1 This is a large torus of space.

  • 7 Disc-like (for now, ideally) Superuniverses

Outer Space Circuits = 4

  • 1 Primary Torus

  • 1 Secondary Torus

  • 1 Tertiary Torus

  • 1 Quartan Torus

If we look at the numbers of Havona circuits without the zeros, and adjust them to be decimals, adding up to 100 (as in 100 ultimatons in an electron) we get 7 levels...

  1. 3.7

  2. 7.4

  3. 10.7

  4. 14.4

  5. 17.7

  6. 21.4

  7. 24.7

Decimals include 4-7's and 3-4's (holding to the pattern of no 5's, 6's, 8's, or 9's being involved). If one just adds up the decimals, one gets 4 (still fitting the rule).

It is then tempting to add an 8th level, taking out the decimals, and calling it "4", so...

  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 7

  4. 10

  5. 14

  6. 17

  7. 21

  8. 24

In this way, the number still follows the digit rule, EXCEPT that there are now 8 numbers, which would be a no-no.


The Secondary Digits Rule

However, we can use a little sophistry and say that of 4 digits NOT in the Primary
Digits Group, all but the number 5, can be made of various Primary digits (I don't count 1, because all whole numbers can be made up from 1). So, let's call the numbers: 6, 8, and 9, Secondary Digits. Now, don't feel bad for number 5, he still has a great place of honor, just keep reading...


This limb is pretty thin, as I climb out on it, and it's beginning to bend, but I don't believe it is breaking yet ;).

In this way, we can have groups of 4 levels. Recall that the Paradise system is made of 4 levels--(1.) Paradise, (2.) Father Worlds, (3.) Son Worlds and (4.) Spirit Worlds. and of course there only 4 levels of outer space--(1.) Primary, (2.) Secondary, (3.) Tertiary, and (4.) Quartan. The intervening levels are two sets of seven, separated by the Dark Gravity circuits of the Central Universe. And although the Superuniverses are not ranked concentrically, they MAY be someday, who knows?

Consider the following:

We are told that Grandfanda was the from the first Superuniverse, which weakly supports an idea of evolution moving its way from SU1 to SU7 (our Superuniverse of Orvonton).

We are also told that the Supreme Being (The Universal Mother), herself may be located on Uversa--the capital sphere of Orvonton. Why would this be? It could be because the Superuniverses could become concentric some day; again, following the pattern of the Havona Circuits.

I realize this is a stretch, but I don't believe there's any information to disallow this possibility in the UB. I, myself, tend to not believe it, but it has entered my mind on many occassions, so I thought I'd mention it.


The Five Master Levels Rule

If this wacko theory is right than the Master universe will have a very real and symmetrical pattern of 5 Master Levels to it:


4--Paradise, 7--Havona, 2--Gravity,
7--Superuniverse, 4--Outer Space


Could these also be levels of certain particles? I have already speculated that they represent the levels of the Ultimaton itself (please review my URT in the UBRON Library, if you'd like).

But, could they also have something to do with the electron?

So my question to Mark, and all who are following along, is:

Can marbles, magnets and axles be used to construct an object that follows the three rules above, or any combination of them?


We have been discussing patterns shared by the macro and micro worlds. First we got a better hold on Havona by discovering the number of worlds in its circuits. That openned the door for discussing universe of the very small Ultimaton and electron. at the end here I want to briefly point out that there is even MORE than just these two things--micro and macro. I call this something-else "Novelty" (perpetually unique newness), a term borrowed from Terence McKenna, but only minimally analogous to his meaning of it.

The following is pretty esoteric so, those who get overwhelmed by hard to swallow concepts might want to skip this next part.

But, it is not MY inspiration that drives me to write about this, but rather Bill Sadler's take on some of the more enigmatic, cosmological and metaphysical concepts that are only lightly touched upon in the UB.

And for fun I will urge anyone who is interested to read the chapter in Bill Salder's A Study of the Master Universe, called "The Cosmos Infinite", for a great deduction of what might occur when these Five Master Levels have become perfected.

It is always good to keep in mind that the Central Universe is existentially perfect. It's a QUALITATIVE REPRESENTATION OF

The Universe outside of the Central Universe will be experientially perfected. It (including the Outer Space Levels someday) will be a QUANTITATIVE REPRESENTATION OF INFINITY. It WILL BE as big, as big CAN BE.

