Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Toward a Planetary Government

A Planetary Government could be
made up of Continental Federations


I. The North American Federation

Population: 700,000,000 (11% of World Population)

II. The South American Federation

Population: 600,000,000 (9%) of World Population)

III. The European Federation

Population: 1,000,000,000 (15% of World Population)

IV. The African Federation

Population: 1,100,000,000 (16% of World Population)

V. The Middle Eastern Federation

Population: 1,300,000,000 (19% of World Population)

VI. The Far Eastern Federation

Population: 1,400,000,000 (21% of World Population)

VII. The Pacific Islands Federation

Population: 600,000,000 (9% of World Population)


Lower House

1,000 World Representatives...








Upper House

210 World Senators








Total Number of Legislators = 1,210


World Chief Executive

WCE I (1)

World Vice Chiefs

VCE III (3 = 1 First, 1 Second, and 1 Third)

Federal Governors


Board of State Elders

BSE II II II II II II II (14 = 7 Men + 7 Women)

Total Number of Executives: 25


World Supreme Court Justices


Total Number of Judges: 21


Total Number of World Government Officers: 1,256


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Peace and the Planetary Government

[The following Essay was published at UBRON on December 27, 2009.]


You might agree there are different kinds of contextual uses for the word "peace"? The following list is not some "theory" it is only one possible perspective among many perspectives that are probably much better than mine. But for now, in a UB-ish style, :) I'll try this "levels" approach...

First, I'm using the following definition from thefreedictionary.com for peace...



1. The absence of war or other hostilities.
2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities.
3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: roommates living in peace with each other.
4. Public security and order: was arrested for disturbing the peace.
5. Inner contentment; serenity: peace of mind.

I've modified the dictionary meanings a bit to fit these "levels."

1. Peace of Mind - "Inner contentment; serenity..."
2. Family Peace - "Freedom from quarrels and disagreement..."
3. Community Peace - "Public security...order, [and friendship]..."
4. National Peace - "An agreement...[among states to avoid] hostilities..."
5. International Peace - "The absence of war..."


I think people are right about the importance of peace if we qualify it on a local and interpersonal scale. And THAT will do more than anything to foster the development of the People's (Mankind's) will for political change; the relinquishment of national military and economic power; relinquishing their control to the world-wide cause. So, the end of war around the globe can't occur until we have that kind of "mankind government." And you can't have "lasting [international and personal] peace" without the end of war itself. It is apparently not directly dependent on the arrival of a "brotherhood of men"...

UB: "Religion makes it spiritually possible to realize the brotherhood of men, but it will require mankind government to regulate the social, economic, and political problems associated with such a goal of human happiness and efficiency."

Both religious and governmental growths are complimental and parallel but separate in their major functions, at least according to the UB. It seems rational to me that when mankind approaches true, religious brotherhood, the most fertile soil to grow it will be nutrient-rich, world-wide peace. After all, "mankind government" and mankind religion ("the brotherhood of man") are both planetary in scale. It would take some complicated logic to explain how they would not be global phenomena I think. I have tended to lean toward the idea that there are only two least-problematic forms of religion: (1) personal and (2) planetary. All organization, institutions, cults and groups in between these two, seem to retard the development of both. That is just my opinion. And it seems comfortably supportable with UB concepts (which I guess we can mine, as we go along).

Churches have their social function. But they are not as sufficient to spiritual growth as developing one's communication with the TA (personal) and working toward the common social goal (planetary) of believing in and adopting Michael's methods (with help from his life as Jesus); as he always adopts the Universal Father's Plan. So, can we agree that, to refrain from tying religion (both personal and planetary, and typically thought of as a means to promoting "peace") too tightly together with a planetary government's role in eliminating war on a planetary scale?

As long as we have the establishment of separate groups of believers (as religious organizations, institutions and cults), the "brotherhood of men" (actually, religion of all humanity) will just have to wait. I believe the UB is strongly implying here that world government will precede and then set the stage for a common world-wide religion. Urantia (as a planetary human species) deserves to think of ourselves as still a very primitive people as long as our nations fight against each other in wars; no matter how peaceful those individual nations are becoming within their own borders, and among their federated neighborhoods (the EU comes to mind as drawing near this kind of trans-national, peaceful state). The United States (also a federation of peaceful states - once-upon-a- time, separate colonial states - made up of English, French and Spanish territories).

Recall that we are now in the midst of a current world war caused by the aggressions of disagreeing religious ideologies. It is a fact that the weakness of certain national governments (that is, the inability to defend their people against the tyranny of religious extremist factions) would not existence under a planetary, con-federated but centralized democracy.


The Planetary Government should be as Thomas Jefferson first perceived centralized representative government of the US, yet then vastly expanded into a loose and voluntary, planetary, con-federation of strong nation-states, bound together by a common international constitution. Other ideas... These branches would only be involved in the serious problems and policies arising from world-wide issues of inter-nation (now, called inter-state) affairs.


I think the planetary government should have an efficient and technologically advanced (but HIGLY REGULATED) federal police force. Any regional rebellion or criminal activities under that system would be at the mercy of this well-funded and popularly-controlled, through a world legislature. The legislative branch would deal with inter-state policy-making.


The executive branch would be very weak politically, and led by a popularly elected person, respected for their highly ethical leadership in national government. The Staff would consist of a group international elders, evenly divided between men and women (in this case quotas don't count, since they are chosen from a human population that is divided evenly (pretty much) between male and female.


This is already forming in the United Nations. It would only reform, then stabilize, fortify and greatly empower the current world court system, by adding it as a final circuit above the Supreme Courts of the nation-states. Cases heard at this level would be reserved for only the highest and most internationally influential appeals.


There could be (again, only my opinion) a lightly-taxed, highly entrepreneurial (receiving tax breaks for ingenuity in producing world-wide improvements to the standard of living), non-consumer-debt based, capitalist economy.

A "world tax" would be collected from national federal reserves annually. It would be comparable and proportional to the average gross income of its individual citizens, and adjusted for regional and geographical aspects, along with each nation-state's developmental status. I'm sure a formula could be derived that could lower federal income taxes in all nations significantly, while funding all of the planetary government's goals, as dictated by the billions of people (literally, "world citizens") who would now have a stronger voice, as a whole.

Ideally, such an economy might benefit from specific subsidies for scientific, socio-political and cultural (arts, music, literature) advancements. Without war, HUGE changes will be set in motion. If you think about it, nearly everything today is dependent of the status of national militaries and their budgets, whether they be defending, attacking, or maintaining their readiness to go to war. That would all be reduced and then translated into a new form of stripped-down, and highly trained World Defense Department. Rebellion would be a possibility. However, usually, rebellion is due to the dis-satisfaction of groups and coallitions. I think a more satisfied populace would lessen the risk of terrorism, insurgency, rebellion, or (God forbid) a global civil war.

Without the heavy burden of military budgets, tons of cash could pour into the world markets. Consumer debt could be eliminated for all non-mortgage loans. Capital would be more avaiable, and re-investment would strengthen successful businesses enough to have them become capital investors in other star-ups. The standards of living in all but the most privileged nations would PROFOUNDLY improve. This is part of the deal that the PEOPLE of the First World must make, philosophically - to sacrifice a little. For their parts, Third Wolrd counries would have to lower their expectations A LOT, using a philosophy that assumes financial stability is superior to asset aquirement. Both First and Third Worlds would be encouraged (hopefully! - remember this is all just a wild speculation) by what the other is giving up, so that ALL can be safer and more secure...and let's face it, happier. :)

The world already DOES have the full potential to produce plenty of food. With the financial encouragement for couples to only have an average of 1.5 (?) children, combined with better health conditions, population growth could actually level off, cease, and eventually reverse, with in maybe three or four generations. All the genocide, famine, destitution, ignorance, plight of refugees, spread of disease, etc. currently caused by war, would just dissolve away in a few short years. There would still be issues, but the difference in life here on Urantia would literally be like that between darkness and light.


I don't want to get into this right now, for fear of igniting a US-based feud bewteen UBRON's more politically-minded folks. I suspect that it is more realistic to assume that, at first all nations in a new planetary government would continue whatever current policies are in place when the inauguration and legal transfer of the power of nations begins. I have a sense that Universal Coverage will most probably be the end product of the coming (and long) struggle toward finding the best system. Most of the world has a more public system than the US. So, unless the US can convince everyone else to get on the private care bandwagon, I think the tide will sweep over these last vestages and one system will be settled on for the whole planet. Whatever it turns out to be, expenses will be less in the world-wide health industries if there is no more war chest to keep filled.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Elimination of Violence in the World of Non-Fiction

I will admit that a less mature or enlightened person could be swept away by the action found in entertainment images of violence. Let's face it, they would probably be swept away by the real world violence too.

