Saturday, February 16, 2008

Living Lucid


I want to say that NORMALLY I would call the garbled and distorted images and feelings of most dreams to be misinterpretations of the mind. But I have been developing a method that is crystal clear; where I am fully in control of a certain aspect of my mind, and am beginning to unlock a direct pathway of communication with the Adjuster. But there are certain laws and rules in this realm of thought (like in any other), and they must be followed in order to achieve this kind of success.

If you are a skeptic, but just can’t help yourself from reading this, please just look at it as fiction. I will not address naysayers and negative comments in this particular instance. So it might not be worth your while. But THAT is up to you.

There have been many non-UB sources that describe lucid dreaming and its benefits. But there has never been--to my knowledge--someone who understands about the TA's influence in dreams and has as greater understanding of the UB than I do, who publicly has begun to explore this realm. Please let me know if I'm wrong and provide a link or reference so that we may all learn from that other person too. But, if not, please stay tuned to what I'm about to describe.


I want to tell you about the recent success I’ve had in training myself to lucid dream and about the key I’ve found to occasional unfettered communication with the Thought Adjuster.

A couple of months ago I had my fourth lucid dream. And what an adventure!

The whole dream leading up to the point where I became lucid was powerfully realistic, full of color and sound... I simply did not, in any way, shape, or form, realize that I was dreaming though, until the lucidity kicked in.

I often have apocalyptic dreams and this was to be no exception. However this was much stronger than most…


We often talk about “time” on UB forums, and the physics and psychological aspects of the 4th dimension. Please understand how dilated this becomes in the dream realms. The entire experience I’m about to relate happened in a 90 minutes time span.


As I look back upon the experience, I remember hanging out in the parking lot of the Maine Mall. This is a small mall by most of your standards and sits in the industrial center of South Portland, Maine.

It seemed to me at the time that this dream was connected to many other adventures I’d had in non-lucid, futuristic, and prophetic dreaming. There have been dreams about watching starships and other “alien” sky events, wars, dimensional shifts, strange creatures, battles, and great earth changes, and other strange and wonderful phenomena.

Always, I am the leader of some group of people in these kinds of dreams. It is the ultimate test of Ego; sometimes it is a large group, sometimes a small group. Often times there are many other people in the dream who I don’t know in the real world but have become very good friends with in these dream realms.

Urantians might be tempted to think that I think I am a member of the Reserve Corps or something. But I don't think so. But even I keep an open mind on this subject.

I’m standing around, after having a dinner with some friends, outside a restaurant in this mall parking lot. I am facing north, nearly all of them are facing south. I suddenly realize that great pillars of dark grey clouds are on the distant horizon, are rising, and I turn my head from left to right. I tell them to turn around… and look...

We all gasp in wonder... Almost immediately we all recognize these clouds are nuclear explosions. This would be an unlikely fate for our world but its images are left over from growing up in the 1980's. There is that classic almost movie-moment when we all turn back and look each other in the eyes.

I tell them to follow me. We all run to our cars and head out North up the highway towards Yarmouth, where my childhood house is. Strangely, there are few cars on the road, and we pass them without any problems.

As we all screech into the driveway of the Yarmouth property, we pour into the house - maybe 6 cars worth of people in all. We run upstairs and all pace back and forth, wondering what to do, in classic style, under a bright yellow candescent bulb, like they had in the 1970's.

People are screaming and crying. There are about an equal number of men and women. Someone brings a bunch of guns inside. We all grab one. Mine has no bullets(?). Doesn’t seem to matter.

There is a child with us. He keeps saying that we don’t have to fight. He says that what is happening is meant to happen. No one listens.

I cannot describe how anxious, yet alive I feel. Through the windows I see a bunch of large machines landing off in the distance, not like planes but like large craft of some sort. I TRULY believed that this was REAL, and still have no idea that it was a dream at this point. Everything was even clearer than in real life. There was a crescendo-feeling like all things were about to occur simeltaneously...

Colors were vibrant and penetrative. People’s faces were clear and expressive. I can still feel what each person was feeling: Fear, excitement, desperate emotion… It was WONDERFUL! I had never felt so alive and in tune!