These inner and outer realms are reflective in their perfection. Just like with a mirror the "image" is not exactly the same. A right-handed person's reflection is left-handed. Yet, they ARE (or - in the case of the Master Universe - will become) EQUAL Such is the case with: the perfect and the perfected; the inner and the outer; eternity and time; potentiality and actuality; existentials and experientials; etc... So, yes, there are kinds of dualities.

But, and I'm probably wearing out my welcome with all this by now, Ultimately (and I mean that in the UB sense), all of these dualities will become triune. In the Cosmos Infinite (in the Ages after POST-experientials have been completed), there will likely be a brand new form of reality a third reflection. There will be The Central Universe The Grand Universe and the Novaverse (meaning, "New Universe"--sorry, only name I could think of)...THIS is what Sadler is talking about. The Cosmos Finite is what we live in now. The Cosmos Infinite is what comes...NEXT.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I*M - A New Urantia Album


I've begun to collect the songs of mine that have obvious UB
references in them and some that are UB inspired. The 20 songs
on this album are selected from 13 albums, with recordings
produced from 1998-2008.

I plan to market this album to the Urantia CommUnity and to
mainstream audiences. Already these songs are available at
Itunes for download (and 50 other audio online retailers). I'm
going to make a special effort this year to reach a non UB audience
with these UB ideas.

This music is representative of all my styles. Please don't be
turned off just because one song isn't done in a style you like, the
next song may be. The demographic that buys my vocal music is
primarily 18-35. There are psychedelic songs, hard rock,
folk, ambient, soft rock and experimental. The two most worshipful and gentle songs are 4. Becoming New and 6. Three Circles However, this IS a mostly progressive rock album.

Please visit my site: Alex Wall Music
















15. NOAH







I * M

A L E X * W A L L



From the album: BLUE AGE © 2002

Words from Meredith J. Sprunger's
The Gift of Revelation
Read by Jennifer Lovell with Music by Alex Wall

We are living in one of the great pivotal periods of history.

Society has undergone more change in the last one hundred years than in the previous two thousand years.

We are unlocking the secrets of the microcosmos and beginning to travel in outer space.

Great strides have been taken in the mastery and manipulation of our physical environment.

During this century [the 1900's] we have evolved a new physics, a new astronomy, a new psychology, and the beginnings of a new philosophical age.

Civilization changes course when new views of reality shift the thinking of humanity into different channels of growth.

We appear to be on the edge of one of these conceptual transformations.

Our society may be on the verge of another revolution in the way we view our world and the universe.



From the album: BLUE AGE © 2002

Words & Music by Alex Wall

Do you want me? Do I move you?

Might I whisper in your ear?

Come along, Stutter Fog

On the lamb, on the hog

'Cos you can, can relate

To the mood on my face

Pushing, pushing, I push my way into the void

Zero, zero, change is like a fiction, boy

I fill my eyes with Paradise

Shine a light on the gate

Take my hand; lead the way

Cos' you can, can relate

To the mood on my face

Shine a light on the gate, take my hand; lead the way

Do you want me? do I move you?

Cos' you can, can relate to the mood on my face

Might I whisper in your ear?

Shine a light on the gate, take my hand; lead the way

Pushing, pushing I push my way into the void

Cos' you can, can relate to the mood on my face

Zero, zero change is like a fiction, boy

I dip my toes in paraffin

I light my way with a seraphim

I cannot say that life today

Is what it will be when they come for me



From the album: MOONFLOWER © 1998

Words and Music by Alex Wall

She says go my way

Chosen one, come along

There's a sign in your mind you should read

Cos you're in a bind, man

Think too much, lighter heart

Are you touched by the crutch of the snowman?

She says go my way

Chosen one, come along

Put aside the things that divide you

There's a seraphim walking up beside you

She holds the keys to the Fatherland

Paradise, mother of a simple man

If you care to hear the Light and see the Sound

Your ship will never sink or run a-ground

Sail Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute

No need to find the cycle

Cos Infinity has come to you!

She says go my way

Chosen one, come along

Order what you can swallow, no more

You may not give it back, man

And the solid is hollow, I'm sure

It's the shadow of Heaven

She says go my way

Chosen one, come along

Put aside the things that divide you

There's a seraphim walking up beside you

She holds the keys to the Fatherland

Paradise, mother of a simple man

If you care to hear the Light and see the Sound

Your ship will never sink or run a-ground

Sail Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute

No need to find the cycle

Cos Infinity has come to you!

