Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spheres, Fours, Spacey Times and Values


Spheres, Fours, Spacey Times and Values
A Study by Alex Wall,

The study of sphere geometry is a great way to see some of the mysteries of math in motion.

Even spherical surface area is still cubic of course in representation, though the formula to find it uses a square. Spheres (and spheroids) are so cool like that because they can have surface areas that cover their whole form, yet the 2D surface, covering a 3D object, only has one side.

You know I've always found the relationships of the various ways a sphere can be measured as compared to spheres of other sizes to be fascinating. Partially, this is because I have no life. :roll: But whenever you are using incremental units to increase the size of the radius or diameter, the surface area and volume increase exponentially. So when you start off thinking about comparative "sizes" as volume, you have to design them graphically by logorithmic reductions as far as diameters and radii are concerned.

I started with Jerusem having arbitrary units of v = 4188.8 with r = 10 [of course r = (v3/4pi)^0.333]. So, the Culture Spheres each had v = 4188/10 = 418.8 but naturally, r = was not 1 (which would be 10 times smaller in radial "size") but, much larger = 4.64. And a mansion world with v = 41.8 has r = 2.15. So, each sphere's r is more like 46% of the sphere that is 10 times "larger" than it. Why is "4" in the equation above?

[A comparison of the three sphere sizes mentioned are shown in the diagram below.]

A Jerusem with r = 10 has an a = 1257, Culture sphere with a = 270.55 has an r = 4.64, and a Mansion World with a = 58.09 has an r = 2.15. So, r = (a/pi/4)^0.5. So, each sphere's a is more like 21.5% of the sphere that is 10 times "larger" than it. Again, there's that "4"... Why?

Then the ratio of a differences to the ratio of r differences (when sphere volumes are being reduced by tens) is 21.5/46 or ALSO = ~ 46%. I think that is fascinating.

So, why is the radius related to a sphere by using 4, whether calculating v = "4"/3(pi)r^3 or a = "4"(pi)r^2? "4" seems to do the work of "completing" pi (which isn't a ratio) and allowing linear measurements to curve in a circumference, sphere, or area of a sphere. Why is this? Why is 4 so important? :?:

I don't know. But, as I theorized with my little UB numerolgy essay at UBRON a couple months - based on the Havona "Primary Digits" (1,2,3,4,and 7) - 4 DOES seem to have significance in creation. The biggest clues are the Paradise system: (a) Paradise and three circuits - being four levels to the innermost regions of the MU and (b) the four Outer Space levels - being four levels to the outermost regions of the MU. Incidently there are also four concentric, habitable, larger space levels to the MU: (1) the Paradise System (2) Havona (3) the SU's and (4) the Outer Space

It is partially for this reason that I use pi in the equations for *4D* spacetime. Pi is 3.1415... so if you *force* a ratio upon it you get L = 1, H = 1, D = 1, T = 0.1415... Thus, 4 dimensions, but certainly not equal ones, are enough in this way to complete the make up of spacetime, for material mind to be able to function adequately. Time is just the right size to be the key to animating the three space dimensions, by material beings.

Could be that superspace (morontia realms) still has space dimensions equal to 3 (I speculate that even "quiescent", "pervaded" and "non-pervaded" space still has L, H, and D), but needs that fourth quality (time-like process) to make superspace useful.

In superspace, that 4th D would be "supertime". And for argument sake lets call that ST = 0.8584... (being what is left over from 1 when time {T = 0.1415...} is subtracted). Put time and supertime together and you get a unique 7th D that I believe is what allows "Reflectivity" (I signify with capital "lambda").

So, "4" Material Dimensions (with values: L = 1, H = 1, D = 1, and T = 0.1415...) plus "4" Morontial Dimensions (with values: SL = 1, SH = 1, SD = 1, and ST = 0.8584...) have a total VALUE of 7. So the Spirit Dimensions are a simple combination of L, H, D, Reflectivity, SL, SH, SD.

In Havona Reflectivity functions as time would outside of Havona. BUT, when Refelctivity has a value of one it takes on the qualities of Eternity. Standing between T and ST is Reflective, but Reflectivity points, are simply pieces of the "data set" that is Eternity.

It is not my intention to make spaghetti out of nice neat dough. :) I just feel that there is something to these numbers that make up Paradise, Havona and the whole Master Universe. I tend to be one who not only beleives that what is decided below is recognized about, but that what constitues the smallest aspects of reality, can be recognized by studying the largest.

I think you will no-doubt be skeptical of what I'm speaking about above. At least I am relating these wacko theories THROUGH math - the only universal language we know how to speak at this point.

And I know it is only marginally related to spheres, it is definitely about circles... Pi makes a circle. But unlike pi, circles are COMPLETE (endless lines). That is why time is like pi (an incomplete expression), but Eternity is pi
expressed completely, as a circle.

Well, now that I've talked your eyes out! I also invite folks to check out the GALLERY for more pictures of Jerusem.

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