Two other men, and I, drew up a plan that I still remember now. We would try to make our way up to the highest ground in town (a hill that doesn’t actually exist in Yarmouth).

In the west the last rays of the sun gently touch the clouds that linger there like ghosts waiting to wake up. They were orange and there were little bits of warm light left over from the day reaching our eyes… and our minds expanded. It was like we were saying goodbye to the day, and to the whole world; like we were trying to keep that sun from sinking… and just couldn't. Then it was all gone, the day had set.

Now it still feels like some kind of energy was bristling about on the tree-tops. In my memory all the stars are moving in the sky. Huge deep sounds are rippling through the ground. We all grab the supplies we will need, for a long journey and head out the front door.

As we start up the hill the sky becomes red again. We scramble up and slip on the wet leaves of the incline, falling back and grasping each other, each of us reaches back for people who are losing their footing, while holding on to the trees in front of us.

I am the first to reach the crest of the hill. On the horizon blinding, yellow-white blotches fill my eyes. And I distinctly remember turning around and saying, “Do you think the sun is rising in three different places at once?” The guy behind me said something about more nukes...

Everyone knows, somehow, that he is right. We all continue up to the top of the hill. At the top is a small stone temple. And... as we walk upon the path toward that temple, I suddenly begin to feel the lucidity kicking in, like a drug…


I look down at the ground and remember the instructions from experienced lucid dreamers I that I had read about, to look down at my feet. So I did... My black shoes come into view and I suddenly realized that I was just asleep and that this was just a dream.

At this point I had to be exceedingly careful not to wake up after this after having this shocking realization.

This is a skill that is not that easy to engage with but gets easier with practice. I got those "shivers" up and down my spine that told me I had been here before… Then... I am suddenly able to take full control of the dream…. And all the sound is muted for a moment.

The fear of not knowing about outcomes evaporates like a fog in the sun. I realize that the Adjuster is what is prompting me - but not forcing me - to come into partnership with it, even if it is just for a moment.

It is presenting this elaborate scenario to make a point. I struggled to find a balance between waking up and continuing the intense drama of this dream. For amoment I really see what the Adjuster is seeing.

Then I find myself standing on the summit of this hill with a couple dozen people around me. REAL, like I am fully awake! But, I also discover that it is ALL just me, my mind, shaking hands with the Adjuster. I had been given the torch of leadership - leadership over MYSELF.

The child who urged us not to fight earlier slowly walked up in front of me. His eyes were burning now, blue-white, like a white-hot mid-day sun in an azure sky.

He says, “Now, what is our goal?”

I knelt down in front of him and the wind was whipping his hair in every direction. I held him, my hands grasping each shoulder. [I can still remember this scene as plain as any waking memory.]

I said, “to stop the fighting” and he smiled at me. He smiled at me!!

Next. I turn and gently wave my hands from left to right. All who are standing there, slowly morph into a white marble room, or great hall, of some large mansion filled with stained glass and ancient furniture. We all become active in some new future part of the plot again. Everyone walks off in different directions--as if they know what to do.

I turn and walk down a great marble hall, lined with enormous columns. Then I reach a room with humble couches and large windows, I decide to check my powers of lucidity. Something I had always wanted to try.

I decide to change the color of the furniture from red to green. This works perfectly. Then I decide that I’m going to make the walls disappear so that the furniture is sitting in the forest grounds and garden that surrounds the mansion. And eventually it happens!

However, this takes quite a bit of effort--much more than it did to change the color of the furniture, but finally the walls shrink to about a yard high, the ceiling vanishes, the windows disappear, and the entire room is in the middle of the forest.

Golden morning light shifts down through the trees and mist. A million birds are singing. It is truly beyond beautiful! I come to the realization that when I’m lucid it is NO LONGER A DREAM.

The realm that I slowly turn around and gaze at, is an arc (like an electric arc) running between my mind and the mind of the Adjuster. I cannot express how warm my body felt… like it was immersed in an endorphin bath. I really knew that THAT was where we go when we die… That is to say, INWARD. The Light is an INSIDE Light.

I realized that the first physical law of the morontia world must be pliability.