Sail Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute

Sail Supreme, Ultimate, and Absolute



From the album: MOONFLOWER © 1998

Words and Music by Alex Wall

I can take all the tears away from your eyes

And there will be no more death or sorrow or cryin

And I can take away the pain

All those things are passing away

And all is becoming new

But, what about you?

And all those things are passing away...

What about you?

And all those things are passing away...

What about you?

And all those things are passing away...

What about you?

And all those things are passing away...

I can take all the tears away from your eyes

--It gets so lonely in this place--

And there will be no more death or sorrow or cryin

--And I can see the tears behind your face--

And I can take away the pain

All those things are passing away

And all is becoming new

But, what about you?

Now that all is becoming new...

What about you?

Now that all is becoming new...

What about you?

Now that all is becoming new...

What about you?

Now that all is becoming, becoming new...

And all those things are passing away...

And all those things are passing away...



From the album: MOONFLOWER © 1998

Words and Music by Alex Wall

Well, toe-jam my philosophy

Say it doesn't mean that much to me

But I want to say "take it all away"

And I have to say "take it all away"

You say you want the stars to shine

And you've wanted it for the longest time

Well, you have to say "take it all away"

And you have to say "take it all away"

And love stands still

And we stand still, oh...

Is it a fine wine?

A stitch in time?

A highway scene with Mr. Clean?

A drive, a drop, a yield, a stop?

Cream, corn, art, porn?

Science-reliance, employment, appliance...

Splits me head and pulls out my defiance

Materialistic! Why shouldn't I risk it?

Better give it up if I don't want to fix it.

And the people say "take it all away"

And the people say "take it all away, away..."



From the album: WAKE TO DREAM © 2000

Words and Music by Alex Wall

Silence stands up proud and tall

But you know pride comes before a fall

I've tied up these loose ends

Wind makes the wheat bend

And the wheat could feed us all

And my waking dreams I see

Three circles in eternity...

The scientist agnosticates

On the principles of time and space

See through his outlook

Numbers in note-books

Lie around the place

When he turns them upside down he sees

Three circles in eternity...

From a window she watches her daughter's children

Play along the shore

But with the violent shaking of her hands

The poet wrote no more

And in her fading eyes she sees

Three circles in eternity...



From the album: TANTRUM © 2006

Words and Music by Alex Wall

When the things you've held so high

Come crashing to the ground

I'll write down the time

When love is on tv

The more I watch

The less I see

But I choose to be

In the end time

I promise you

In the end time

I'll dance with you

In the silence of the land

Still-water coves

Where man began

I wrote down the time

And you're still swimming to the Light

Still separate the wrong from the right

And you'll choose to fight

In the end time

I promise you

In the end time

I'll dance with you

Cos' I showed you how

I told you why

I thought you'd see

The image in your mind

I promise you

In the end time

I'll dance with you



From the album: TANTRUM © 2006

Words and Music by Alex Wall

Would you follow me anywhere?

To the end of the world?

Where the sand we placed so long ago

Has turned into a pearl

Would you follow me anywhere?

To the end of the world?

Where the sand we placed so long ago

Has turned into a pearl

And I showed you how

I told you why

I thought you'd see

The image in your mind

I promise you in the End Time

I'll dance with you



From the album: LEXICON © 2008

Words and Music by Alex Wall

Close those curtains tight

The light is much too bright

It hurts me

It hurts my eyes

I've always loved the sun

But now it's laughing down

It's laughing

Down on me

And I've done what you have asked

The torch of song is passed

I've seen the future film be cast

Make them go away

This is not my game

You think we

Think the same

Pound those stakes in hard

Hard, until they break

Until their splinters

Hold my frame

And I've done what you have asked

The torch of song is passed

I've seen the future film be cast

I've seen another way



From the album: LEXICON © 2008

Words and Music by Alex Wall

Said the night unto the day

You know I think I've seen it

I've seen another way?