Violence, and the conquering of it, certainly IS worth discussing and attempting. I find it very interesting that more people don't focus on the establishment (if even in theory) of a Planetary Government and the UB's prediction that it will permanently end war. No one would like to see that more than I. :)

When these few next years have passed by and we settle back onto a plateau of some kind again, I will focus my efforts on exploring the establishment of a model for Planetary Government. (I tend to not call it "World Government" in order to avoid the stereotypes of the conspiracy theorists here, who carry over the mistaken impressions of their fundamentalist - Antichrist-predicting - tendencies and Bible thumping birth marks.)

People who want peace need to be thinking about pulling the nations together; as was the pattern and - though imperfect - process set in motion by the huge periods of destruction during the 20th Century. While the idea of some form of isolationism (recently suggested in the spirit of our "Neighboring Planet" info, transferred to our earth) may seem appealing, it is now impossible and unrealistic in the age of instant global communication. Our experience here at UBRON shows us that, as plain as day. If people want to understand how futile and frustrating the maintenance of isolationism is, just ask Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and any other leader trying to suppress the spread if information.

The small wire connecting to the back of your computer allowing you to communicate with me (no matter where you are) on this very day has permanently ended any hope for an isolated FERish kingdom on a hill. We now NEED to operate within a global context. That is something I don't mind at all. And others who would say a Planetary Representative Government is ALSO 1,000 years away are sorely mistaken, imo. Those folks are lost in the ideological and antiquated system of not understanding the POWER found in these initial years of the www. It is information, not location that is now irreversibly taking over. We have to stop trying to drive by only using the rear-view mirror. This method of navigation is not possible any more...and will only grow less-so.

TRULY, the establishment of peace WILL BE MUCH MORE EXCITING than the adventures and temptations (for some people) of violence, war and global conflict. And, THANK GOD FOR THAT!

Frankly, (sorry to the nationalist-leaning folks out there) the first step in the process of "evening" between nations (which MUST take place before "going global"), has already occurred with the lessening of America's political influence in the world. It will be the economy (currently based entirely on the maintenance and growth of debt and consumerism) that eventually and completely falters, fails and falls away, as a reasoning for every public policy.

Presently, it is money over people; material gain, causing spiritual loss. In the future, money will be the minimal concern and the happiness of a life lived for the strengthening of human fellowship, cosmological comprehension and physical health, will seem much more gratifying than it is now. For many folks out there none of those three things is useful unless they can make a buck on it. As Democracy is the ideal of Representative Government, Free Enterprise is the ideal of Capitalism. Each of those former things will be adopted in real form as their latter stages fall away.

The end of the rule of nations will be upon us THIS century; whether forced or planned. The US will have to give up the vision of itself as leader of the free world, now that it is so obvious that the two car, two house, boat on the trailer, 16 credit card lifestyle cannot be enjoyed by the world as a whole. We as westerners (even while every current and bothersome - petty? - financial estate we may be bitching about now, is an incredible heaven compared to how MOST of the world lives) MUST be willing to have less, give more and adopt a global attitude where our nationalist arrogance now functions. America using over 25% of the world's resources, but only having 8.5% of the world's population is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. American material sacrifice MUST happen. Again, we can plan it or it will be forced upon us.

And, for their part, the developing world MUST cease in adopting the unattainable "American dream" as its material ideal and realize how much its cultures already offer to the world. When these two things begin to come about in accord with the exponential technological advancements that are already taking place--in a more obvious way than we observe now, the political establishment of a Global or Planetary Government will not be far behind, and neither will a general establishment of peace.

The superior aspects of ALL culuters must outweigh their inferior practices. Until that happens, war, bloodshed, greed and the inevitable violence inherent in their maintanace, will continue to rule on earth.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Time to End the Dominator Society

[This essay was originally published at UBRON on Sunday August 23, 2009.]

I believe the future will still consist of male and female things. BUT, we will learn that it is the destructive aspects of both things that brings down the dignity of both genders. History has been patriarchical for most of its duration. Most of us assume this. This is not necessarily a strict rule. Here are some infrequent examples of true female leadership...

1. Lady Six Sky was de facto ruler of Naranjo; also known as Lady Wac Chanil Ahau, Lady of Dos Pilas and Lady of Tikal, and reigned over the Mayan Empire (682-741 CE). Her raid against Tikal is credited with being the turning point in Mayan history, for the worse (unfortunately). However, in her time she was basically seen as a God (dess). She did things that the MEN of the empire appreciated as powerful; she made war. She ruled armies. But once the men starting
fighting, it brought down the empire.

Glyph for Lady Six Sky

2. Suiko, Empress Suiko, Empress Suiko-Tenno, was Empress of Japan (592-628 CE). As the first empress of Japan, she ushered in a time of peace, introducing the priestly Buddhism to the common people. She built temples all over Japan. She solidified the land distribution scheme of ancient Japan and reinforced the buraeucracy, ensuring a tighter political unity. But it is her Buddhism for which she is best known. She even gave one of the chief priests nearly co-power. Unfortunately, he betrayed her trust and went on to become Emperor, himself. She did things that the MEN of Japan appreciated as powerful, she organized government and fostered religion. Japan had a more successful run, as we know today, than did the Mayans. It is interesting to note that in Japan, literature was considered a woman's pursuit. So women became EXTREMELY good writers. I've read some pieces that are said to lose their perfection of subtly-layered meanings in the translation to English. But still they are exquisite.

Empress Suiko

3. Cleopatra VII (69–30 BCE) Pharoh of Egypt was a powerful queen. She did things that the Egyptian MEN as well as one very famous man, Mark Antony, saw as powerful. She was a master diplomat and sudductress (kind of mixing them together). And although she is known for her charm, looks-wise she was not what we would consider a "beautiful" woman. She did not look much like Elizabeth Taylor...

Cleopatra VII

She may have had a little peach fuzz on the upper lip. Nevertheless, she led a navy, and technically an army against the most powerful military force on earth at the time; the Roman Empire. So she also had--what is traditionally envyed by MEN--ambition.

4. Joan of Arc (ca. 1412–1431 CE), one of my personal heroines,...

Joan of Arc

...was one of the most amazing women in all of history. She did everything that a great leader does. Born a peasant girl, she went on to lead the armies of France to several key victories in the Hundred Years War. She was guided "by God," and stood her ground even against the most evil that the inquisition could hand out. For this loyalty to God, the poor girl (for she was only about 19) was burned at the stake by those bastards... MEN. Always keep that image in your mind when speaking of Christainity as a religion of peace and tolerance. Today France honors her as the great PERSON she was. Oh, and the Catholics finally let her go to heaven, after murdering her.

These were great women leaders, and there were HOSTS of other great women leaders in history too.

Today in a more enlightened world, where women vote (none of the women above would have been able to vote), where their ordeal in childbirth is finally appreciated to the point where they have been given power over their own bodies...Go figure!...women and MEN are deciding that the approach to a progressive society include not only a woman's touch, but also powerful things that are not typically considered male-oriented. ;)

Frankly, a matriarchal society would lead to inbred female corruption eventually, just as men have set the human boat sailing off in the wrong direction many times.

Perhaps it is not the maleness or femaleness that we need to over come but the negative aspects that gender-specific idealism has formed into so-called "tradition."

It is our human (ANIMAL) need to dominate others that has been most appreciated in history. Men do it one way, and (as we've seen) women can do it the same way or in their own way. The future is filled with cooperative and respectful understanding. Slowly the men of the boys of the new generation are being reformed away from the need to dominate others.

Women, who now are exploring the relatively new possibilities of running their own lives, need to stand back occassionally and make sure that that aren't just doing things "that men do" (historically) in order to gain repect from their sisters as well as their brothers. We need women to remember that the true power we have (even politically) is that of being fair to the ones we govern.

Even if it is just in the family or at a job, humans (male, female and other), must learn to be merciful and thus be eligible to receive mercy, to be modest and therefore appreciate the humility of others when we see it, to be well-informed about all sides of an argument, besides our own side ;) and thus be free from the blindness of intolerant prejudice, to find friends who need help and to devote our lives to helping them--not avoiding them because it makes us uncomfortable, to pray for others every day and thus recieve the answers to the prayers others.

