Sunday, December 27, 2009

Peace and the Planetary Government

[The following Essay was published at UBRON on December 27, 2009.]


You might agree there are different kinds of contextual uses for the word "peace"? The following list is not some "theory" it is only one possible perspective among many perspectives that are probably much better than mine. But for now, in a UB-ish style, :) I'll try this "levels" approach...

First, I'm using the following definition from for peace...



1. The absence of war or other hostilities.
2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities.
3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: roommates living in peace with each other.
4. Public security and order: was arrested for disturbing the peace.
5. Inner contentment; serenity: peace of mind.

I've modified the dictionary meanings a bit to fit these "levels."

1. Peace of Mind - "Inner contentment; serenity..."
2. Family Peace - "Freedom from quarrels and disagreement..."
3. Community Peace - "Public security...order, [and friendship]..."
4. National Peace - "An agreement...[among states to avoid] hostilities..."
5. International Peace - "The absence of war..."


I think people are right about the importance of peace if we qualify it on a local and interpersonal scale. And THAT will do more than anything to foster the development of the People's (Mankind's) will for political change; the relinquishment of national military and economic power; relinquishing their control to the world-wide cause. So, the end of war around the globe can't occur until we have that kind of "mankind government." And you can't have "lasting [international and personal] peace" without the end of war itself. It is apparently not directly dependent on the arrival of a "brotherhood of men"...

UB: "Religion makes it spiritually possible to realize the brotherhood of men, but it will require mankind government to regulate the social, economic, and political problems associated with such a goal of human happiness and efficiency."

Both religious and governmental growths are complimental and parallel but separate in their major functions, at least according to the UB. It seems rational to me that when mankind approaches true, religious brotherhood, the most fertile soil to grow it will be nutrient-rich, world-wide peace. After all, "mankind government" and mankind religion ("the brotherhood of man") are both planetary in scale. It would take some complicated logic to explain how they would not be global phenomena I think. I have tended to lean toward the idea that there are only two least-problematic forms of religion: (1) personal and (2) planetary. All organization, institutions, cults and groups in between these two, seem to retard the development of both. That is just my opinion. And it seems comfortably supportable with UB concepts (which I guess we can mine, as we go along).

Churches have their social function. But they are not as sufficient to spiritual growth as developing one's communication with the TA (personal) and working toward the common social goal (planetary) of believing in and adopting Michael's methods (with help from his life as Jesus); as he always adopts the Universal Father's Plan. So, can we agree that, to refrain from tying religion (both personal and planetary, and typically thought of as a means to promoting "peace") too tightly together with a planetary government's role in eliminating war on a planetary scale?

As long as we have the establishment of separate groups of believers (as religious organizations, institutions and cults), the "brotherhood of men" (actually, religion of all humanity) will just have to wait. I believe the UB is strongly implying here that world government will precede and then set the stage for a common world-wide religion. Urantia (as a planetary human species) deserves to think of ourselves as still a very primitive people as long as our nations fight against each other in wars; no matter how peaceful those individual nations are becoming within their own borders, and among their federated neighborhoods (the EU comes to mind as drawing near this kind of trans-national, peaceful state). The United States (also a federation of peaceful states - once-upon-a- time, separate colonial states - made up of English, French and Spanish territories).

Recall that we are now in the midst of a current world war caused by the aggressions of disagreeing religious ideologies. It is a fact that the weakness of certain national governments (that is, the inability to defend their people against the tyranny of religious extremist factions) would not existence under a planetary, con-federated but centralized democracy.


The Planetary Government should be as Thomas Jefferson first perceived centralized representative government of the US, yet then vastly expanded into a loose and voluntary, planetary, con-federation of strong nation-states, bound together by a common international constitution. Other ideas... These branches would only be involved in the serious problems and policies arising from world-wide issues of inter-nation (now, called inter-state) affairs.


I think the planetary government should have an efficient and technologically advanced (but HIGLY REGULATED) federal police force. Any regional rebellion or criminal activities under that system would be at the mercy of this well-funded and popularly-controlled, through a world legislature. The legislative branch would deal with inter-state policy-making.


The executive branch would be very weak politically, and led by a popularly elected person, respected for their highly ethical leadership in national government. The Staff would consist of a group international elders, evenly divided between men and women (in this case quotas don't count, since they are chosen from a human population that is divided evenly (pretty much) between male and female.


This is already forming in the United Nations. It would only reform, then stabilize, fortify and greatly empower the current world court system, by adding it as a final circuit above the Supreme Courts of the nation-states. Cases heard at this level would be reserved for only the highest and most internationally influential appeals.


There could be (again, only my opinion) a lightly-taxed, highly entrepreneurial (receiving tax breaks for ingenuity in producing world-wide improvements to the standard of living), non-consumer-debt based, capitalist economy.

A "world tax" would be collected from national federal reserves annually. It would be comparable and proportional to the average gross income of its individual citizens, and adjusted for regional and geographical aspects, along with each nation-state's developmental status. I'm sure a formula could be derived that could lower federal income taxes in all nations significantly, while funding all of the planetary government's goals, as dictated by the billions of people (literally, "world citizens") who would now have a stronger voice, as a whole.

Ideally, such an economy might benefit from specific subsidies for scientific, socio-political and cultural (arts, music, literature) advancements. Without war, HUGE changes will be set in motion. If you think about it, nearly everything today is dependent of the status of national militaries and their budgets, whether they be defending, attacking, or maintaining their readiness to go to war. That would all be reduced and then translated into a new form of stripped-down, and highly trained World Defense Department. Rebellion would be a possibility. However, usually, rebellion is due to the dis-satisfaction of groups and coallitions. I think a more satisfied populace would lessen the risk of terrorism, insurgency, rebellion, or (God forbid) a global civil war.

Without the heavy burden of military budgets, tons of cash could pour into the world markets. Consumer debt could be eliminated for all non-mortgage loans. Capital would be more avaiable, and re-investment would strengthen successful businesses enough to have them become capital investors in other star-ups. The standards of living in all but the most privileged nations would PROFOUNDLY improve. This is part of the deal that the PEOPLE of the First World must make, philosophically - to sacrifice a little. For their parts, Third Wolrd counries would have to lower their expectations A LOT, using a philosophy that assumes financial stability is superior to asset aquirement. Both First and Third Worlds would be encouraged (hopefully! - remember this is all just a wild speculation) by what the other is giving up, so that ALL can be safer and more secure...and let's face it, happier. :)

The world already DOES have the full potential to produce plenty of food. With the financial encouragement for couples to only have an average of 1.5 (?) children, combined with better health conditions, population growth could actually level off, cease, and eventually reverse, with in maybe three or four generations. All the genocide, famine, destitution, ignorance, plight of refugees, spread of disease, etc. currently caused by war, would just dissolve away in a few short years. There would still be issues, but the difference in life here on Urantia would literally be like that between darkness and light.


I don't want to get into this right now, for fear of igniting a US-based feud bewteen UBRON's more politically-minded folks. I suspect that it is more realistic to assume that, at first all nations in a new planetary government would continue whatever current policies are in place when the inauguration and legal transfer of the power of nations begins. I have a sense that Universal Coverage will most probably be the end product of the coming (and long) struggle toward finding the best system. Most of the world has a more public system than the US. So, unless the US can convince everyone else to get on the private care bandwagon, I think the tide will sweep over these last vestages and one system will be settled on for the whole planet. Whatever it turns out to be, expenses will be less in the world-wide health industries if there is no more war chest to keep filled.

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