When you're on one side

And I'm on the other

Don't you know

The night is just

the daytime's brother

And they've held hands

Around this world

From the time of rock and stone

To the days of bloody sword

And as we spin around this star

Forgetting who we are

In the womb that we adore

I am reborn



From the album: LEXICON © 2008

Words and Music by Alex Wall

Rise, rise and cheer from all sides

The time has come

Rise, rise look up to the skies

The world is young

Lies, lies; they're dropping like flies

Pull these scales, scales from my eyes

Rise, rise look up to the skies

The world is young

And if you wanted me to love you

All you had to do was ask me to

And if you wanted just to hold me

All you had to do was see right through me&

Rise, rise and cheer from all sides

The time has come



From the album: LEXICON © 2007

Words and Music by Alex Wall

I sang to "make love"

I watch you give and take love

And now the time ends

Washed down with tears and diamonds

Still feel the Blues

Can't find no happy news

Bitter taste, indeed

I need to really lose control

I just go home tonight

I'm feeling like a kite

That dives into the ground

A song without a sound

Whenever you're in town

Call me up

You know I'll be around

You know I'll never stop

Take a look at the moon tonight

What a funky little satellite

Purple hips, and she says she feels good

"Hold me over for another night"

Well, you can drink

You can drink from my well

You can drink, but you cannot drink well

Sailing ships get lost in the rain, girl

But you're walking in a hurricane

When someone tries to take your soul

Buy it time, buy it time

When someone tries to take your soul

Buy it time...

Looks like I'll live more

I'll learn to trust and give more

I'll make the world see

The joys of peace and mercy

In Violet Light

We will learn to get it right

We will turn around

We will see the song behind the sound

Stayed up until the dawn

When I thought that You were gone

From every point of view

There's only me and You

No other fills my mind

No other holds my heart

Your Love is at the top

You know I'll never stop



From the album: LEXICON © 2007

Words and Music by Alex Wall

I'm ready to start again

I have a new place to be

I'm leaving all those friends

Who said that they left me

I'm luffing in the wind

Confessing every sin

Cos I'm ready to start again

I will leave where I have been

And though the spirit leaves my pain

In the flesh there will remain

Tearsn' rain, Tearsn' rain

Tearsn' rain

Cos I'm still the same

My roots are taking hold

The sap is sinking in

You're young and I am old

But we're happy in our skins

And with the passing of the flame

The wax will freeze again, in

Tearsn' rain, Tearsn' rain

Tearsn' rain

Cos I'm still the same

Blue moon embosses on the snow

A ghost, a host

So many ghosts I know

Now I know how clear the air can be

Only when I'm peaceful am I free

And I am free

Somewhere in our minds

It is morning all the time

Where we can start again

Helps us leave where we have been

And in the future morning calls

And the past will wash away in

Tearsn' rain, Tearsn' rain

Tearsn' rain

Cos I'm still the same



From the album: WAKE TO DREAM © 2000

Words and Music by Alex Wall

He missed the boat, he missed the train

The train that brought him sugarcane

There aint no moon to give him light

Now he needs the seventh sight

Walking in the spirit age

Cooking with the Salem Sage

In the muddy ground the man turns around

At the end of the day his hair is grey

He's pacing, he's walking

He's at the door and knocking

He's waiting for the end of days

Pantomime...I'm gonna waste some time

Little cigarette helsps stop the noise

I take a breath, and I forget...I forget

Did he forget how high we rise

I'm looking at her feet and eyes

If I'm the pet I wanna run wild

And make it to that broken smile

It makes me so impressed

Impressed with him

He thinks I'll lose the Light within

He could be wrong, he could be right

The answer's on the other side

It's a sunny day in Y2K

On a bridge of fate and tv tears

At the end of days

Pantomime...I'm gonna waste some time

Little cigarette helps stop the noise

I hold back all the tears

From thirty one years

I take a breath, and I will...

And I will, and I'll forget

I'll forget


15. NOAH

From the album: WAKE TO DREAM © 2000

Words and Music by Alex Wall

I was born on the rocky coast

Baptized by Crystal Waters

In a place with the most

The Lion's sign in the land of pine

I know these parts, I know these hearts

Woman in the crowd

What are you looking for?

I can be found

Where it all comes crashing down

And I just want to say

I hope I helped you find the way

Remember this time

Remember these days...remember...

Late at night I hear the highway cry

It helped me to sleep when I was a child

The icicles and the earth below

And when I wake up

I'm gonna play in the snow

People in the crowd

What are you listening to?

The words of a fool

In the Age of Blue

And I just want to say

I hope I wasn't in the way

Remember this time

Remember these days...remember...