Let's end the dominator society. Let's work together to dominate over evil (male or female), to conquer and kill it wherever it might creep into our world. To hold hands together as partners, gay, straight and bi. We exist on a tiny drop of mist in the heart of the black vaccuum of space. We ARE dependent on each other. Even today we are called by the spirit inside us to cooperate.

We need to stop seperating people into groups. Stop building walls, fences, borders. Stop pigeonholing. Stop defining others, before we even understand ourselves. Stop acting without intention. Start enjoying every moment. It has been called the "felt presence of immediate experience" [Terence McKenna]. Build, love, hold, kiss, meet peoples eyes when we speak to them, make love, have sex, expand the mind, show kindness to God's other creatures, be a responsible parent, hold down a job, pursue art and music, appreciate the natural world and learn about it, serve and be loyal to friends, forgive, ask for forgiveness, use power by refusing to abuse it, and worship the Father who gave us ALL the opportunity to someday join Him in Paradise--where we will always have each other.

It is the everlasting NOW that reigns supreme over the past and the future. It is all about experiencing the moment, we are judged not so much by what we did in the past, nor what we seek to do in the future, but how we deal with the ever-passing of the NOW.

Numbers and Belief

[This essay was originally published at UBRON on Wednesday, Novemebr 4, 2009.]

Regarding the 11:11 phenomenon... This similar thing happens to me with 6:06 (our planet's Satania number), 6:66 (when my clock died - must have been "the beast"), 5:55 (the height of the Washington Monument), 3:14 (well, I guess it's not really pi since clocks are not decimalized - and this point will have a definite bearing on the rest of this essay), and, of course 4:20 (wink, wink)...


Do midwayers go by the 12 hour (am/pm) system, or the 24 hour, military system? After all, the earth day IS 24 hours, not two sets of 12. And since the earth day is also just slightly MORE than 24 hours (+/- 30 seconds), AND the day is increasing in length, how should that be figured in?

And what kind of time-keeping system should be applied to supernatural numerology? There are several to choose from [Wikipedia]...

A Day

A day is defined as 86,400 seconds, or 1,440 minutes, or 24 hours.

International System (SI) Day

The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) currently defines a second as "...the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom."
This makes the SI-based day last exactly 794,243,384,928,000 of those periods.

Sidereal Day

A sidereal day is approximately 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.091 seconds, corresponding to the time it takes for the Earth to complete one rotation relative to the vernal equinox. The vernal equinox itself processes very slowly in a westwards direction relative to the fixed stars, completing one revolution every 26,000 years approximately. As a consequence, the sidereal day is some 0.008 seconds shorter than the earth's period of rotation relative to the fixed stars (sidereal period of rotation).

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Day

As a time scale, UTC divides up time into days, hours, minutes and seconds. Days are conventionally identified using the Gregorian calendar, but Julian day numbers can also be used. Each day contains 24 hours and each hour contains 60 minutes, but the number of seconds in a minute can be 60, or sometimes 61 or 59.

Thus, in the UTC time scale, the second and all smaller time units (millisecond, microsecond...) are of constant duration, but the minute and all larger time units (hour, day, week...) are of variable duration.

If you see 11:11 on your clock at anytime AFTER 12 pm (noon), on the same calendar day, isn't it really 23:11 (which has no numerical significance that I am aware of)? If so, shouldn't that "11:11" not count? Therefore, could it be that 50% of time-based numerological belief in 11:11, is in fact, not true? And any phenomenon that is only 50% true is pure CHANCE - pure and simple. Just flip a coin and you'll get the idea.

Can we admit to ourselves that any 4 digit number could become some one's rationale for attaching times of the day and years of the calendar to mysterious situations they don't understand? And of what use is that?

Thinking clearly, with strict, unbiased, logical reasoning, DOES indicate that NO mysterious event can be tied to any human-based time system (especially when considering that there are DIFFERENT systems of measurement for these time periods).

Just for fun here's what can be done with numerology. Consider in the following just how "real" and convincing it can be...


Twin Towers Numerology

The following number curios were sent to me shortly after the World Trade Center bombing. We humans are always seeking meaning and significance in those tragic or happy events that affect our lives. The establishing of numerical patterns is one way (and a very ancient one) that people use to explore meaning.

• The date of the attack: 9/11 = 9+1+1 = 11

• September 11, 254th day of the year: 2+5+4 = 11

• After September 11, 111 days are left in the year

• 119 is the area code for Iran/Iraq: 1+1+9 = 11

• The Twin Towers looked like the number 11

• The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11

• The 11th state added to the Union was New York

• New York City has 11 letters

• Afghanistan has 11 letters

• “The Pentagon” has 11 letters

• Ramzi Yousef has 11 letters (convicted in the World Trade Center bombing of 1993)

• Flight 11 had 92 people on board: 9+2 = 11

• Flight 77 had 65 on board: 6+5 = 11

[snip]...we will continue as rational beings to seek and establish patterns of all sorts.

WANTING TO BELIEVE is an interesting impulse in human beings it seems. I'm not usually a poo-pooer. And there are only certain situations where I will try to cut "the amazing" down to size. Allen G. poo-poos the realistic time table I gave for future space travel (based on NASA's information and the curves of several technological advancements as they laid out across modern history). Yet, Allen chooses to believe in crop circles as a means of alien communication - with very little scientific evidence. Yet, I think BOTH Allen and I believe that there are UFO's that are not of this world, also with little scientific evidence.

However, let us draw a distinction between beliefs based on facts and beliefs not based on facts. My prediction for manned space flight in the future is based on facts. Belief in crop circle-communication is not (yet) based on facts. But I don't deny SOMETHING is going on with crop circles and that there may be non-human involvement. YET, I don't believe they are a means of communication to us. I agree, rather, with the person who asked why they won't just sit down and have a conversation if they are so desperate to communicate?

We see mystery in different ways. And our personal belief in theories that explain those mysteries can most certainly be all over the map, including non- belief (which is still a kind of "belief").

So, my suggestion for dealing with things like "11:11" is to go through the following process (similar to the scientific process, but not exactly the same)...

Step 1. Have you personally experienced this mysterious thing?
Ok, so you think you HAVE actually looked up to see clocks that display 11:11 (AM!), more frequently than other set times of the day.

Step 2. Have you then THOROUGHLY and OBJECTIVELY (to the best of your ability) TESTED the tangible and physical environment around such unusual experiences, and kept your observations in a log?

Ok, so you kept a log of each day that you saw 11:11 more frequently than other set times of the day, and it shows that there is a correlation.

Step 3. Have you factored your own bias into your study? IOW, have you considered and mathematically compensated for the FACT that you are more likely to create results (whether consciously or unconsciously) that affirm your observation of the mystery in question?

This is a tough one to get by in this particular situation.

Here's why...

After the TIME 11:11 ceases to hold water as a theory, what usually happens now is a desperate re-directioning into... "Well, yeah, not only do I see 11:11 each day, even when I'm not thinking about it, but I also noticed that I bought a bottle of white wine and it cost $11.11 on the same day!"

NOTE: Bear in mind that this would then call into question whether the 11:11 of a NON-DECIMALIZED system (time of day) can REALLY equate to the decimalized MONETARY system that gave you a purchase price of $11.11. And if that clouds up the issue, you might also go back and examine the UB description of the number of Midwayers on earth, being 1,111. The midwayers are described in WHOLE NUMBERS, where as 11:11 (11 and 11/60ths) is a fraction, as is $11.11 (11 and 11/100ths). If we examine these two seeming similar situations we get a 100% difference...

When decimalized 11:11 turns into 11.18333... And, 11.183... does NOT equal 11.11, and those two numbers certainly don't equal the number of midwayers on the planet (by showing a comparison of the significant digits in each)...
Number of midwayers = 1111.000

Number of specified hours glimpsed = 0011.183 (plus 1/3)

Number of dollars spent = 0011.110

Step 5. At this point, do you think your belief is based on fact or not on fact?

According to simple logic, there are only two possibilities...

A. If you have examined things as clearly and mathematically as I have in the above "NOTE", and you are a person who needs rationality (even the smallest amount), you then MAY NOT believe in the 11:11 mystery.

B. If you have examined things as clearly as I have above, and you are not a person who needs even a small amount of rationality, you then MAY go on believing in the 11:11 mystery.