The sun is still the sun, but more importantly it becomes a symbol, as does its light. In the real world we see a star of hydrogen fusing into, helium and other elements, but that is NOT the sun!

The sun is what the individual and God have made TOGETHER. For me and my Adjuster it is the physical representative of the power and light of God. The more I advance in perceiving reality, the less star-like the sun becomes, and the more God-like.

In this lucid state I begin to perceive that outer space--which looks so dark to us--is actually blindingly brilliant and shining. Space itself outshines the stars. We are, even right this second, floating not in a vacuum of inky blackness but is a blinding sea of Light. The stars are just shadows in this Light.

And I recognize that everything is simply aspects of this Light, I realize that the primitive mind is creating those shadows (interruptions in the vibrations of ultimacy) - and what we perceive as “colors” and “objects”. These shadows are simply ways that a mind like ours can down-step the unspeakable luminosity of Spirit Reality.

Standing there in the bright morning of my lucid world, I see that this experience is why the child suggested a new direction. The CHILD is the Thought Adjuster. And I feel a kind of love for him like an admiring servant feels for his master. What is weak and childlike is the MOST power that there is!

He had patiently waited for me to learn how to break through to him. It is ok to create whatever I want now.

But it is also hard to maintain the control that I have, while accepting the beauty of what I’m creating. David Bush was right when he said, that focusing too hard on the profundity of the aspects of that realm, muddies the experience. Constantly I’m finding that my sleeping self wants to awaken and tell the world of the magnificence of what I’m achieving... It is simply beyond my power to believe! Yet so real.

The biggest problem is the constant realization of how strange and novel what I’ve been doing is to me.

I know that no one will believe how much power I had at that moment. And, in a way, it is true. The power that I obtained is only within myself. But the thought keeps occurring to me: Turn the inside out! …Turn the inside out! …Turn the inside out!

Then I see a wall left standing behind me. It is completely made of mirror. I realize how strange it may be to see myself…

Still I walk toward it…

As I reach the edge of the mirror, I move into view. Looking at myself, while awake, in a dream! Now, bear in mind that I am fully aware of the fact that this is a “dream”. I’m hesitant to move into this view for what I might actually see…

Then I see myself - as I am.

I am first a small naked female, who morphs into a tall naked male, who then morphs into a fully clothed “me”, yet, still different somehow. More real! I creep closer and look intensely into my own eyes, but something is so strange about them…

My irises are fleshy pink! Like an albino’s; I realize that I’m seeing THE INSIDE of my irises.

In other words I’m seeing my image, through the inside of my eyes, even though I‘m on the outside of the mirror… and I turn away, unable to comprehend the paradox that I am actually observing.

It is simply too much…. I start walking back through the marble halls and columns and realize that I have to wake up somehow. I cannot tell whether I’m awake and walking or in a dream and walking… I keep thinking that I must have woken up by now, because it seems so intensely real.

When I finally awake, I realize that I couldn’t have told the difference either way.

And I fully realize that THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.


On this side of the mind (being OUR world) we share the physical perceptions of all other minds the varying degrees; according to each of our individual, no, all of our combined perceptions. This would include all the higher mind influences, from the Infinite Spirit (the God of Mind), all the way down to the Midwayers who might have occasion to be nearby. ALL determine what we see. Only mind can "see"...

In other words everything that we see, touch, make scientific theories about, test, probe, believe in… is a world presented to us by all the minds in our arena of experience, in proportional amounts.

Physical laws describe very keenly theories of “everything.” But they’re not even close! It is all just down-stepped symbol; pure, divine intention. Divine Language.

I used to think it was a wave that is collapsed by our observing it. But now I realize how backwards that is. The wave DOES want to collapse! Instead, the more we focus (the more we observe) the LESS stable that collapse becomes, causing a generalized state that literally blurs reality.

The world has shape and color, sound and smell, taste and touch, because we are accepting it that way. Not because it IS that way.

Or, better to say, it IS that way to some crude extent, but it is also nearly infinitely more.

What we see and live in is the outer, darkened, edge of a much more beautiful reality. We are outside-in! We must turn inside-out...