Oh, Noah, look for the sign

Yes, it's gonna rain for a year this time

That you might believe

That you might believe

Now I see what has to be

Or you could take this cup away from me

These broken songs are all I have

The future's come

Don't forget the past

People in the crowd

What are you fighting for?

You're about to find a love

Like you've never seen before

And I just want to say

Before I go away

Remember this time

Remember these days

Oh, Noah, look for the sign

It's gonna rain for a year this time

And you will believe, yes you will believe



From the album: WAKE TO DREAM © 2000

Words and Music by Alex Wall

In my fantasy, it's always you and me

It's got to stand for something

When I come around, gonna sell the sound

And it'll stand for something

And what I wanted to be is clear and free

And to be honest, sometimes

I wake to dream, I wake to dream...

Well I feel so tall, pierced wrists and all

I've got to stand for something

In the violet rain, you call me insane

I've got to stand for something

These lights are blinding my eyes

Glass and fire

I may be letting off steam

I wake to dream, I wake to dream

When the lion's come, spread the word around...

It's time to stand for something

And when you're at the edge

No more looking down

It's time to stand for something

Cos' it's a terrible place to save your face

So, if you want to be free, just...

Wake to dream, wake to dream (etc.)



From the album: WAKE TO DREAM © 2000

Words and Music by Alex Wall

On a mountain top, I saw the sun burst out of the sea

It looked like atom bombs

It was a funky star

A diamond ring in my fantasy

On a frozen lake, I watched the night turn into the day

As I was flying north I saw a funky star

And I was held by its gravity

You say you're only happy when it rains

But behind those clouds a funky star remains

We watched the northern lights

And they danced with the Milky Way

We were so happy then, under the funky stars

As we gazed at eternity

On the way back home

You said that love can never die

And I still think you're right

Just like you were that night

Except for you and I

What happened to that book we used to read?

Why do you try so hard to hide from me?

I tell you I will only bring you peace

Don't hide from me, please

As I drift to sleep, I dream of things that will never be

But I will wake at dawn

To find my funky star

And that's good enough for me



From the album: WAKE TO DREAM © 2000

Words and Music by Alex Wall

I look to the west

To the bomb, to the best

To the end of the day

In a year and a life

In a time of the night

In my shallow eyes

Open my mind

Give me a sign

Tell me what you said before

Tell me what you're looking for

Open my mind

Give me a peak

I woke on Tuesday morn

I made the shower warm

On the radio they talked of death and war

In America's world I wasn't feeling proud

I was feeling sad, I was feeling bad

Why should I change

When nobody cares at all?

Why should I change

When nobody cares at all?

I got a job at the bank

I talk to folks all day

They call me up from near and far away

I know that all we have

Could feed the world each day

When I walk home at night

I pass little kids on the Hill

They all look up and smile

But their parents chill

It isn't worth their while

It isn't in their wills

Why should I change

When nobody cares at all?

Why should I change

When nobody cares at all?



From the album: LEXICON © 2007

Words and Music by Alex Wall

Inside of your rose I comes and I goes

You heat the world around me and

The video skies; I get lost in your eyes

I think your wrapped around me and

Make love all day long

(And the moments will come)

Make love singing songs

(As bright as the sun)

Make love all day long

Make love!

From the start you stole my heart away

Sexy baby, gave me night, gave me night and day

Inside the inside; astonishing fire

It heats the world around me and

Since youve been my friend, I can be young again

If you stay wrapped around me and

Ill make love to you

(And the moments will come)

If you want me to

(As bright as the sun)

Ill make love to you

Make love!

From the start you stole my heart away

Sexy baby, gave me night, gave me night and day



From the album: LEXICON © 2007

Words and Music by Alex Wall

You're beautiful

You turn me on

And it's natural

But you think it's wrong

There's not enough time in the year

For you to hear

I want to tell you I love you

But you won't know, I fear

Unrequited May

I saw your boyfriend pick you up today

Unrequited May

I'm sure he came to take your breathe away

Unrequited May

You both walked up the stairs and locked the door

And Unrequited May

Now you won't be lonely anymore

Oh, oh, oh, how I want to be alone with you again

My friend

How I want to be alone with you again

My friend

You won't listen to me

Now the time is gone

And I'm dying

But you make me strong

There aren't enough notes in the scale

And so I failed

To be what you needed

But you were more than enough for me

Unrequited May

I hung your picture on my wall today

Unrequited May

A pretty face that never walks away

Unrequited May

I'll talk to it tonight and lock the door

And Unrequited May

Now I won't be lonely anymore

Oh, oh, oh, how I want to be alone with you

Again, my friend

How I want to be alone with you

Again, my friend, etc...