Neither way is wrong or right.

Are people willing to follow the above, or similar steps, when they propose a belief system? Honestly, I don't think so, as we will likely see in the replies to this post. But it IS what I do.

However, if you make the still-valid choice to not examine your beliefs rationally - you fall into category "B" - and you want others to understand or even subscribe to your theory on the matter, you will have to find other-than rational ways of showing them WHY you believe. And this would be very difficult since - unlike UFO's or crop circles - the problem with 11:11 is inherently based on NUMBERS, which can ONLY reside in a mathematical context, and math is not merciful toward irrationality.

Then again, for folks who can't stand precision and what it implies, a cigar will always just be a cigar.

Hard Apple Cider - One Path to Knowledge

[This essay was originally publish at UBRON on Sunday, September 27, 2009.]

My Mother has a couple apple trees in her back yard. And there are literally hundreds of apples all over the ground and on the tree. She brought over two bags yesterday. Most weren't very pretty, but they were basically in good condition (no insects).

I have always wanted to make hard cider, and since the funds are low I thought this might be a way to have some yummy lite-duty alcohol in a few weeks. I researched the process quite thoroughly and then set about putting my plan into motion.

As you may have guessed I look at everything (I mean EVERYTHING) with an analytical eye and as an opportunity for experimentation. Thankfully I am also given to creative urges so this little afternoon project was a simply joyous one for me!

Knowing some organic chemistry, I already realized that apples had everything needed for the fairly efficient production of alcohol. All that is needed to make alcohol is...

Water, sugar and yeast. Apples have plenty of yeast, a good amount of sugar and also of course water. There is no need to "activate the yeast" since it is already naturally active (not in a dormant state as with store-bought baker's or brewer's yeast). To supplement the ingredients additional refined sugar is added and of course more water, along with spices; cinnamon and cloves. Orange peels and honey can be added too.

The chemistry behind the process is easy: Yeast eats sugar and produces carbon dioxide and alcohol. The more sugar that is dissolved in the water, the more alcohol that can be made. The production of these two things (CO2 and alcohol) can become very apparent during the process.

Mostly one has to worry about the building up of pressure from the CO2 in whatever container one uses. To deal with this, professionals use what is call a water lock. This is basically a S-shaped tube with a reservoir of water in the middle of it. The CO2 is able to push its way through the water and escape into the outside air. The reason one can't leave the container open is because when alcohol contacts air it turns into vinegar. That's not a bad thing, if you want vinegar ;), but a pain in the ass if your trying to produce alcohol. A balloon can be used too, with a small hole pricked in it. Honestly (found as an idea in a YouTube video about how prisoners brew their own stuff), I used condoms, since they are not being utilized for any other activities right now. ;) The rubber-- ehemm--"balloon" is then able to release the CO2 without letting in outside air.

Anyway, upon every worthwhile project a little hard work must fall. And in this case, it meant cutting up apples and discarding the yucky bits. And it was a JOB! But a satisfying one.

Maybe you've experienced this too... Whenever I'm doing monotonous work like this my mind always wanders and all kinds of thought pass by. I suddenly realized where many of our metaphors must have had their origins...

"Rotten to the core."

"One bad apple spoils the bunch."

"Apple of my eye."

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." (and constipation, I might add)

"American as apple pie."

"Bad apple."

I strongly suspect that an apple was being examined, cut-up, bitten into or viewed in a tree, when all of these were first thought of, rather than suddenly popping into the minds of the originators.

Another thing that surprised me was the little lesson on appearances that came to mind...

I noticed that some of the most deformed and ugly apples, had the cleanest juiciest flesh. I have to admit to eating some of those while I worked. And I came across an ideal "picture- book" example of an apple, with one little hole in it. But when I cut it open it was the most rotted-out one in the bag. Certainly these are apt metaphors for people as well.

Whenever I'm processing or preparing fruit and vegetables for dinner, pickling or in this case hard cider, I am just blown away by nature's abundance. Nature doesn't screw around. It makes sure that a plant over-compensates for every contingency. Average, healthy apple trees don't have two or three apples, they have hundreds and hundreds. Frequently the branches bend down to the ground offering a few other metaphors, the "low hanging fruit." The tree let's its fruit "go out on a limb" in order to reproduce itself. And "when the bow breaks," that apple will fall... In fact, all the apples on the branch can end up on the ground this way. Apple trees are very prolific in new branch growth the next year though. Often two more branches will grow, where one has broken off. And the tree may live to 80 or even 100 years!

AND apples aren't small amounts of sweet flesh around mostly seeds, the are fat with juicy firmness. If one were to work out the volume of usable flesh to non flesh on an apple, my sense is that it would be something like 1,000 to 1. Try that with a pomegranate!

What also, crossed my mind as I was throwing the last chunks of apple into my huge bowl that was now spilling over, is how humans have largely directed the growth of the most common plants we eat. It is likely that the apples we have now are very different from the ones in ancient times.

It may be interesting to note that even as common a fruit as apples are not easy to produce. No one sells apple seeds. And if you do buy them, you're getting shafted. This is because nearly all apples are hybridized. This is done by germinating any-old apple seed and then planting it to form what is called a "root stock". When the roots have firmly embedded themselves in the soil, the top of the little sapling is cut off and a young sprout from an already-producing tree is grafted on to the root stock. Now, that doesn't mean you can't grow an apple from a seed, without grafting. But industry avoids this route in order to have consistency in quality and yield. You never know what kind of apple you will end up with when growing from seed. Not to mention it takes a good 6-10 years before fruit is produced.

[As an aside, grafting is a HUGELY efficient way to continue a successful line of plants-- actually it is all the same 'plant'. This is like cloning (where a piece of plant is allowed to root in hormone solution or water and then planted). I clone Salvia divinorum plants. Strange that my Salvia IS the same plant that originally came from Mexico, many years ago. It is called the "Blosser strain" for the original plant brought back from Mexico by anthropologist, Bret Blosser and then cloned, in the 1990's. Genetically, that plant in Mexico and now in my kitchen has never experienced death nor the dormancy of seed. Even in Mexico, its growth along river banks, allows the mature plants to fall over and then root and grow new stalks. Salvia has done this for thousands of years. And - until recent times - ONLY existed in Oaxaca among human settlements (plants grown only by humans and not in the wild are called, "cultigens"). It is listed as growing there as far back as the Mayans recorded and then later, the great Aztecs. I will be writing more about Salvia later. One final word about grafting, though. It is not widely known (and perhaps the men in black will show up at my door tomorrow morning for tell you all this), but the Hop plant (like what is used in beer) is a partial psychoactive sedative. But even more interesting is that Hops can be grafted on to Cannabis root stock, allowing the THC from the Cannabis to be transferred from the roots into the the actual Hop plant itself, giving the psychoactive properties of BOTH the the new plant. Hop sales are rigorously regulated because of this reason, by our lovingly fascist DEA.]

Finally, all the apples went through my juicer, which is getting old and complains enormously about being put to work. It goes from running smoothly to sounding like monster truck in my kitchen. Somehow I coaxed all the apples through and ended up with a modest 2.5 liters (about 2/3 gallons) of delicious apple cider. The rest of the recipe was easy...

The juice was split evenly into two 1-gallon plastic jugs. Then 2 pounds of white sugar were dissolved in warm Poland Spring water, with the spices added. I did not allow the water to boil because yeast will be killed by hot water. Then I divided the spicy sugar water into each of the jugs, capped each, and shook them vigorously for about 30 seconds each. The caps were removed and the now-unsafe for sex condoms, pulled out slightly (no jokes about that please), and stretched over the mouths of each jug. If you must know, they WERE lubricated, but that stuff is non-toxic and won't have any effect at all on the final result.

I labeled each and dated them, gently slipping them into a doubly- walled, large paper bag and placed it in a dark, cool, dry place in my kitchen.

A break-down of ingredients is here, in case anyone wants to duplicate this knowledge- inducing venture:

1/3 gallon (1.25 liters) of apple cider

2/3 gallon (2.5 liters) spring, or distilled water

1 pound of refined white sugar, or honey

1/2 TBSP cinnamon

1/2 TBSP cloves

Shake, and cap with a condom. Makes 1 gallon of apple hooch. Should be fully fermented in 2-4 weeks, when bubbling has stopped. Filter through cheese cloth, or an old (clean) T-shirt works well, into clean seal-able bottles.