The mind is the only actor upon ALL stages.

Anything you see or perceive is just a minor manifestation of what all mind is presenting. How could it not be this way?

When I’m in a lucid experience, the floor is dirty and a little colder than the ceiling; the bark on tree has fine detail in it, the countertop is hard; sand is course; pine forests smell like pine and the fresh outdoors is open and spacious.

Water is wet, fog is cool, snow is icy cold. Who is to say that these things are not real?

With each experience I’ve had I am able to lengthen my time in the lucid realm. But every time I wake up into the so called REAL WORLD, and only 90 minutes has ever gone by... How can this be?

The answer is: Time HAS to be a state of mind ONLY. PERIOD. It is NOT a physical dimension.


I feel that I’m right about this. I’ve been gathering UB quotes to back up these assertions, but am not yet ready to integrate them into what I have posted above. No one will ever again be able to make me question whether more ingenious techniques of mind are behind both our scientific and spiritual future discoveries. I've seen them. They are real to me.

The Ultimaton - and its varying manifestations - is a mind particle. That doesn’t mean it’s not a REAL point like, sphere-like, or wave-like thing too. But, its primary purpose is to make what is inside of the mind, a manifestly "outside world event”. So, if there is no mind--there is no-thing...

Anything, even that loneliest Ultimaton in deepest reaches of the fourth outer space level is there for a REASON. I am positive of this now. There is no-thing that some mind doesn’t already know about, let alone, didn’t intend to be there.

All so-called “matter” is nothing more than a series of consciousnesses, allowing the passage to our kind of lesser mind to grasp outwardly, for solidity.

We material, animal-evolved, walking, saltwater bags are debating about General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, uncertainty principles, DNA, gravity, light, time, electromagnetic, weak, strong forces and all the components of these things as they are separate and unified with each other.

But Reality is nothing like any of that.

Those are pigeon holes filled with very well-conceived concepts. They are things that have been focused upon to the extreme. And because of all that focusing, no ONE can EVER represent all things. But there can be beings that represent ALL beings!

Ultra focus destroys reality. Hyper-scrutiny distorts concepts.

If you want to see more of the whole, just accept more of the parts; and then even the parts themselves will become better defined than they ever were before.

None of you have even an inkling about how contrary to my thought process all of these things I’ve been saying are.

I’m sincerely disappointed that it can’t be more tidy--more objective. Even as I write this I despair that I am nearly sure that you won’t believe me. I cannot believe it myself--But it IS true.

The Morontia realms are MIND-BASED, and have nothing at all to do with material concerns, as far as their purposes, their values, should be regarded. They do INCLUDE matter, but are meant to lead away from it.

This does not mean that morontia is fictional. On the contrary the morontia realm is much more real, and nearly boundless.

The only thing that surpasses the morontia levels is the reality of Spirit, itself. It IS boundless. Spirit is FAR beyond what I could ever represent, experience or touch, atleast in this lifetime. And it is utterly beyond the most fantastic of all human imagination. But still I can infer its presence by the direction that the morontia world leads me in whenever I'm able to "see" it.

In my mind (not my “head”) I’m able to have ANY experience and much more varied and intriguing experiences, than I am able to have chained to this so-called “waking” state. And they ARE just as REAL. They have been participated in, if not conducted by, the Thought Adjuster - a spark of the First Source and Center. Anything I want and this spark agrees to, IS.

There can be a lot of skepticism about these kinds of ideas. But our goal is to reach Light and Life by sharing the dream. We can explore the clearer, and inner, personal realms, so that we may then find the secret for turning this inner world into an outward one. And then we may begin to share the morontia realms with those who have attained the more easily, even visually in our “real“ world.

And we need to understand what the morontia realms are made of before we ever presume to enter upon the spirit realms. These answers can be found within the mind. They cannot be found outside of the mind. If we’re looking for the realms of the next world (or the parallel world) we must accept that they are WITHIN us first. Then, we can loose them out upon the material world.

Look within. The secret will be revealed within. Train yourself and you will see within. I know where of I‘ve been. I have seen it. The mind is the key to an infinite amount of experiences. These are things that you can begin to find while still in the flesh. These are realms that are fully available to every human being. It is a matter of self-control.

