Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Way of Thought Adjustment - Part 2

For many years I misconstrued the concept behind cooperation with the Thought Adjuster.  Association of this sort seemed complex, ethereal, enigmatic and confusing.  I have since come to learn that it is NONE of these things.  It is the most natural and effective power to liberate the mind and foster the soul that could ever be conceived of. 

No wonder, of course.  It Knows what it's doing.  It comes down from Infinity and will return there with us attached (fused, actually), as we ascend inward toward the Center of all things.

The Adjuster's nature is indeed remote and almost wholly different from ours.  This is the primary difficulty we face.  Yet, because it functions so intimately within our minds - the "mind" being the intercession between spirit realities and material ones - the simple, conscious, recognition of the myriad and continuous choices (especially moral ones) in our lives is a derivative of the Spark's tireless work.  We are literally built to succeed in overcoming this problem, even if beings even higher than ourselves cannot understand how we are able to accomplish such things.

The trick is to see as many options as there are to choose from and to decide on the most heavily (what I call) HighLighted ones, and then to do that over and over again (please see my emphases)...

110:6.6 Every decision you make either impedes or facilitates the function of the Adjuster; likewise do these very decisions determine your advancement in the circles of human achievement. It is true that the supremacy of a decision, its crisis relationship, has a great deal to do with its circle-making influence; nevertheless, numbers of decisions, frequent repetitions, persistent repetitions, are also essential to the habit-forming certainty of such reactions.

We get a real sense from the passage above that not only is "supremacy" ("its crisis relationship" - its reality-significance) a quality that facilitates this process, but the shear quantity of decisions-made, whether deemed important to us or not, also contributes mightily to consistently solidifying the God-to-human partnership.  And clearly a constant focus on this process, with as much repetition as possible, in the real key to the Kingdom.

So, let's distill the above passage in this way...

Communication and familiarization with the
Thought Adjuster is a three-fold process of decision-making, based upon...

1) Quality - Reality Significance of Decisions

2) Quantity - Number of Decisions

3) Repetition - Frequency of Decisions

It is about developing a good habit, actually a God habit of intelligent gathering of knowledge, discernment of the truths contained in that knowledge and the actual (meaning by the acting) experience of following those truths.  Knowledge and experience equal wisdom.  But wisdom only becomes "good" (of survival value) when it is aligned with the Will of the Creator.

Considering the above three aspects of Adjuster attunement in penetrating the "circles of human achievement," we must, conversely postulate that NOT choosing the HighLighted options presented by the Thought Adjuster in our decision-making process, will inevitably lead to a distortion or reality, with habitual error resulting in cessation of soul existence.  Stated otherwise, choosing the correct option leads to exponential soul growth and could even border upon soul consciousness, but choosing in error leads to the exponential, and eventual, identity obliteration.  Obviously there is no place in reality for post-material Mortals (humans who have lived and and died in the flesh) who perpetually make unreal choices--choices that are not complementary to the laws of the original Creator of all Reality.

Ignoring the options presented is a choice in and of itself.  It is one that is as erroneous as habitually making many wrong choices.  If the cosmos were a basketball game, consistently "traveling" with a static ball (a non-Adjuster-attuned human will) in hand (in mind) results in a final and permanent penalty--expulsion from the Game.  The ball must always be in motion and moving toward the basket at the other side (the Goal-end the Infinite and Eternal destiny) of the Court.  Even if one does make many choices - ostensibly, dribbling to avoid the penalty - error can only result from moving toward one's own basket (one's finite, non-spiritual, material origin) can only score points against the after-material-death existence of the player.

Following this somewhat-debased sports analogy, and relating it to the three-fold process in blue, the material life is but a practice game, a scrimmage for gaining divine skills and training for the after-life existence.  The slothful or self-deceived/deceiving player is allowed to continue on the Court (the arena of choice--through the gift of human free will), until the final minutes of the flesh-bound Game run down.  Even then, the point stats are still carefully and mercifully examined, before judgement is decreed; before the player, if found lacking, is completely dropped from the next Season (eternal life).

For normal minded people, the human lifetime - despite its relative shortness in the cosmic sense - is more than enough time to effect the kinds of changes that grow a soul of immortal status.

Now that we know the importance of correct choices, we should examine which choices are supreme - have the reality significance - in order to get a grasp on how our Adjuster cooperation can advance the growth of our souls.

But first, let us consider the concept of the soul. 