Because all the sugar will have been used up by the yeast (that lack of food then kills the yeast, which drops to the bottom), you can sweeten the final stuff with sugar syrup. I've also heard that people use honey or maple syrup. However, keep in mind that when it comes to sweetening, be sure, as best you can, that all the yeast is dead and filtered out, or it will begin fermenting again when you add sugar. One person had the excellent idea of using stevia (a natural sweetener, many times more potent than sugar, with out all the diabetic, tooth-decaying properties of real sugar). Then, ENJOY!

One last thing. Any fruit juice can be used to ferment into an alcoholic "wine". Juice from fruit in it's raw state, like apples, grapes, peaches, etc... CAN be fermented without buying supplemental yeast. Aviod shiny clean fruit since much of the yeast is on and in the skin.

You can also use regular store-bought juice, like Ocean Spray. They are usually LOADED with sugar (part of America's biggest health problem, frankly), but in the case of fermentation, the more sugar the better. Most juices have 40 grams of sugar in only 8 oz of juice! But you'll need to buy yeast for bottled juice.

I have heard of people fermenting flat Coke and Pepsi for what must be a very disturbingly strange tasting wine.

My advice is to get as much knowledge from the process as you can. And this can come in the form of doing, but as I said above, as well, thinking.

If you made it all the way through this essay, you DESERVE a drink!

The State of the Urantia Book Community

In my opinion, on a different time line, the Foundation could have kept the Brotherhood closer to them by loosening their own control over some legal aspects of the cooperative effort. They would have seen the need to let others publish the book and would have leased the rights to do so until their copyright expired. As a team with a moderately aggressive global marketing campaign, they could have overseen the publication of 20 million copies of the UB by this same time (about 55 years after publication). In that fantasy time line there never would have been a chance for the stagnation and corruption that split those organizations apart, kept this world-transforming message (almost literally) "in the closet," and could have made the end of the 20th Century the most progressive historical human age ever seen. In that time line an enlightened UB-educated, teacher-caste would have been mobilizing and honing their lesson plans, in preparation for the coming of the next Son.

There would be little debate about whether the book was meant for the 21st Century or 1,000 years from now. It would be quite obvious to our doubles in that other time line that just as the book itself was showing its age (as it is NOW), just at that right time these teachers educated by it would then take over the FER, updating it in a VALID and heavenly-sanctioned way. But this IS only a fantasy. And the fact that the fantsy never became a reality has nothing to do with the outside world. It is only our fault - the readership.

In our 'real' world this enthusiastic global marketing promotion never took place.

So here we stand in a new century, morally, not much more advanced then we were at the beginning of LAST century. FER-wise, we have a divided Foundation and Fellowship, a confused readership devoid of true LEADERSHIP, with fringe movements gaining more presence, non-UB- science surpassing the rudimentary (but once, valid) scientific UB concepts - which MIGHT have more fully advanced 20th Century science, had the UB been in the possession of the greatest scientific minds of those years. But that didn't happen.

Frankly, instead of bringing the Fifth Epochal Revelation in for a safe landing, updated, well-distributed, organized and ready to forge forward with the coming instructions of the new Son, on time, under budget and highly improved, we are barely off the ground in a duct- tapped version of human flight, tardy, over-budget, divided and unknown.

And who can say with any confidence how soon this new Son might arrive? Who is to REALLY say that it won't be this coming year? Or maybe on the cliche date: December 21, 2012. IF (for example) that cliche date is the case we have 55 years to make up for in exactly 3 years and two weeks from this very night. And it is just as valid (or in-valid) as any other date. In fact, the essence of the expectation alone gives 2012 an actual, and more quantifiable probability of actually occuring (though slight).

On an aside, privately, I have been thinking about this a lot recently. I am coming more and more to believe that SOMETHING is going to happen in 2012 to completely and undeniably overturn our current view of reality. A Magesterial visitation (for example) would certainly accomplish that. It won't be the end of the world by any stretch, but it could be a strong redefinition of it.

It will be a thing that there will be no question about after the initial shock of its introduction has passed by. So, I guess I'm (perhaps stupidly) 'coming out' with my opinion on the subject of 2012 briefly here, because I want to share the notion that I would rather prepare my own soul for December 2012 and suffer the social (human) embarrassment if it doesn't occur (whatever "it" is), than to live like I (or "we") have another thousand years of blissful technologically advancement and cheerful consumerism to look forward to before any REAL event takes place. No. I've been saying this since I first came to UBRON. This is the time...

UB [my bold] "But you should be wise regarding the ripening of an age; you should be alert to discern the signs of the times. You know when the fig tree shows its tender branches and puts forth its leaves that summer is near. Likewise, when the world has passed through the long winter of material-mindedness and you discern the coming of the spiritual springtime of a new dispensation, should you know that the summertime of a new visitation draws near."

There are only a few quotes in the UB that give me shivers reliably... one is 44.1.8 and another is the above quote. I simply KNOW that they refer to events in my lifetime. And when I'm in certain moods or feeling down, I think of passages like these and find much comfort in their prophetic messages.

But I digress...

No story of the slothful steward would be more appropriate than our actual situation.

Are we ready to face a Paradise Son of God as he looks us in the eyes and says, "Well, let's see how you've invested my talent?"

And we'll look up at him and say what??

"Hi Mister Divine Being... We were expecting you a little later... We've been very thrifty though... Ah... We made sure no one abused your emblem, sparing no one, even suing some of your most faithful believers... You can count on us for protection! Um... We worked really hard to make sure that public interest in the FER didn't grow too quickly or be distributed to the wrong people, in the wrong way. We knew you wouldn't want that. Let's see, we did have some minor inner- organizational disagreements, where we actually had to SPLIT the entire movement up for a while to get properly adjusted. But finally after 30 years of dealing with that, we're very optimistic about our re-newed relationship. Of course I guess that isn't all that helpful now that you're actually here, your... Mage... Magesterialness, Sir. We sold lots of books though! 500,000! If you think about it, that is about 8,000 books per year... world-wide! That's enough to supply one twelve- thousandth of the world population with books! But there's a reason we didn't publish more... the readers just don't donate enough. And we've put so much of our efforts into translations and protecting the copyright for you, that we couldn't really sell more books than we've sold. But that works out fine, because we thought you wanted us to go slowly... So... Aren't we great??"

And the Avonal Son, or maybe Michael himself, or maybe BOTH, with Machiventa standing there beside them all, will respond in unison with, "That's it?????"

"Yeah............... Aren't... we... great?"

NO, NO, NO!!!! We're not. We're not great. We're not even approaching fairly-good! :) GREATNESS is a term that should be applied either to other worlds or to the hopes for our distant future. As UB readers we are not overly special. What we are doing with the movement is just barely acceptable, it is very far from extraordinary. And even as a species on this planet we are close to failure. We're the sluff-off planet. We're the Aesop's grasshopper of the worlds, sitting around playing lazy music in the sun, while some other rebellion-stricken inhabited world somewhere out there would give every eye tooth on the planet for an opportunity to publish - without restriction - a book that would prepare it for its next great Visitation.

But we are worse than the friendly grasshopper. We sit around killing ourselves with laziness, cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, man-made hydrogenated fat products, impossible work schedules, hypertensive social-status envy, ignorance of the natural world around us and war. We rape the earth and fight each other over who gets to deplete her fossil fuels the fastest. If there is a Gaian spirit of some sort she must just wish we would extinguish ourselves somehow and completely disappear.

I wonder if somewhere in the Local Universe some being hearing about all this "Urantia Revelation Project" rediculousness is rolling their eyes and saying, "...typical mediocre Urantians...can't get anything right..." We make ouselves look like a charity case for Michael. Our only saving GRACE is that He truly does love us, and actually walked upon the world as ONE OF US. ALMOST, no matter what we do to screw up our world's history, Michael will be there to catch us - but just as some Urantians make the choices that do not allow them to survive. Some theorize that some planets probably do too. But the criticism we deserve from other worlds and realms could be justified.

They could be right. We've squandered our time, wasted our resources, divided our community, fought amongst ourselves, watched the years go by, knowing that at anytime we could CHOOSE to flood the world with this book, and never have.