If you fight against this philosophy (which is not MY philosophy--just THE philosophy), you will never find it! If your mind is open and your heart is pure (of intention) you will DEFINITELY find it. I have… You can wait until death FORCES you to find it. Or you can begin to find it now.

I may be many things. But I am not a liar. Trust that I’ve been to the same place that you yourself can find, tonight, tomorrow night, and every night. Learn the way. And most of you will achieve much greater things than I have. The future is upon us…

Thank you for reading all this stuff. Ask me if you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.


Some of us, Carl Marsden comes to mind, seem to have these lucid moments without sleep. I believe that now. As ridiculous as what I’ve said above, and we may think of each other’s para-natural strangeness, truth is shining out from all of it. The important trick is to remember to adjust the description of your lucid wanderings to the person or people you are talking to, or you will look like a freak.

We are stuck on the small facts of matter, when we miss the gobs and gobs of bursting truth that fills every space in between the electron shells of atoms and their nuclei.

We study the small, focused facts of stars and galaxies, with a meter that is arbitrary--to say the least--while their motions, we describe with calculus and analytic geometry. Instead it is the space between these objects that is MOST interesting… -1^0.5 or i

It is the curve, not the motion described by the curve that is important, while it is similarly the derivative, not the function within which it exists, that contains the truth… and the answers. The smallest aspect, but not infinitely small… And not the limits but the reason why those limits are never reached…

For people who have not yet gotten a grasp of calculus, do this thought experiment…Measure out ten feet from a wall. Face the wall and walk half the distance to it. Then pretend that as you walked you steadily shrink to half the size you were before you started walking, by the time you reach the 5 foot mark. Then walk halfway to the wall again and shrink yourself as you go, again. From the outside, the distance you covered the first time was 5 feet. The distance you covered the second time is 2.5 feet.

Yet, in relative terms (since you are proportionally smaller), you never really covered any distance at all.

From the inside, TO YOU, you are just as far from the wall as you were when you began.

From the outside, TO US, you went from 6 feet tall to three feet tall, to 1.5 feet tall, and covered a distance of 7.5 feet as you moved inward to the wall.

This is a rough and problematic description of my point (which was meant to be metaphysical, rather than physical). But it gives some idea about what it’s like to move and yet not cover any distance.

Perspective widens between the observer and the observed, but both parties still get to be themselves, with no loss of identity. And both parties get the same richness of experience. With this difference: The outside observer gets to see you shrink out of sight before you ever reach the wall. And you get to walk with out ever having to worry about running into a wall.

I want people to fully understand some things about what I’ve written above…

  • I am not trying to convince you of anything. But I am trying to tell you what I am convinced about.

  • I don’t believe that people should stop trying to find physical theories for why things happen. I fully intend to go right on discussing physical theories with you all, just as I always have.

  • I am not trying to make some kind of religious proclamation. The experiences I have had were not prophetic or revelatory. They were the conscious and slowly-nurtured, steady accumulation of a couple years worth of hard work and consistent practice.

  • I just want to see you expand your experience.

  • Meditate. Study the proper use of some sort of psychedelic drug (if your are over 18) for a long time before trying it, and then try it. Take a vision quest or time in the wilderness. Explore your “stillness time”. Learn self hypnosis. Get hypnotized. Learn how to achieve WILD’s (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams--which I hope to achieve someday). Fast every now and then. Dance until you reach some kind of ecstasy. Lie in an isolation tank. Practice controlled hyperventilation. Exercise or swim into your second wind. Or…just try to lucid dream.

    The point is, as long as you are safe, why not try to find ways to enter your mind that release you from the normal obligations of wakeful consciousness.

    We spent 1/3 of our lives asleep. There are about 4 REM periods in our sleep ranging from 45 minutes at the beginning of sleep to around 90 minutes as morning arrives. If we can harness one the last of these REM periods we could add about an hour to each day's experience, while being in a realm where time can seem extended. We have to dream in order to live. I live to dream, and when we are able to pull the dream inside out, we will Wake to Dream.

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