From the album: TANTRUM © 2006

Words and Music by Alex Wall

Take me to the water's edge, chosen one

This life that we create is breathing on its own

We're gonna have to let it fly, chosen one

We love it, so be strong and sing along

I drove so fast, dark circles grasped

My eyes, as I began to die

My songs flowed out into my mind

They calmed me down, they gave me time...

Take me on the rolling waves, chosen one

I promise I will stay there until my work is done

We're gonna have to let it fly, chosen one

I know that you have light enough

To shine on everyone

I have no wife, I have no child

So many things unreconciled

My broken heart and racing Jeep

Gave the chosen one my soul to keep

Then cherubim flew down to me

With blue shirts and stethoscopes

They opened up my broken heart

Two seraphim stood next to me

Protecting me when I would sleep

They let me rest my broken heart

And when I'd sleep, I'd sleep so deeply...

That you could...

Take me to the other side, chosen one

Show me all the treasures hiding in the sun

But, you've given me a little more life, chosen one

It isn't time to fly yet and we are going home


Thank You for Lending Your Ears


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Light of the Suns II

In the last post, Light of the Suns I, we looked at different kinds of light. We saw how our sun is an ideal representation of a light producing machine. Before we move on the a discussion of other stars, I thought it would be useful to go over the scientific explanations for "electromagnetic (EM) radiation" (light).

Electromagnetic Spectrum

"The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all possible
electromagnetic radiation. The 'electromagnetic spectrum' (usually just spectrum) of an object is the characteristic distribution of
electromagnetic radiation from that object."

More about Electromagnetic Spectrum.

White Light Spectrum

"White is the combination of all the colors of the visible light
spectrum. White is technically achromatic, and not a color, since it has no hue."

More about White Light

After viewing how short the visible (white) light spectrum is in comparison to the rest of the EM spectrum, we get a better idea about how much energy is invisible to us. Sometimes this invisible energy can be hinted at. For instance, we can feel infrared radiation (IR) as heat. Everything we know of gives off some kind of IR. And IR is simply light of a longer wavelength than is typically visible to us. And if heated to a high enough temperature, nearly everything will give off visible light.

This is all made more fascinating when we consider that some animals have extremely high visual acuity. They can not only see the world with a higher resolution then we do (their brains having visual perception reaction times many times greater than humans), their brains can also integrate some parts of the EM spectrum that we cannot see into their sensory experience.

We have specially adapted electronic methods of seeing either white light, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma ray, or radio. But even when they are combined in a video display, they aren't actually integrated, as would be the image to an animal with comparable visual ability.

[NON-SCIENCE COMMENT - Along these same lines, it would not be a stretch to expect that any super mortal beings might posses this ability as well. As I had mentioned in Living Lucid, space looks like a black abyss to we of handicapped vision. Is it possible that ALL wavelengths may be viewed by some beings? Would this mean that suns would actually appear to be darker than the space surrounding them?]

There has been great debate and some recent agreement about what light is. Einstein invented the word "quanta" in order to show that there was a point where all material reality could be uncuttable. The idea was that light itself was quantized and that each photon ('light packet') was one quantum. The "quantum" (one piece of this material reality) was given definition by Max Planck and was theorized to possess the following measurements:

Planck length Length
(L) 1.616252 × 10−35 m

Planck mass Mass
(M) 2.17645 × 10−8 kg 1.311 × 1019 u

Planck time Time
(T) 5.39121 × 10−44 s

Planck charge Electric charge
(Q) 1.8755459 × 10−18 C 11.70624 e

Planck temperature Temperature
(Θ) 1.41679 × 1032 K

Ok. So we've seen how complex our sun is and what kinds of light is emits. We understand that light it self comes in separate particles called 'photons'. However light is also a wave. It travels while its wave traces out a horizontal wave plane and a vertical wave plane. When one of these waves is cancelled out we call it 'polarization'. Light is unpolarized if both axes propogate a wave. If only one does, then the wave is said to be 'polarized'. Light from the moon is polarized.