Every religion has a word for the soul.  Humans have recognized, through a combination of evolutionary and revelatory experience, this third member of inner mind-association.  Humans are minded - with a material organ that is sensitive to semi-material intelligence.  Adjusters are also minded - with the aspects of the highest and most perfect form of Spirit Intelligence. 

Mind is like a liquid.  It is ever-moving.  It could be said that this liquid characteristic is the ancestor of all mind, high and low.  As stated earlier, the Adjuster and the human being are vastly different in nature.  The former is entirely spiritual, while the latter is almost entirely material. For demonstrative purposes, this difference could be equated with oil and water, respectively.  They (the spirit and the material) can be transiently mingled and also contrasted by the 'vibratory' action by the limited will of the creature.  This is what occurs in animals.  Their purely material existence, and relatively smaller intellectual capacity is only able to temporarily mingle the inherent and fundamental spirit circuits (the five sub-human Adjutant Mind Spirits) of life-action, in proportion to the efficiency in functioning of contact with these circuits.

But when allowed to settle (through death or intellectual inaction), spirit mind and material mind will always gravitate toward a separation and mutual exclusivity--back into their primary states; the spirit is slightly experientialized within the evolving Supreme Being, and the material mind (the brain)  "returns to dust."  And so this is the starting point of human mind phenomena.  Unlike the sub-human animal mind, the human animal mind is the result of a billion-year evolution toward God-consciousness.  In this way, with increased super-animal intellectual capacity, the sixth and seventh Adjutant Mind Spirits are able to function (The Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Worship, respectively), allowing for human sponsorship of the Thought Adjuster - an actual fragment of God - and thence comes the subsequent potential for building an immortal entity: the soul.  I say "building" the soul, because it is a matter of volitional effort.

Essentially, the soul is built by the combination of the human moral decisions that are aligned with the mind presentations and manipulations of the indwelling Thought Adjuster.  Correct decisions build better souls--more Powerful souls.  Remembering that the soul is that third member of inner mind association, it is reasonable (in our mind-as-liquid metaphor) to assign a kind of liquid - the soul's mind - which is not the oil of spirit mind, nor the water of material mind, but another "substance" altogether.  We know that emulsifiers are substances that can mix oil and water.  Liquid soap is an example of an emulsifier.  When soap is added to oil and water it creates a solution containing all three liquids.  So does the soul combine the natures of spirit and material mind and, upon survival after material death, can take the place of the material mind, creating a new being of dual nature.  The two components of this duality are (1) a super-material body that is then able to easily contact the spirit presence of (2) the now-experienced Adjuster.

In the realm of the next life emulsification is no longer necessary.  Through the earth-life experience the Thought Adjuster learned how to successfully communicate with the soul's embryonic semi-spirit consciousness, by down-stepping the ideals of divinity in such a way that spirit contact could become permanent.  In return, the soul became more and more conscious as it dwelt in the first life how to up-step its own ideals about reality, effectively aligning them with their spirit counterparts.  Now the liquid mind of spirit functions as the mediator of mind.  In the next life (the post-material existence) a clear - though extensive - gradient running from time/space semi-spirit consciousness of the soul, to the absolute spirit consciousness of the Thought Adjuster is established.  The spirit liquid could be said to be pure at the top of the reality scale and quite diluted at the bottom of that scale, yet still it is now ONE substance.  Only experiential prerequisites are required at that point for the soul to complete its mission of fusion with the Adjuster.

The acceleration of soul evolution after material death can be quick and sure.  Experience in the flesh and post-material training experience will result in fusion.  And when fusion occurs, there is no risk in all eternity that the new being (the Im-Mortal Ascender) will fall back or lose its well-earned eternal life.  No limits can be placed upon such a new creature.  The essence of the highest Creator Person has become eternally one with the essence of the lowest creature person.  That piece of God - the Adjuster - gains experience and is liberated from its existential (non-experiential) state, while that once-lowly, animal creature gains an inevitable pathway to perfection.  The perfect has provided the means for the imperfect creature to then become perfected.

In the next post I hope to delve into some very real and personal experiences that can illustrate possible methods for maximizing the exponential development of the soul - while we are still in this material lifetime - through conscious cooperation with the God Spark.  Supreme decisions lead to the Supreme relationship.


Anonymous said...

Thank you : ) I am a new reader and analogies are immensely helpful to me at this point in my learning.

Kathy D Hughes

Alex Wall said...

You are VERY welcome, Kathy!

You are on the way to an immense adventure.

Trust the Spark inside you, always. If you do this, your mind can transcend the darkness of the world, even spacetime itself; even while you are still on this earth.

Perhaps It urged you to leave this comment... :-D

Love and Light!