I would venture to bet that heaven is not a place without contingency plans that are exquisitely precise. This was all taken account of before that first contact night session in 1911. Surely, even our bumbling efforts with the FER was projected as a possibility. Give the lemurs anything, and they will frig it up. It is for this reason more than any other that I believe the UB is not equal to the FER. Epochal Revelations are meant to give human races PHYSICALLY PRESENT, materially visible PERSONALITIES with which to interact and learn from dynamically, not to have static words in a book, open to any-old interpretation. It is SO obvious that the UB is a stop gap measure to repair our backwardness just enough to present the finale of the FER; THAT, being the arrival of the new Son. It is obvious to me anyway.

The UB was meant as a short-term maintenance scheme for the rudimentary preparation of SOME portion of the planet's population for the next large PERSONAL contact. What we think of as NOW, could have been like it was in my fantasy time line descritption above. But it is the way it is. It happened the way it happened. We can (and for a while I think should) regret it. Either success or even failure were prepared for by the revelators. Personally, I believe the probability calculations for success of the revelators' "Urantia Book Project" for this age, just before the Son arrives, fell somewhere in between our botching its distribution as we've now done and the potential for complete failure on our parts. I don't think there was ever much hope in the revelator's minds for extraordinary cultural transformation from the UB alone.

At LEAST we haven't completely failed. At least we didn't lose our Master's talent altogether. So, we aren't COMPLETE FAILURES. Wow! what a consolation! :) And if we continue to look on the "bright side," we might be able to patch up enough of our 'charge' to effectively fix the blunders of our UB history. Too bad that this is happenning now, in the final few years before we may be asked to account for our stewardship of the FER. But, there IS still time to greatly improve what we have to work with.

It would be nice if the next Son arrived and said, "Well, it looked pretty shaky for a while there, Pete, but you really pulled it off! We're proud of you!" Can you imagine how much better that would feel than a divine reprimand? Just sayin's all...

And my approach to salvaging the thing as best we can, is to promote the following three things among the well-read members of our community [I include a lot of capitalization in the following to emphasize, not to yell]...

ONE - Continue NOT to promote the UB itself inter-personally, unless asked, specifically about the book, itself. Basically I'm saying that not proselytizing with friends and family is a good idea. The UB is NOT A RELIGIOUS TEXT. BUT, in every sense, the proselytizing of it TURNS IT INTO ONE in the eyes of a non-UB reader. When you are teaching other non-UB readers about the reality which the UB reveals, do it without using exclusive UB terms, especially the word, “URANTIA”. There are plenty of ways to quote the book, and describe any of its concepts without special terminology. The terms are for UB readers NOT non-UB readers. But the CONCEPTS are for EVERYONE right now.

TWO – Pour yourself into printing and high volume book and Internet distribution efforts. So even though you are not recommending the book to friends and family and being a pest to them, you are PHYSICALLY (and electronically) filling the world with UB's. People say that their needs to be sales. NOT TRUE! MOST people are given the book. And why should the Foundation and Uversa Press be counting ONLY on well-read Urantians to buy the books and then give them away. What kind of sales strategy is that? We can't rely on sale to dictate production. This is NOT a capitalist venture, even in the slightest way. Instead, I challenge EVERY ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO READ THIS POST to give a UB book away by New Year's day. If you don't own a paper book, send out the UB as an attachment to emails. Burn data discs with the book on it and leave them around town for people to find (your cost: $1.00 ea). If you have actual extra books, it is every one of our obligations to make sure that book is in our local library— EVERY ONE OF US. But just leaving them in strategic places can be very effective. Leave them at a local laundromats, bus stations, Dr's offices, taxi depots, anywhere where magazines or waiting rooms are provided. Try to be anonymous. People will not throw out a book like the UB. But they certainly will steal it from a public place (which is EXACTLY what we want). And if my suspicions about the celestials guiding people to the UB are correct NONE will be thrown away? :) Also, people will forevermore believe that they were MEANT to find the UB that way.

THREE – UB readers like myself, who spend any amount of time in a public way (writers, artists, musicians, actors, politicians, prominent scientists, ministers) have a EXTRA responsibility to work the UB's concepts into their productions and creativity. Give people the concepts plain and simple. This makes for a fertile mind- soil, for the UB, when they finally find it. And (conveniently) you are also following number TWO above (leaving the UB where it can be found). I've heard prominent people (some VERY prominent) say that they won't talk about the book or refer to it or won't even admit to reading it when asked directly. I think that is wrong, pure and simple. You should NOT be afraid to associate yourself publically with the revelation. It stands on its own. But never let yourself be a salesman for it. ALWAYS only give SPECIFIC UB info when it is asked for.

If you sit and actually think about the three things above. All are wholly counter-intuitive. YET, the idea that you being associated with the UB but not PUSHING it into people's faces will be seen as PROFOUNDLY noble restraint on your part (almost Christlike), when your friends and family finally catch the popular wave that will eventually sweep over the world. While, at the same time, you can make sure that anyone is able to get a UB by giving them away anonymously in public places, plus you are supporting the publishers of the UB.

Frankly it would be really nice if more people published the UB. The Foundation is more suited to a role of officially “certifying” any public domain publishing as “authentic” than scraping together enough money to supply a comparatively tiny amount books while also doing translations, etc. If more people were buying books and the Foundation was paid for its certification of authentic texts published by non-Foundation publishers, it would have much more in the way of resources to do its other (I think) more important duties (other than publishing). As I understand it, the only REAL commandment left to them was to “preserve the text inviolate.” It wasn't to preserve EVERY text as inviolate (as they once thought their mission was), but certifying another's UB text as inviolate IS a profitable fulfilling of their mandate. Just an idea. They should no longer consider themselves the leaders of the movement. And after nearly 60 years of non-leadership, I think it is safe to assume that no one considers them to be the leaders.

The leadership of the UB community needs to come (in a completely non- religious way) from the Fellowship. Unfortunately, as long as group prayer is encouraged along with such intense focus about Jesus papers over the other others, this leadership will be moot.

Perhaps there needs to be a third party? Some extremely simple organization, elected by readers in a grand online poll of some sort – maybe through UBRON. Still – and I'm serious about this – leadership of the movement CAN NOT BE RELIGIOUS AT ALL. The “mankind religion” mentioned in the UB is a phenomenon that really MAY be 1,000 years away.

So, to sum up...

We don't HAVE to pull our act together. We can just go along in our half-assed way doing whatever until the next Son arrives. Or we could utilize every possible way getting the FER, along with its concepts and teachings spread across the entire planet – just in a primitive way – to do as much as we can to prepare the way for this Son. This will mean doing counter-intuitive things like the three I mentioned above, but what we are doing NOW, doesn't work effectively. Period.

We also need to find either one or several REAL leaders for the movement, perhaps through some third party process (other than through the Fellowship or Foundation).

As READERS (strictly), we can be united without having to be the “Unity” that Maria and I tried so hard to initiate a couple years ago. We need a “UNITED URANTIA BOOK READERS” of some kind who come from ALL the various sub-movements and belief systems; having only ONE thing in common: reading the UB. It could have a staff of 12 or so people who work ONLY for all of the readership (through representative voting). People would have no choice in membership... If you are a reader you're in. It is like that already. Readers are readers. :) It can't be any simpler than that. Like being a US citizen simply by being born here, you are allowed to vote in US elections. Readers wouldn't have to do anything at all in the community. But if you wanted to, you WOULD have a voice in the direction in the cultural leadership of the movement through simple majority vote.

The Justin Case

[This essay was originally published at UBRON on Saturday, Novemeber 14, 2009. It is a last ditch effort to address what I believe is the great philosophical loss of Justin Reed, one of UBRON's brightest minds (because of his belief that Christ Michael has incarnated as a human who legally changed his name to "Christ Michael" (called, "CM", below).]

It was the around the time that I began receiving adware from Justin's email account that my concerns about him really began in earnest. I realize now that it was not Justin's fault. I thought - in my paranoid frame of mind over the affair - that it might be a new tactic by CM. I no longer think that (frankly, he's just not smart or creative enough to start a campaign like that). HOWEVER, Justin's refusal to respond to my many emails to him did heighten my suspicions, and was a poor choice on his part. It took my posting the situation HERE to get him to respond (and still the response was not to me, personally).

It might not be well-known that I frequently fought behind the scenes to defend the right of t/r people to post their beliefs here (though I didn't share those beliefs). All I asked of the t/r people, publically was that they CITE their sources and differentiate their (post-UB publication) terminology from that of the published UB. Justin also fought me (hard) on that. He tried to turn my argument for a more scholarly approach into a debate about "freedom of speech." Now we know why. It is the same, self-serving, argument he makes when other members are warned by Patrick about their continued use of off-topic themes.