Our sun is immense when compared to our earth. Over a billion earths could fit inside the sun. Yet, our sun, Sol, is just a baby in the family of stars. Here is a classic NASA video to give you a better sense of both the sizes of the planets and the size of various suns when compared to each other. You will begin to get the feeling that there are much bigger things in the universe.

The largest stars have the shortest lifespan. Sol is a yellow dwarf and will live another 5 billion years...

"The Sun is a yellow, G2 V main sequence dwarf. Yellow dwarfs live
about 10 billion years (from zero-age main sequence to white dwarf
formation), and our Sun is already about 5 billion years old."

More Astronomy FAQ's.

Now let's look at some really big stars...


"Alpha Orionis, the right shoulder of Orion (from our point of view at the left), glows in an impressive red. The red supergiant pulsates slightly irregular with a period of 2070 days. It is the supernova-candidate lying next to us."

Constellation: Orion
Distance: 427 light-years
Spectral class: M2
Visual magnitude: 0.45
Luminosity: 55 000 * Sun
Mass: 20 * Sun
Diameter: 662 * Sun
Radial velocity: 21 km/sec


Source: Big and Giant Stars

Even in the visible spectrum of white light - the range we can see - there are great variations in star color. As we saw above Betelgeuse is a red color, while our sun is yellow.

There are blue giants, and multiple star-systems, like the Rigel system...


"The brightest star of Orion, yet called Beta Orionis, is a system of a blue star and two white stars. The two very similar whites are close together, but far away from the bigger blue one. Rigel A starts expanding to become a red supergiant. Rigel is in the constellation Orion the left knee (from our point of view right)."

"The star lights a reflection nebula famous as Witch Head Nebula, IC 2118."

Constellation: Orion
Distance: 733 light-years
Radial velocity: 20.7 km/sec
Orbit period of Rigel B and C: 9.85992 days

Rigel A
Spectral class: B8
Visual magnitude: 0.14
Luminosity: 38 679 * Sun
Mass: 17 * Sun
Diameter: 62 * Sun

Rigel B
Spectral class B/C: B9
Visual magnitude: 7.45
Luminosity: 46 * Sun
Mass: 4 * Sun
Diameter: 3.5 * Sun

Rigel C
Spectral class B/C: B9
Visual magnitude: 7.45
Luminosity: 46 * Sun
Mass: 4 * Sun
Diameter: 3.5 * Sun


Check out all the close-up shots of multiple star systems at The Bright and Multiple Stars Gallery.

Here is a chart of the closest stars.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Light of the Suns I

We know that all light even sunlight is in its own realm. What we see is just the cracking open of the place where light is. Tear away the walls and you enter eternity - where the light is so intense that it "casts no shadows".

Not only is our sun very beautiful, it is also marvelously huge and very, VERY powerful. It's light is so intense that, even 93 million miles away from it, staring even a little while directly at the sun can make you temporarily blind, with a chance of permanent eye damage. You remember the mean kid on the playground with the magnifying glass trying to burn ants...? Well, the lens of the eye will do an even more effective job of destroying the retina, if sunlight (even sunlight from 93 million miles away) is allowed to be focused upon it.

I've written a lot lately about different aspects of light. Now I'd like to show some scientific facts about the ultimate material light givers, THE STARS, starting with our sun. But the study of our nearest star (Sol) won't be done from far away, we will take a look up-close.


Photo showing the Sun in X-ray wavelengths of red at 284 Angstroms.

"An ångström or angstrom (symbol Å) (pronounced /ˈæŋstrəm/; Swedish: IPA: [ˈɔ̀ŋstrœm]) is a non-SI unit of length that is internationally recognized, equal to 0.1 nanometre (nm). It can be written in scientific notations as 1×10−10 m (normalized notation) or 1 E-10 m (exponential notation) — both meaning 1/10,000,000,000 metres. It is sometimes used in expressing the sizes of atoms, lengths of chemical bonds and visible-light spectra..."

More about Angstroms.

Solar Hinode Images

"Hinode (Sunrise) is a project to study the Sun, led by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in collaboration with NASA, the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), and the European Space Agency (ESA). Hinode's three year mission is to explore the magnetic fields of the Sun, and improve our understanding of the mechanisms that power the solar atmosphere and drive solar eruptions."

More about Hinode.


Solar Flares X-ray - the Sun at 19.5nm

"An X-ray (or Röntgen ray) is a form of electromagnetic radiation (light) with a wavelength in the range of 10 to 0.01 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 PHz to 30 EHz."

More about X-rays.

Solar Flares Ultraviolet

"Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than soft X-rays. It is so named because the spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than those that humans identify as the color violet (purple)."

More about Ultraviolet.

Solar Flares Infrared

"Infrared (IR) radiation is electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength longer than that of visible light, but shorter than that of microwaves. The name means 'below red' (from the Latin infra, 'below'), red being the color of visible light with the longest wavelength. Infrared radiation has wavelengths between about 750 nm and 1 mm, spanning five orders of magnitude. Humans at normal body temperature can radiate at a wavelength of 10 microns."

More about Infrared Radiation.

The presentations and definitions above start to give you an idea about how complex the idea of light really is.

Generally speaking, gravity is thought to be a rather weak force - some billion, billion, billion times weaker than the electromagnetic (EM) force. But stars are massive gravity machines. They have a gravity so strong that even the explosions upon their surfaces - equal to billions of hydrogen bombs going off continuously - can barely for matter out into space. And deep inside the pressures of gravity pulling in and light pushing out actually force atoms to fuse becoming ever-more massive atoms (higher and higher numbered elements on the periodic table).

Let's look inside the sun...


The Inner Core

"The innermost layer of the sun is the core. With a density of 160 g/cm^3, 10 times that of lead, the core might be expected to be solid. However, the core's temperature of 15 million kelvins (27 million degrees Fahrenheit) keeps it in a gaseous state."

The Radiative Zone

"Throughout this region of the solar interior, energy, in the form of radiation, is transferred by its interaction with the surrounding atoms. In the radiation zone of the Sun the temperature is a little cooler than the core and as a result some atoms are able to remain intact."

The Convection Zone

"This is the area that we consider to form the outer shell of the Sun. The atoms in this layer of the Sun have electrons because the temperature is not hot enough to strip them away like it is in the core (15.6X 106 K as opposed to 2 million K). Atoms with electrons are able to absorb and emit radiation, making this region more opaque, like a thick fog."

Subsurface Flows

"Gas on the Sun's surface has been observed to flow away from the equator towards both poles. If the same flow persists to great depths, it could play an important dynamical role in the eleven-year sunspot cycle, by carrying the magnetic remnants of the sunspots to high latitudes."


"As we look down into the atmosphere at the surface of the Sun the view becomes more and more opaque. The point where it appears to become completely opaque is called the photosphere. Thus, the photosphere may be thought of as the imaginary surface from which the solar light that we see appears to be emitted."


"The chromosphere is 2000-3000 km thick. It glows faintly relative to the photosphere and can only be seen easily in a total solar eclipse. When it can be seen it is reddish in color (because of strong Balmer H-alpha emission). This color is the origin of its name (chromos meaning "color'')."


"During a total eclipse of the Sun, when for a few minutes the Moon completely covers the Sun's face, a glow appears around the darkened Sun--the solar corona, the Sun's outermost atmosphere. Structures visible in the corona at such times suggest that they are shaped by magnetic fields, and therefore, that the corona consists of plasma. "

Eclipse revealing the sun's corona.

There are other particles that the sun produces...

Gamma Rays

"In the core, fusion reactions produce energy in the form of gamma rays and neutrinos. Gamma rays are photons with high energy and high frequency. The gamma rays are absorbed and re-emitted by many atoms on their journey from the envelope to the outside of the sun. When the gamma rays leave atoms, their average energy is reduced. However, the first law of thermodynamics (which states that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed) plays a role and the number of photons increases. Each high-energy gamma ray that leaves the solar envelope will eventually become a thousand low-energy photons." *


"The neutrinos are extremely nonreactive. To stop a typical neutrino, one would have to send it through a light-year of lead! Several experiments are being performed to measure the neutrino output from the sun. Chemicals containing elements with which neutrinos react are put in large pools in mines, and the neutrinos' passage through the pools can be measured by the rare changes they cause in the nuclei in the pools. For example, perchloroethane contains some isotopes of chlorine with 37 particles in the nucleus (17 protons, 20 neutrons). These Cl-37 molecules can take in neutrinos and become radioactive Ar-37 (18 protons, 19 neutrons). From the amount of argon present, the number of neutrinos can be calculated." *


Please check back for the next post about light. :)

A L E X * W A L L