Never one single time has Justin thanked the Admins for allowing HIM to publically denounce their decisions about UBRON Guidelines; an act, within itself, that is against the Guidelines. Never one single time has he (or any of the t/r followers) publically thanked the Admins for their patience with the t/r discussion here (an act which is ALSO against the Guidelines), though the Admins refusal to stop it, in favor of giving people the freedom to continue no matter how blatant and pridefully these t/r followers shove their dogma into our faces. The followers of the t/r belief system (now a pseudo- religion) often treat the reluctance of Admin interference with certain subjects as proof that the Admins is so biased as to be STREERING the entire enterprise for the gratification their own (the Admin's) personal schema.

So the struggle for clarity, citation, voluntary scholarly practices and truth goes on...

Even Steff was reprimanded by Behz for not citing a t/r quote that she closely paraphrased. I don't believe she would do that again. Her excuse at the time was something like "...Well, if people had know where it really came from they would have dismissed its eloquence [and even *I* admit it WAS eloquent]." Folks, we must all realize that that is the oldest excuse in the (non-UB) book, and the reason why SCHOLARS insist that high quality writing be well cited and referenced- -or it is, simply and delicately put, SHIT. The situation turned right around and fulfilled Steff's fear that it wouldn't be taken seriously, BECAUSE it was revealed to be a deception (albeit a small and very forgivable one). I predict that it might have been accepted as another VALID point of view, had she only been up-front with its source.

Despite her coldness toward me, personally, and her association with the t/r phenomenon, I DO HIGHLY value Steff's work here. She is a beloved sister and well- balanced contributor who DOES follow the rules of the site and (largely) keeps her post-published- FER musings (t/r views) OUT of UBRON. She should be recognized and commended for this. We all know her as "the Queen of Quotes." And despite my seething hatred for posts made of nothing but UB quotes (with no commentary - just MY own little pet peeve), I mind much less when she does it, because her UB quotes are VERY well thought out in the choosing and artfully placed in the context of threads.

And she is not overly stubborn when it is requested that she be clear. To her great credit, she (grudgingly) chose to better differentiate her commentary from the UB quotes she chooses after that was requested of her, some months back.

Someone asked a few days ago why Justin's quotes from the UB had Jesus' name uncapitalized. Well, as any of we search engine-freaks know, Truthbook (which I am presuming is the place we he does HIS searches for his all-quote posts) and other search engines return the quote that you are searching for, by altering the quote WITH THE SPELLING YOU ORIGINALLY SEARCH WITH, which in Justin's (and many of our) cases, is done in quick lower-case letters. This is not because we don't care enough about the word we're searching for, but rather because it is more efficient sometimes. HOWEVER, most of us DO take the time to THEN capitalize the word - especially if it is Jesus' name - when we actually POST those quotes. I'm sure I'm wrong in this assessment, but it made it SEEM more important for Justin to just get the post supporting his argument up than it was to be careful, thoughtful and respectful to both Jesus AND his fellow UBRONers. Yet, maybe he can be forgiven if this was the case, since he believed in his own mind that CHRIST MICHAEL would be emailing him later that day anyway, and probably wouldn't mind. The REAL Jesus wouldn't mind either. But it says something about sloppiness and lack of scholarly care on his part (again, in my opinion).

But my attitude to this kind of deception from others hardened this Fall with Justin's introduction of the "Planetary Supreme" (a purely t/r-"revealed" concept - which I can prove is t/r to anyone who emails me privately, with a forwarded transcript). And his bold and unyielding refusal to link this concept to his t/r-CM- influenced belief system was simply too much to see from him (YET AGAIN). All of the people here who were taken in, and said, "Yeah, it really could be valid in some way!" were suckers in the FIRST degree. Even when several of us CLEARLY pointed out that this was "extra-UB- related" we were summarily IGNORED. And I offer these folks a share of my ownership in the Casco Bay Bridge... ;)

Coupled with this uncited sneakiness on Justin's part, I was genuinely surprised at his distortion and error of ACTUAL UB info; saying that our souls on this world are not morontia (which they ARE), that the soul we wake up with on Mansonia One is NOT the same soul we have here (which he termed the "planetary soul" - DEAD WRONG), and that our SOUL is re-assembled in the resurrection halls (which it ISN'T - it is our FORM that is assembled, with an INTACT soul). Many of our truly greatest minds entertained ALL of these as possibilities without having a clue about the intentions and origins behind them. That's what I mean when I say "twisted agenda."

I receive TONS of email from all sides of all of these issues. And for years I've received both t/r transcripts from believers in the phenomenon, as well as rebuttals from highly conservative fundamentalist UB readers and TeaM watch dog groups. Frankly, I had always sided with the TeaM-related (or t/r-believing) folks because they were open-minded to more liberal philosophies. And as you might know, I am a great believer in Cognitive Liberty. But, in these last couple months, I have been forced to see just how deluded some t/r programs are becoming (in my opinion, of course). That doesn't mean I'm camping out with the Fundies now. It simply means that I have not been balanced enough in my personal assumptions.

Honestly, I would still be a supporter of the t/r expression here at UBRON if their believership didn't INSIST on shooting themselves in the feet every chance they got. Justin is perhaps that latest and the greatest of these folks. In answering my question about his belief in CM, at least NOW his cards are on the table. Why should it have taken, literally YEARS for this disclosure? Who knows? But I do appreciate his recent, though painfully reluctant, admission. And I thank him for finally being partly honest with us. Now we will have a better chance of discerning where his "introduced" concepts come from. Perhaps this is a start? Or, perhaps this is a non-start? Regardless, it is a CHANGE that was vitally needed here.

Now with the ridiculousness of Soren's statement on the heels of Justin's admission, and integrated with the UN-CHRISTLIKE behavior displayed by CM in emails to our members (like me and Rick), perhaps a new leaf is very slowly being turned over. Despite how some of you view me, I really am an optimist and that is why I seem so naive in my belief that - as the Beatles once sang - "It's getting better all the time."

I've said it many times before... The truth need not be tip-toed around. There should never be a commandment to not "get too close" or "you can look but don't touch" or "just trust us, it's true." the truth is a tough son-of-a-God! When you go to check out the truth, you should be able to kick the tires, honk the horn, drive it around the block, test the brakes, see it's maintenance history. It doesn't need sneaky, pussy-footing. It doesn't need to have itself be broken up and "validated" for better digestion by special "experts" with pipelines to transmit and receive its vital nature, to the "less contacted." It doesn't have to be sheltered underground by cults, special rites, secrecy and subterfuge. It's the TRUTH for petesake! :) Jesus didn't use special codes and secrets. He didn't limply and surreptitiously use deception to tell the Word. He went straight to the center of the religious world, stood up in the greatest temple that ever graced our world and broadcast his new Gospel across the olive-covered mountaintops! Jesus wasn't a PUSSY. He new his ideas were plainly spoken of and generously given to anyone who asked.

Therefore, more and more often lately, I am sickened by this little network of self- styled extenders of the FER. They will use the tired old cliches about "witch hunts" to bitch about the lack of acceptance here at UBRON for the t/r phenomenon but don't be fooled.

Having said all this - and allowing the Fundies to wring their hands a bit in a very minor, unearned triumph from their side of the isle (so to speak), I must in all fairness make the following caveat...

As a final word upon what was once called, TeaM, t/r, etc, (feel free to let me know what the more acceptable term should be now) - at least in this rant - I will say that I DO believe there is something to what was originally being identified back in the 1970's to 1990's regarding a certain amount of inter-realm communication.

Gerdean, my adopted Auntie, perhaps the wisest member in our UBRON community, and a person I consider beyond reproach or human judgement, has some VERY believable memories to recount about these early days, if people would just listen. TRULY - I believe - she had ACTUAL encounters with the kinds of beings that today's younger generation may be deceiving themselves about receiving. That's why I will never fully discount the possibility of infrequent and occasional communication of this sort. It is out of respect for her (and her very pointed and justified request to me one night a couple years ago ;]) that I DO NOT use the terms, "channeling", "channeler", "TeaMer", etc. And I would STRONGLY request that others also be more respectful when speaking about what she and many of these people did, (and possibly) still do, encounter.

The fair-minded person will show respect to the request by t/r believers and MYSELF, as we KNOW that these stated terms are offensive, derisive, derogatory and are now mostly only used by non-t/r believers to elicit, presumptuous, socially- stigmatizing negative and unfair stereo-types and prejudice onto others, and onto a phenomenon they don't understand and blindly want to abolish.

I submit this lengthy comment, in a spirit of diplomacy. I fully understand that the less-insightful among you (one person immediately comes to mind, but this time I will not mention his name) will fight like the dickens to smear me, cherry- pick the weakest parts of my writing and attempt to cause you all to reject it. In truth, I sincerely hope that my critics DO come out of the woodwork to do just that! It has become obvious to me, as of late, that that very act of desperate defiance has made these people look stupid. And finally (though not completely yet), I'm learning to not immediately fire back my own character assassinations upon them.

Further, my discussion of Justin in the above should not be seen (though it will be by some) as a character assassination of the sort I just spoke of either. This will be hard for some of you to believe, but it IS true.

If I still didn't see tiny shards of light streaming from the brilliant mind of this falling human angel, I would stand-down in my attempts to point out the problems as I alone see them. That is the biggest thing I want to express here at the end of my diatribe. Justin is not beyond redemption, I believe (again ONLY my opinion). When I think that he ultimately has reached the point of no return, I will genuinely promise to refrain from ever uttering his name again (critically) in public. In this same vein, I offer to hear what he thinks about me and my views, and I welcome his always honest assessment of my intentions.

As a Coda and personal message to Justin I will say, in the kind of language he alone might fully appreciate:

I want to love you, Justin. But you are slipping into unreality, and setting like the evening sun, beyond the horizon of my sight. I pray that, perhaps like the inevitable warmth and brilliance of the new morning light, you will rise again; this time as a human star and teacher like no other has ever been, as if re-lit by a profound luminosity that the whole world will discover, rejoice about and thank God for.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Readership is Leadership


1. We Should be Led by the Will of the Readership - The expectation of leadership for our UB-reading community should be centered on the READERSHIP, not on any particular existing UB-related organization. Ideally (no snickering please), the Foundation and Fellowship should CONSENT to such leadership of the UB-reading community. If they DO, then a kind of three-tiered (NOT branched), confederation can come into play. But it is not necessary to gain their consent in order to rest the reigns of leadership for the movement. Lack of support from the orgs would only negatively impact those orgs anyway.

2. To Empower the Readership - To empower themselves, the readership needs to have a central, online place where voting can occur (I would suggest UBRON). Votes would be anonymous, simple majority. A relatively pure democratic polling or voting system would be established.

3. A Urantia Book Readers Representative (UBR) Should be Voted for - One possible method for deriving candidates would be: (1) The Readership nominates 7 people (being the seven most-commonly submitted names - if there are less than 7 that have multiple submission than only the people with multiple submissions would become nominees - and people CAN submit their own name too). These 7 nominees will have one month to "campaign". (2) The Readership then chooses 2 candidates from that 7 (or less) nominee pool. Those 2 candidates then have one month to campaign. (3) A grand election is held the next month. The new UBR Representative is announced by noon PST the following day, and serves for one year. There should be no term limits (the UBR can be re-elected as many times - years - as the Readership wants). This allows for very talented leaders to have more influence.


A new power structure would come into play. It would not be a 3 branch leadership like the US. It would be a 3 TIERED leadership.

TIER I. The UBR would play the part of both Chief Executive and Primary Legislator. She or he would be both a representative of the Readership's voice AND then would INITIATE the most popular direction as it is dictated by Readership (through polls every 3 months) in a quarterly newsletter sent to all orgs and the Readership itself.

TIER II. The next tier down would be the functioning of the Urantia Book Fellowship. Nothing would change for that org, except that they would have to have an ear open to the new UBR. The Fellowship would never be obligated to follow the desires of the UBR (though they will reflect the dictations of the Readership). Yet the Fellowship IS important and has the outreach system and established resources to make the nuts and bolts of plans come into play. They would be like a Senate.

TIER III. The Urantia Foundation would preserve the text inviolate, certify newly published public domain Urantia Books, continue to publish their own UB and complete the translation activities. Because the Foundation holds the Michael Emblem copyright, and was partially established by the Revelators themselves, they will serve in a Judiciary capacity. They WILL NO LONGER have control over MAKING the plans for the movement (if that even ever happened anyway?).

By implementing some cleaned-up version of the specifics above, combined with the three ideas I proposed in my essay, a GREAT push forward COULD be achieved realistically, and with relatively little extra effort on every-one's part.

I volunteer to advise people on whatever they may need in any of these regards.


To digress for a moment.

Let's look at one possibility out of many.

The CD dropping thing.

Now, here's an example of an easy, cheap, but EFFECTIVE method of distribution...

* Buy these: Business Card CD- R's - you get 100 for $35, or a price break for quantity (there are better deals out there too).

* Download the UB text to your computer. Here's a good site (and there are others) Urantia.info Download Center I would suggest the pdf version (other languages are available).

* When the discs arrive, pop a Business Card CD into your computer. Drag the UB text folder to the CD Folder. Rinse and repeat. :) Couldn't be much simpler. I was wrong I said your cost would be $1.00/CD, it would actually be more like $0.40 (w/S&H and your time and effort).

* Finalize the CD's, write "The Urantia Book" on them or make a fancy label (or print directly to the disc, like I do). The CD's come with free little plastic protectors and are 50 MB each (more than you will ever need to fit the UB text on it). By the way, that's enough extra space to add files of your own with the UB (Urantia art, music, informational pages, web link pages to the Fellowship and Foundation, etc...you name it).

* Then take a dozen or so and just clandestinely drop them into people's coat pockets at parties, in waiting rooms, in the entrances of libraries, stuff them into free local newspapers at the supermarket, go into work early and put one on each of your co-worker's desks, leave them behind at restaurants with the tip, put them in phone booths (if there still are any around), put them in information stations and rest stops along turnpikes, put them in the collection dishes at church (for the minister ;]), or if you're Jess, just walk up to people and say, "Would you like a CD with the Urantia Book on it?" :)

I mean look at the potential for spreading the UB this way...

If 20 of we UBRONer's did buy 100 of those CD's each, and downloaded the UB to all of them and dropped them around town next weekend, about 2,000 new UB's would suddenly be circulating, by Christmas! Expand to 2,000 readers doing that, and 200,000 more UB's would go into circulation. If 20,000 people made half as many CD's (50) each and distributed them in one month, 1 million new UB's would be out there.

If the same amount of UB readers did that repeatedly for 1 year. 12 million new UB's would be out there in only one year (cost to each person: about $240 or $20 per month). And if 10% of the people who received those UB's became readers, there would be 1,200,000 new readers. And if 10% of THEM bought UB's from the Urantia Foundation and Uversa Press (the Fellowship), 120,000 new book would be bought (if these orgs can print enough of them).

I guess I'm wondering how this wouldn't be a win-win situation? And that little B-Card CD-scenario was just one of about a dozen strategies I've come up with in only the last two days. You're all going to laugh now, and I don't blame you, but if we could get our asses in gear, we could set a goal of getting 100 million UB's (in one form or another) out there by this time of year 2012. Hey (and I'm kidding about this): Maybe *WE* are responsible for 2012?? Maybe that's the year the UB becomes a household word.


I understand how skeptically "big" plans like this are treated in our community. Please understand that this stuff is just coming to me after years of contemplation about it.

I will say (again) that I certainly wouldn't want the next three years or so to be treated like an emergency. And why should it be? We choose to increase our efforts because it is our PLEASURE to do so, for the planet, for Michael and for our Father. There's nothing bad about any of that. It's like a kid in school. Do you tell him or her to go slow, and that a mediocre level of effort is ok? Or do you try to inspire them him/her to do their very best? Until now, we have been in a mode where, we don't feel the personal obligation to spread lots of the UB's around because there were organizations whose job it is to do that. But if we rely only on the orgs (who ARE doing their best), we are still being mediocre.

Isn't it worth trying something that is definable (I've just partially defined it) and timely? with all the positive private emails I've received in the last two days, I KNOW that something like what I've described above can work. I'm just brainstorming here. People should not be afraid to think big. Even more important they should not hesitate to DO BIG THINGS with their big thoughts.

Their are only three aspects that might make plans like the above fail: (1) The orgs put up a DAMN big fight about it. (2) The Readership doesn't want to do it. (3) We adopt the changes but can't stick with the program. Even if only number 3 happens, we will still kick out a small wave across our community.

All I am asking people to do is THINK about it. Smarter people than me will come up with much better ideas. But the above is a start.